Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1147 A Group of Mad Dogs

Although he grasped the situation at the edge of the trapping vine rainforest in an instant, and was very satisfied with the results obtained by those trapping vines, Ye Tian didn't take his eyes back and ended the perspective!

Such a perfect tropical rainforest top killer, of course they must be used to the extreme! Don't let this god-given opportunity go to waste!

The trapping vines that grow in this rainforest are very sensitive.

In fact, they hunt by their senses, can they not be keen? As soon as Ye Tian's perspective line of sight touched them, these people-catching vines felt the existence of spiritual power!

Immediately afterwards, they became more active, waving their canes and stretching out one by one, trying to find the source of the aura!

This is exactly the scene Ye Tian wanted to see the most, but these people-catching vines were not strong enough to swing the canes, and they couldn't find the source of spiritual energy for a while, so they were somewhat blind!

"It's okay! My buddies are very generous, I'll give you some more food and point out the direction of attack! Please enjoy a delicious human meal!"

Ye Tian sneered and said to himself, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The next moment, his perspective vision continued to move forward, directly across the panicked team, and looked at the large vines on the other side of them!

In particular, a few giant catching vines with many branches, strong and powerful, are the targets of his focus!

Deliberately, those human-catching vines quickly caught the direction of the spiritual energy, and reacted quickly, waving almost all the vines, and directly rolled towards the panic-stricken team!

Those human-hunting vines may not have any malicious intentions, and this action is not hunting. They just want to get close to the refreshing aura and enjoy it!

However, those guys who happen to be on the way they must pass, how do they know this!

Suddenly seeing a large number of arresting vines sweeping towards them quickly, those guys who were already in a mess directly bombed the camp, and they all exclaimed crazily.

"Fack! What happened? Why did these terrifying human-catching vines suddenly go crazy and attack us together? Damn it!"

"I hate these damn things! I hate that devil, Steven. I swear, I must chop up these damned vines and send that bastard Steven to hell!"

While exclaiming wildly, these guys each waved the jungle machete in their hands,

Started a crazy and bloody fight with Catcher Vine again, fighting for the chance of survival!

Now that the killing has already started, there is no need to continue to see through, lest you get burned and expose your position!

There was a sneer at the corner of Ye Tian's mouth, then he withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

The tragic battle scene in the trapping vine rainforest also disappeared from his eyes with the end of the perspective, which is somewhat regrettable!

It doesn't matter much, although he can't see the situation over there, but he can hear the general idea.

In the invisible wireless headset, Kenny quickly explained the situation over there, almost flying with excitement.

"Steven, for some reason, those idiots who walked to the edge of the trapping vine rainforest were suddenly attacked by a large number of trapping vines, and a tragic melee broke out in that rainforest!

As soon as the battle started, a Peruvian was swept away by a vine and dragged deep into the rainforest. The others didn't even have a chance to rescue them. Everyone was fighting and couldn't take care of themselves.

Those mobsters walking in the middle of the team were even more unlucky. After only one meeting, two of them were swept away by the arresting vines and disappeared into the depths of the rainforest. Obviously, there was no life left!

Cook and his idiots were not spared either. They lost another man, and now there are only ten people left. When they rush out of that hell, God knows how many people will be left! "

"Hahaha, this is really refreshing and good news. It would be best for those idiots to die in the rainforest and become the manure that nourishes the man-hunting vines. That would be the most perfect result, saving us from having to do anything!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, with a bit of complacency in his eyes!

Since you are determined to seek death, why are you being polite? This is the result of your benevolence and benevolence, enjoy it! No need to thank buddy!

The fight in the trapping vine rainforest was still going on, and Kenny kept reporting the latest situation, and his voice became more and more excited!

"Steven, from the positioning information, another unlucky guy was taken away by the vine! It's a Pirate of the Caribbean, this guy is dead!"

"These idiots still have some brains. They didn't stick to the spot, but they were fighting and charging forward. They are very close to the edge of the trapping vine rainforest!"

In the depths of the rainforest at this time, it is a scene of hell, everyone is struggling on the verge of death!

The vines of countless trapping vines were flying in the air, shuttled between the trees, or suddenly emerged from the bushes, falling leaves, and quickly rolled towards those guys who kept waving machetes!

They are like death scythes from hell, frantically harvesting life in this rainforest to obtain the nutrients needed for growth!

And those idiots who were caught off guard were slashing and slashing madly while being tired of coping, while rushing forward quickly, everyone's face was full of fear, and everyone's eyes were full of despair!

"Help me! Please, for God's sake, help me!"

Another guy was swept away by the arresting vine and dragged to the depths of the rainforest. The shrill and desperate cry for help made everyone shudder and terrified!

However, no one extended a helping hand at all, and everyone was too busy to take care of themselves, so there was no time to save others!

Dead friends don't die poor! Save your own life first!

The person who was taken away by the arresting vine was one of Cook's subordinates. They were at the end of the team and suffered the most attacks at this time!

Half a minute ago, they were still in the most advantageous position, avoided many attacks, and were able to preserve most of their strength!

But after only half a minute, things took a 180-degree turn!

Their location instantly became the most dangerous place, and they were attacked the most times!

All the trapping vines that came from the side seemed to be aimed at them, making each of them exhausted and embarrassed, and the situation became extremely critical.

At this time, Cook had already put away his assault rifle, and was holding the jungle machete tightly in his right hand, slashing wildly with the knife, wishing he could chop up all the damned vines!

Hearing his subordinates calling for help, he immediately turned his head and looked over.

But there was nothing he could do, he could only watch helplessly as the vines of his subordinates were dragged into the depths of the rainforest and turned into fertilizers that nourished the rainforest, making them worthless!

The moment the subordinate disappeared into the depths of the rainforest, Cook immediately shouted loudly

"Guys, the catcher vines here seem to have gone mad and are attacking us, we must speed up and get out of this damn hell, or we will all die here!

As long as we are fast enough, we will definitely be able to rush out of this damn hell. Let's rush up, don't stop, hope is ahead, only by rushing out can we live! "

"That's right, guys, the only way to live is to get out!"

A Peruvian in front responded loudly, the voice was extremely shrill and full of fear.

Before the words fell, everyone speeded up and began to rush forward desperately!

In the invisible wireless headset, Kenny's excited voice still kept coming, announcing the latest situation.

"Steven, another idiot has been reimbursed. He's a Colombian. There's another ghost in the rainforest. I won't come to this rainforest even if I'm killed. It's creepy to think about the death of so many people!


Those guys rushed up completely, very fast, like a group of mad dogs, they had already rushed to the edge of the trapping vine rainforest, and they were about to be out of danger soon! "

“Out of danger? Go dreaming!”

Ye Tian sneered and said to himself, his eyes were extremely cold!

After the trapping vine rainforest, there are still two army ant traps waiting for those idiots, that must be another two crazy killings!


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