
Another Peruvian crashed to the ground, hitting the wet ground of the rainforest.

Just like his companion who died just now, this guy was bitten by those terrifying army ants beyond recognition, and his blood was constantly gushing out.


The Peruvian hissed and screamed, his voice was extremely shrill, and at the same time he kept rolling crazily on the ground, his body was twitching violently, and he looked extremely painful!

When he just fell to the ground, his scream was very shrill and creepy, but soon his voice became lower and lower until it disappeared completely!

Immediately afterwards, his body became stiff and motionless, lying straight on the ground without any breath, becoming the second unlucky person to die under the attack of these army ants!

Looking at the extremely bloody massacre in front of them, Matisse and his subordinates who were following the Peruvian, as well as the mob at the end of the team, all turned pale, almost going crazy from fright!

At the same time as the first Peruvian fell to the ground, these guys retreated like bereaved dogs, very fast!

In the process of retreating, each of them's eyes were full of fear, and their bodies were even trembling. They only hated their parents for giving them two missing legs, and they couldn't escape faster!

"Everyone be careful, this is a South American army ant, one of the most terrifying creatures in the rainforest, it can tear apart all creatures that stand in their way!"

One of Cook's men with experience in living in the rainforest said loudly, reminding the rest that his words were full of fear, and there was no way to hide it!

After retreating fifteen or sixteen meters, these guys stopped, and stood in the distance in shock, acting as bystanders, watching this bloody massacre!

"These Peruvians are completely finished, and none of them will survive. They will all become food for those army ants, turning into piles of bones, and their deaths are extremely miserable!"

Cook said with lingering fear, his eyes were full of fear, and his legs were still trembling slightly.

The same goes for the rest of the people at the scene. Everyone was completely shrouded in fear and despair. If they didn't turn around and run away immediately, they did well!

It's not that they don't want to run, but that they have no way out!

Not far behind is the trapping vine rainforest.

They just came out of that hell, and they definitely don't want to go back there again, and fight those terrifying man-catching vines again!

Each of them knew very well that the result of rashly rushing into the trapping vine rainforest was definitely a dead end! There is no other possibility!

In the front is the death-like army ants, and in the back is the terrifying man-hunting vine rainforest. Where should I go? Where is there a way to survive, to escape from the sky?

Thinking of their current situation, these guys wanted to cry, but they were so depressed that they almost collapsed!


The extremely shrill screams continued to ring out, and the slaughter of the army ants continued.

"Please, save us, for God's sake"

A Peruvian screamed in pain and staggered towards Cook and the others, expecting them to help.

At this time, the Peruvian was covered with yellow-brown army ants. He was bitten beyond recognition and dripping with blood. He was not far from death!

Seeing him rushing towards him, Cook's face immediately changed, and he shouted directly:

"Guys, get rid of these Peruvians. They are hopeless. We must not let them rush over with army ants, or we will all die!"

"That's right, guys! Army ants are highly poisonous, and they must not be bitten by army ants. If we want to live, we can only shoot and kill these Peruvians and send them a ride!"

A Colombian standing behind responded loudly, his voice was full of vigor and fear.

Colombia is on the edge of the Amazon rainforest. This guy obviously knows more about army ants and how terrifying this rainforest creature is!

"Fire! Kill these Peruvians!"

Cook shouted hysterically, brazenly pulled the trigger of the assault rifle in his hand, and began to slaughter the temporary allies!

The rest of those guys did the same, they pulled the triggers of the guns in their hands one after another, and started a massacre!

At this time, they were all on the verge of death. It didn't matter whether these Peruvians were allies or not. It was important to save their own lives first, and everything else was nonsense!

"bang bang bang"

Gunshots sounded suddenly like a storm, very densely, resounding through the entire rainforest.

Accompanied by deafening gunshots, countless scorching rifle or pistol bullets sprayed out from the black muzzles of each one, carrying the breath of death, and went straight to those unlucky Peruvians!


There was another scream of dying, extremely shrill.

The Peruvians who are being bitten by countless army ants have no resistance at all, and can only let their temporary allies slaughter as much as they want!

They were instantly smashed into sieves by this wave of bullets, and countless blood flowers bloomed from their bodies, coquettish and beautiful, exuding an endless breath of death!

The gunfire continued, and Cook and his men, as well as the rest of the idiots, were still raining bullets crazily, as if they couldn't feel at ease unless they ran out of bullets!

In fact, under the first wave of bullets, those Peruvians were already dead, and the subsequent attacks were superfluous and unnecessary!

For those Peruvians, death may be a relief!

Anyway, they will all die sooner or later, and there is no hope of living at all! Only a few seconds earlier or a few seconds later difference!

Rather than dying painfully under the attack of the army ants, it would be better to be killed by a bullet. It would be easier and less painful!

Finally the bullets ran out and the gunfire stopped!

"bang bang"

Those Peruvians who were beaten like leaves in the wind by a hail of bullets finally performed the last scene with their lives, and fell to the ground one after another, making a series of dull noises!

There was silence in the rainforest, deathly silence!

Only those fierce and incomparable army ants are still biting their prey like no one else, clearing up the garbage for this rainforest!

Before long, these Peruvians will be reduced to a pile of bones, and then buried in dead branches and leaves, as if they were never there!

Although this rainforest has become extremely quiet, the smell of blood in the air is getting stronger and stronger, making people want to vomit and even go crazy!

In fact, except for Ye Tian who is hidden not far from the right rear, everyone here is on the verge of collapse!

After a moment of silence, someone finally broke out!

"Steven, you are a devil from hell, too insidious and vicious! I will kill you, you damn bastard, and send you to hell!"

Cook glared at the rainforest in front of him, and roared hoarsely, gnashing his teeth, his voice was extremely shrill, like a cuckoo crying blood!

At this moment, his eyes were red, and he was about to bleed out from hatred. Apart from the engraved hatred, he could still see endless fear and despair in his eyes!

He knew very well in his heart that these army ants appeared here by no means by accident, they must have been a trap set by that bastard Steven himself, they are so vicious to the extreme!

Only that damn bastard can set up such a sinister and vicious trap, and can cleverly use these terrifying army ants to set up a killing situation!

The ant ball that fell from the sky and raided the Peruvians is the best proof!

How did those army ants hang in the air? Except for the male ants who have no attack power, other army ants cannot fly!

Could it be that they are full? They all ran into the air, and then hugged into an ant ball and dropped from the sky, attacking people passing by below!

Obviously, all of this is man-made, a vicious trap created by that bastard Steven!

Not only Cook, but several of his subordinates, as well as the mob behind him, had the same idea. Everyone hated Ye Tian to the extreme, and they were also afraid to the extreme!

What kind of monster is that? Could it be the devil from hell? It's so insidious and ruthless! He is simply a murderous butcher!

Even Mattis and the others, who were staring at the surveillance screen, were very sure that this was a trap set by Steven, and it was definitely not a coincidence!

Thinking that this trap killed all the Peruvians in one go, and the death conditions were extremely miserable, Matisse and the others couldn't help but feel a little terrified, and cold sweat broke out on their backs!

How did Steven set this trap? How did that terrifying marching ant ball form and then be hung in the air for such a long time?

You know, they are army ants that will never stop moving forward and always attack! How could it be possible to stay in one place for such a long time? It's incredible!

Matisse and the others were all at a loss at this time, and they couldn't figure out the answers to these questions at all!

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