Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1136 Paradise in the Cave

The sight penetrated the darkness, and the situation deep in the cave immediately appeared in Ye Tian's eyes, very clear!

Just like the situation near the entrance of the cave, the depths of the cave shrouded in darkness are equally rugged, full of rocks and stalagmites of various sizes and shapes, and the inner area is larger and there are more stalagmites!

In addition, there is more groundwater seeping from the top and sides of the cave, ticking the ground, playing a moving piece of music together!

The creek originating from the entrance of the cave, the more it flows in, the more water it gathers, it flows to the end of the cave more than 50 meters away, and finally flows into a gap between the rocks, disappearing in Ye Tian's eyes. out of sight!

This cave is about 50 to 60 meters deep and has a huge area. There is only an entrance hidden behind the waterfall, and there are no passages to enter and exit in other places.

There were only some liverworts in the cave, and no animals were seen.

The almost never-ending waterfall outside perfectly isolated this place. Under the impact of the powerful waterfall, no animals could rush into this cave!

There are no animals here, which means it is very safe and will not pose a threat to the safety of members of the joint exploration team. You can enter with confidence!

But this is not what Ye Tian cares about, even if some kind of deadly creature is hidden here, so what?

No matter what kind of creature it is, don't try to stop your buddies from getting Lima's treasure in their pockets, even the king of heaven and me!

What Ye Tian really cares about is a large pile of wooden crates located more than 20 meters ahead, shrouded in darkness. That is the main purpose of his venturing into this cave!

The pile of wooden crates looked very old, stacked on top of each other, there were hundreds or thousands of them, and the crates were covered with moss, very damp!

Some of the ordinary wooden boards of the boxes had rotted and even fell apart, and the things contained in the boxes fell out and scattered on the ground!

Although there was darkness ahead, Ye Tian could clearly see that the things on the ground were either gold bars, silver ingots, gemstones of various colors, or some gold products!

It's a pity that there is no sunlight or lights here, but if you give a little light, those things will emit bright and dazzling light, and people will be fascinated by it!

Under the perspective, the situation in some wooden crates outside is also clearly presented, which Ye Tian saw clearly!

In addition to the babies I saw before,

Ye Tian also saw a lot of swords inlaid with gemstones of various colors, golden statues of different sizes, various gold products, several golden crowns, rare and expensive wine glasses and so on.

Some of these gold products have obvious Indian culture, engraved with hieroglyphs, or engraved with various animals, birds, and patterns of hunting, sacrifice, and even war!

In Ye Tian's eyes, these gold objects radiate orange, yellow, or even green light, revealing the era they came from with great accuracy!

In addition, these gold products basically have a charming halo, some have more than ten layers, and some have five or six layers, showing their respective artistic value and collection value! ..

There are many valuable antique works of art among them! Rare find on the antique market!

Obviously, these are the gold and silver treasures plundered by the Spanish colonists, and the targets of their looting and looting are naturally those poor Native Americans and Indians!

This is the real treasure of Lima, no doubt about it!

The treasures hidden in this cave basically match the number recorded in relevant historical documents. There are 113 golden statues, a life-size golden statue of the Virgin Mary, 200 boxes of jewelry and so on.

Looking at these dazzling gold and silver treasures that are enough to make people crazy, even the well-informed Ye Tian couldn't help feeling a little lost, and almost cheered with excitement!

Fortunately, his control ability is not bad, he quickly stabilized his mind, and did not show any abnormalities.

After basically figuring out the situation in the cave, he withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective!

Immediately afterwards, he reached out and took out a few lighting sticks, folded his hands one by one, lit them all up, and then raised his hand and threw them into the depths of the cave!

Following his series of actions, the depths of the cave, which had been shrouded in darkness for a long time, were immediately illuminated by the lights of fluorescent sticks, ushering in a rare light!

The moment the lights came on, it immediately became a paradise!

Under the illumination of the light, the gold, silver, and gemstones of various colors scattered on the ground immediately reflected dazzling and colorful lights! Decorate this cave beautifully and incomparably moving!

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

Ye Tian couldn't help admiring, eyes full of fascination.

After admiring the beautiful scenery in front of him for a while, Ye Tian collected his emotions and started the next move.

"Pike, come swing into the cave, and I will respond inside. The cave is very safe and there is no threat. Be careful when you come in. The entrance of the cave is relatively narrow, so don't bump into it."

Ye Tian spoke through the invisible headset and gave instructions.

"Okay, Steven, I'll come right in!"

Peake's voice came from the earphones, and he was quite excited to hear it.

At the same time as he heard this, Ye Tian had already retreated a meter or two to the right, ready to respond.

Immediately afterwards, a shadow quickly rushed from the cliff, heading straight for the cave entrance.

In the next moment, Pique swung into the cave briskly, and landed on Ye Tian's previous foothold.


Ye Tian took a quick step forward, accurately grasped the rappelling safety belt on Pique's body, and pulled the guy back.

As soon as he gained a firm foothold, Pique was completely shocked by the scene in the cave. He froze in place stunned, staring at everything in front of him, and even lost the ability to speak!

For his reaction, Ye Tian had expected it a long time ago, and he didn't feel surprised at all. He just stood and watched with a smile on his face, and didn't make a sound to remind him!

Not only Pique, but anyone else who sees everything in front of them will also behave like this, even more exaggerated!

Facing such a beautiful and heavenly scene, and facing so many dazzling gold and silver treasures, no one can keep calm and not be dazzled by it!

It wasn't until a minute or two later that Pique woke up!

Immediately afterwards, the guy exclaimed crazily.

"My God! This place is simply too beautiful, even if it is heaven, it's nothing more than that! This golden statue of the Virgin Mary is so shocking, it makes people have the urge to worship!

There should be thousands of wooden crates over there, look at the scattered gold and silver, and jewel diamonds! The light they emit is so dazzling that it can blind people's eyes!

It is indeed the Treasure of Lima, one of the most famous pirate treasures in the world, and it really deserves its reputation. Today is an eye-opener. What a huge fortune this is, it can definitely make people crazy! "

"That's right! This is the famous Lima treasure in the history of piracy. It's true! According to my estimation, the value of these gold and silver treasures in the cave is at least no less than 1.5 billion U.S. dollars!

The various valuations that have been circulated in history are not very accurate. Most of the valuation guys are hearsay. In fact, they don't know the real situation of Lima's treasure, and they just make valuations based on imagination!

There are also some guys who don't consider the artistic value and collection value of these treasures at all, but start from the basic value of gold and silver to value this treasure, which can be described as a thousand miles away!

As far as this golden statue of the Virgin Mary is concerned, its artistic value and collection value are extraordinary. This is definitely a national treasure-level antique artwork, and its value is immeasurable! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his tone was extremely confident, with a bright smile on his face.

"Wow! It's worth at least 1.5 billion U.S. dollars. Doesn't that mean that our company can earn at least 750 million U.S. dollars in this exploration operation, which is too exaggerated!"

"That's right! We can earn 750 million U.S. dollars at least. This figure is not high. There is no doubt that this is an extremely perfect treasure hunt!"

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and gave an affirmative answer!

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