Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1150 Rainforest Death

Cook led the rest of his men, and together with the rest of the idiots, trekked deep in the rainforest, pushing towards the cliff of Cape Discovery little by little!

At this time, they were all very nervous, highly concentrated, and their eyes were fixed on the rainforest in front of or on both sides of them, lest a wave of bullets suddenly fly from the depths of the rainforest and send them to hell!

It was found that the corner cliff was just one or two hundred meters away, and Lima's treasure was hidden in the cave on that cliff.

I risked my life to rush here, no matter what, I have to take a look at Lima's treasures. If I can keep those dazzling gold and silver treasures for myself, it will be perfect!

In the process of moving forward, this group of mobs composed of people from all sides are ready to fight!

Each of them is carrying a weapon in their hands, including long and short guns, with considerable firepower. The safety of these guns has been fully opened, and they can pull the trigger to fire at any time to deal with possible dangers!

It’s been a long way since we left the horrible trapping vine rainforest. During this period, everyone has never been attacked by some tropical rainforest creature again, and the journey is smooth and smooth!

Logically, the attention of this group of mobs shifted to Ye Tian and Mathis, and they were always on high alert, ready to deal with Ye Tian's sneak attack at any time!

In their view, the creatures living in this tropical rainforest are no longer a threat, and what they have to guard against now is the attack from Steven's gang of bastards!

But how could they expect that the creatures living in this rainforest are still the ones who attack first, and they are the masters here! ..

While walking, a Peruvian who was in charge of opening the way suddenly swung a knife and chopped at a dead branch half a meter away in front of him!


Without any suspense, the dead branch as thick as a thumb was cut off by the sharp jungle machete in an instant, and fell straight to the ground!

In the eyes of this Peruvian, this is a very common thing. He has cut off and cleaned up the same dead branches and leaves before, so it is not surprising at all!

But how did he know that this is a dead branch from hell that takes life and soul, which is fundamentally different from other dead branches and leaves!

On the back of this dead branch, there is a very slender silk thread hidden, which was also cut off by him, and bounced to both sides!

Before the Peruvian took back his jungle machete,

Already there was a terrified yell in his ear, from those L.A. bastards behind him, and the mob.

"Careful, there's something on it!"

Hearing these terrified shouts, the few Peruvians walking in front immediately looked up, everyone's eyes were full of fear!

At the same time, the assault rifles in their respective hands have been raised quickly, the black muzzles pointed directly above their heads, ready to deal with possible sneak attacks from above.

Their reaction was swift, but it was already too late, the god of death had tightly grasped their throats, and began to drag them to hell!

The moment they raised their heads, they immediately saw a wriggling, brown-yellow ball about one meter in diameter falling from the sky, hitting their heads like a meteor!

"Fack! What the hell is that thing? Why is it still squirming?"

"My God! That's an ant ball made up of countless army ants!"

These Peruvians all had a certain amount of experience in living in the rainforest, and in a blink of an eye, they recognized what the sphere that fell from the sky was!

As soon as the terrified cry came out, before the Peruvians scattered and fled in all directions, the terrifying brown-yellow ant ball descended on top of their heads!


Unbiased, the brown-yellow ant ball accurately hit a Peruvian in the middle of the team!

Under the strong impact, this terrifying ant ball formed by millions of marching ants connected end to end and tightly hugged, immediately collapsed like a goddess scattering flowers.

The unlucky one that was hit by the ant ball was swallowed by countless terrifying army ants in an instant, and his whole body turned brownish yellow, with almost no other colors visible!

Not only him, but also the four or five Peruvians standing next to him were not spared!

In the blink of an eye, the army ants scattered by the impact also wrapped up these unlucky guys, almost covering their whole bodies!

For the extremely fierce army ants, any creature that stands in front of them is an enemy of life and death, and it is also the food they use to wrap their stomachs!

They have only one way to deal with these creatures, and that is to kill wildly, tear up and devour everything, no matter how powerful the animal is!

These Peruvians wrapped in army ants are naturally no exception!

In the blink of an eye, their fate was already doomed, that is death, there is no other possibility! Even the presence of God will not save them from this situation!

Without the slightest hesitation, the countless army ants that landed on the Peruvians immediately waved their sharp jaws and started a crazy killing!

The mandibles of army ants contain powerful toxins, which can paralyze other creatures. If humans are bitten, they will be overwhelmed by this toxin, and the severe pain will even accompany the injured for several days

After being bitten by a large number of soldier ants, some people will develop severe allergies, even shock or organ failure. If they do not seek medical treatment in time, it may be life-threatening.

These unlucky Peruvians in front of us perfectly prove how terrible the army ants are.


An extremely shrill scream suddenly sounded, resounding through the rainforest!

Several unlucky Peruvians screamed at the same time, each voice sounded extremely painful and creepy!

While screaming loudly, these guys quickly threw away the weapons in their hands, jumped and screamed on the ground, frantically beating the army ants on their bodies, trying to kill these terrifying guys.

The other Peruvians who escaped the first wave of attacks by chance also quickly threw away their guns and jungle machetes, and rushed forward to help slap the army ants in an attempt to rescue their companions!

But the number of the army ants colony is too large, it has spread all over the bodies of those unlucky ones, and their attacks are extremely sharp, so there is no chance for them to escape!

At the same time as they rescued themselves and rescued themselves, those Peruvians who rushed to help and tried to rescue their companions were also attacked by the army ants frantically!

Some of the army ants attacking them came from the rescue target, and some were army ants scattered on the ground when the ant balls scattered before!

In just a moment, several Peruvians who rushed to rescue were also in desperate situation!

Under the attack of the army ants, they also let out a shrill scream, and were crazily afraid of hitting the army ants on their bodies, so they didn't care about going up to save others!

The Peruvian who was hit on the head by an ant ball and attacked by the most marching ants became the first to fall and the first to die!

He only let out four or five screams and slapped himself a few times before he completely lost the ability to resist, fell backwards, and hit the ground with a bang!

After falling to the ground, this guy twitched a few more times, then stopped moving, lying on the ground straight, let those army ants eat wildly, completely dead!

Looking at this guy now, his exposed face and arms were gnawed by army ants in a blink of an eye, dripping with blood, and even white bones could be seen. The condition was horrible!

His throat, arteries, and other parts of his neck were all torn apart by the army ants, and blood was gushing out, looking very scary!

In addition, the jacket, trousers, and hiking bag he was wearing were completely torn apart under the sharp jaws of the army ants, and turned into a tattered beggar's outfit!

Following the openings, many army ants got under the clothes and continued to bite the Peruvian's body frantically!

There is no doubt that within three to five minutes at most, this Peruvian will turn into a pile of bones.

This guy was the first to die, and the fate of his companions was not so good!

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