Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1146 The Opening of the Drama

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian disappeared from the cliff at Discovery Point, and merged into the lush and vibrant tropical rainforest behind him! Like a drop of water melting into the sea, it disappears without a trace!

Compared with when the previous joint exploration team just arrived here, the atmosphere in the depths of the rain forest at this time has suddenly become tense, and the air seems to be filled with a choking smell of gunpowder!

Maybe it's because of the huge whistling sound of the police helicopter above the cliff, or maybe it's because of the feeling that an extremely tragic fight is about to break out here.

The birds and other animals living in this rainforest disappeared at this time, completely disappeared, and I don't know where they fled to!

Animals are the most sensitive and know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. This is true!

Without the moving songs of birds and various small animals that appear in front of you from time to time, it seems much deserted here!

What echoed in Ye Tian's ears was the whistling of helicopters from the sky, and the rustling of his combat boots stepping on fallen leaves as he walked quickly through the rainforest, very slight!

Not far into the rainforest, Kenny's excited voice came from the earphones!

"Steven, in ten minutes at most, those idiots behind will rush out of the Manhunt Rainforest, and then they will face you head-on and have a decisive battle in the jungle.

The number of those idiots has decreased again, and some of them saw that they could not do anything, and they came to their senses in time, and they have already retreated along the original road, it should be said that they fled in a hurry!

There are also some guys who have a more tragic fate. For the impossible dream of getting rich, they are reduced to the fertilizer that nourishes those catching vines, and the dead can't die anymore!

There are thirty-two idiots left, the Peruvians and Cook's idiots are the most numerous, in addition to several pirates, Mexicans, Colombians and so on.

Once these idiots rush out of the trapper vine rainforest, they will definitely rush along the ridge to the Discovery Point cliff. If you plan to touch them, you'd better not take the ridge! "

"Understood, Kenny, I know I should take that route, I will never be discovered by those idiots, and it won't be long before I will appear behind those idiots.

You continue to monitor those idiots, don't let go of every move, if you find anything unusual, remember to notify me immediately, and also notify Mattis and the others! "

Ye Tian sneered and said in a low voice, with a murderous look in his words.


Steven, we must keep an eye on those idiots, they will never escape our eyes! "

Kenny's voice came again, sounding confident.

Then he reported some other situations before ending the call.

During this period, Ye Tian has quietly changed his route, descending from the ridge to the mountainside, like a phantom, quickly passed through the depths of the rain forest, and went straight to the edge of the distribution range of the trapping vines!

With the help of the special jungle camouflage uniform he wears, he has completely integrated with this tropical rainforest, and has become a member of the rainforest, regardless of each other!

Coupled with his very agile movements and the assistance of his perspective ability, at this time, he was almost calm between ups and downs, without leaving any traces!

During the next dash, he didn't encounter any obstacles, and he reached the edge of the trapping vine rainforest very smoothly! It only takes about five minutes!

Immediately afterwards, he advanced about ten meters toward the ridge along the edge of the trapping vine rainforest, and then chose a very hidden position between two tall palm trees to lurk.

From his position, he can not only see the situation on the edge of the trapping vine rainforest through perspective, grasp the movements of those idiots, but also use the tall and thick trunks of palm trees to ensure his own safety!

After hiding his figure, he immediately turned on the perspective, looked at the man-hunting vine rainforest on the ridge, and explored the situation there, and by the way, added some trouble to those idiots!

As far as the line of sight is concerned, the situation in the rainforest ahead can be seen at a glance, and it is all presented in Ye Tian's eyes, very clearly!

Ye Tian could clearly see the idiots who were slashing at the edge of the trapping vine rainforest, and were about to kill them out of the terrifying rainforest.

Those idiots at this time were all in a terrible state of distress, all of them were dressed in rags, with fear on their faces, fierce and desperate eyes flashing in their eyes, and they had already fallen into madness!

Of course, there is greed in their eyes that cannot be concealed! It is precisely because of greed that these idiots have persisted here, otherwise they would have scattered like birds and beasts!

When they got here, there were not many arresting vines in front of them!

As the number of people-catching vine attacks continued to decrease, these idiots were not as nervous as before, and somewhat relaxed!

Walking in front of the line, wielding jungle machetes, fighting man-hunting vines and clearing the way for the rest, are some guys from Peru!

It can be seen from their strong and powerful body, the movement of swinging knives and slashing, the positions of covering each other, and the relatively skilled cooperation between them!

These guys are all well-trained, either from the army or the police! Not a mob!

Immediately behind them were still a few Peruvians, about seven or eight, who should be in the same group as the Peruvians in front. Everyone was carrying a sharp jungle machete and was on high alert!

Two or three meters away, there is a group of real mobs.

Among these guys are young people in their twenties, as well as guys in their fifties and sixties. They are tall, short, fat and thin, and have different skin colors. There are black buddies, whites and Hispanics!

The weapons and equipment they wear and carry are also varied and unique, and there is no uniform system at all!

The movements between the marches are also loose and exaggerated, there is no coordination and cooperation at all, and there is a smell of mobs all over the body! Vulnerable!

It can be seen that they are the most embarrassing group of people in this temporary team and have suffered the most!

Not to mention the ragged clothes and fearful faces, there were two idiots who were even empty-handed. Not only did they lose their hiking bags, but they also lost the weapons they used to survive and defend themselves in the rainforest!

Even such two idiots have survived to this day, it has to be said that it is a miracle!

At the end of the line, it was Cook and his idiots!

Compared with the Peruvians who swung their knives to open the way, and the mob in front of them, Cook and his idiots are obviously in a much better situation!

During the march, their team remained fairly organized. The few people on the periphery were holding jungle machetes in their hands, ready to slash and slash at any time, and start fighting with the sudden appearance of the trapping vine!

Cook and several other men in the middle of the team were holding assault rifles or shotguns, watching the situation ahead and on both sides vigilantly, ready to respond at any time!

Judging from the direction of their vigilance, these guys are not only guarding against the arresting vines who suddenly launch a sneak attack, but also guarding against the temporary allies who are walking ahead, guarding against these temporary allies suddenly turning their faces!

Of course, the main targets of defense are myself and Mathis!

Regarding this point, Ye Tian knew very well!

Compared to when they first entered this trapping vine rainforest, Cook's team has shrunk a lot, from the previous eighteen people to eleven!

In other words, Cook has already lost seven of his men in this rainforest, but he has gained nothing, not a hair, and may continue to lose men!

No one can bear such a tragic loss!

Cook has fallen into a state of near madness at this time, his eyes are red, revealing endless fear and unforgettable hatred!

The same goes for his subordinates, who have been completely swallowed by fear and despair, and there is no hope at all!

A few of them, apart from fear and despair, had contempt in their eyes. The object of contempt was none other than their idiot boss, Cook!

It is conceivable that as long as they leave Cocos Island alive, these guys will definitely stay away from Cook for the first time, and may even retaliate!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had grasped the situation on the edge of the trapping vine rainforest!

Everything is as expected, these idiots have just gone through a hellish journey, and the losses are extremely heavy, this is undoubtedly the most perfect result!

But this is only the prologue, and the more exciting drama begins!

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