"Steven, the Peruvians following behind have all been wiped out, those idiots were attacked by a colony of army ants, and all of them became food for the army ants, and they died miserably one by one!

Now there are only fourteen people left in that group of mobs. Cook and his idiots have a total of seven people. In addition, those motley crews from other places also have seven people! "

Matisse's voice came from the earphones, announcing the situation in the rainforest.

"I know, Matisse, those Peruvians are so unlucky that they ran into a colony of army ants, so what are they waiting for if they don't die? They asked for it themselves, and who is to blame?

Cook and the mob have become frightened birds and are on the verge of collapse. The reason why they are still there is because there is no way out, otherwise they would have scattered like birds and beasts! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his tone was full of disdain and murderous.

"Indeed, those Peruvians deserved to be blamed! If they hadn't been so greedy and coveted Lima's treasure, they wouldn't have been torn to pieces by the army ants!

The remaining idiots are heartbroken, and they probably don't have much fighting power, and it's not certain whether they can hold the guns in their hands! Solving them is a very easy task without any difficulty!

One thing I am very curious about, what happened to the group of terrifying army ants? Why and where are they? And form a ball of ants and drop from the sky, raiding the Peruvians!

This is so unbelievable and terrifying! No matter who is hit by such a huge marching ant ball, they will definitely die, and there is absolutely no possibility of surviving! "

Matisse's voice came again, asking curiously.

"To be honest, I don't know what happened to those army ants, God knows why they appeared in that place, and formed a terrifying ant ball in mid-air!

Those unlucky Peruvians happened to pass under the ant ball again, and became the food of the army ants. Perhaps God has favored me again and is helping us eliminate our opponents!

But in any case, this result is perfect for us! The next thing we have to do is very simple, that is to stand ready and send the remaining idiots to hell one by one! "

Ye Tian was talking nonsense with a smile on his face, attributing the credit to God once again.

How to set up that ruthless trap,

Of course, the details of the terrifying marching ant colony used to plot against those idiots behind him must not be made public! Even Matisse and the others cannot tell!

Once the relevant details are leaked, it will definitely cause an uproar, and it will also cause huge troubles. At least the Peruvian government will not let it go, and will definitely come to ask for an explanation!

As long as they don't say anything, even if everyone knows that the trap is set by themselves, they have nothing to do with themselves, they can only stare blankly and secretly guess the method of setting the trap!

The Peruvian government will also pretend to be confused, instead of tearing up their faces, and stand up and announce to the public, saying that the dead are theirs!

Under such circumstances, they can only eat Coptis chinensis dumbly, secretly swallow this bitter fruit, and choose to calm down!

As for whether the Peruvians will secretly retaliate, Ye Tian doesn't care at all.

As long as you dare to come! I dare to send you all to hell one by one!

Of course, Matisse couldn't believe Ye Tian's answer!

Not only him, but others, no matter whether they are their own or Cook, those mobs, and everyone who knows about the attack later, it is impossible to believe what Ye Tian said, unless they have a brain disease!

But what if you don't believe it? No one can give a reasonable explanation! Are you really going to question God and ask him if he has favored that bastard Steven again? That's what brains do!

Therefore, people can only accept Ye Tian's explanation, there is no other way!

Mattis was very clear about the troubles that might be involved in the army ant trap, he only asked curiously, and immediately changed the subject.

"I have a message for you, Steven, the remaining four members of the joint exploration team on the top of the cliff have descended and entered the cave in the middle of the cliff!

Currently on the top of the cliff at Discovery Point, there are only heavily armed security personnel and the two guys from the Costa Rican police and the Ministry of Public Safety! "

"Great, Mattis, that means we have nothing to worry about, we can let go and send the remaining idiots to hell!"

Ye Tian cheered in a low voice, and waved his fist lightly.

"That's right, Steven, everyone can't wait, just wait for those idiots to hit the cliff at Discovery Point, so that we can have a head-on blow and teach those idiots a lesson!"

"Don't worry, the battle will start soon, the guys will definitely have a good time, continue to monitor those idiots, and get ready for the battle!"

"Understood, Steven!"

Mattis responded confidently and ended the call.

At the same time, the bloody killing in the rainforest has also come to an end.

In less than ten minutes, those Peruvians who were massacred by their temporary allies or killed by the army ants colony turned into piles of fresh bones without exception!

The flesh, clothing, and almost everything on their bodies were completely devoured by the group of terrifying army ants!

The only thing left is the bloodshot white skeletons, spread out on the ground in various weird postures, looking extremely terrifying, creepy, and horrifying!

Seeing this hell-like horror scene, Cook and the others standing more than ten meters away, as well as the mob, were all pale from fright and almost collapsed!

Some guys with a little weaker psychological endurance were even crying, bent down and started to vomit crazily, wishing they could vomit out their stomachs!

But this is not the scariest, more chilling scenes are yet to come!

Those marching ants who had finished killing did not leave the battlefield and went to other places! Go conquer this tropical rainforest!

On the contrary, they quickly gathered again, end to end again, forming a huge, chilling ant ball!

The location of the new ball of ants is exactly where they fell from the sky to raid the Peruvians, right in the way to the cliffs at Discovery Point!

The appearance of this new ant ball almost shocked the eyes of Cook and the mob. These guys gasped for air, their legs trembling!

The same was true for Matisse and the others who were watching the surveillance screen. They were all terrified, and each of them exclaimed in a low voice! Everyone is confused and doesn't quite understand the behavior of this group of army ants!

Only Ye Tian at the scene understood why those terrifying marching ants didn't leave the battlefield, but formed an ant ball again!

"Fack! What happened to those army ants? Why didn't they leave? Instead, they gathered together again. It's so weird, it's unheard of!"

One of Cook's men exclaimed loudly, his eyes were full of fear, and his voice was trembling.

"Fake! I don't play anymore, this is his hell! Every step I take, I may step into an extremely vicious and deadly trap, and there is not even a safe place to stand!

We didn't even see the shadow of Lima's treasure, so many guys died, and everyone died in an extremely miserable way, what will happen next, I can't even imagine!

The dazzling gold and silver treasures are certainly very attractive and can make people crazy! But the premise is that you can grab it and enjoy those gold and silver treasures, otherwise everything is nonsense!

Want to snatch Lima's treasure from Steven, that devil? I can't see any hope! That's impossible, and I don't want to die in this hellish rainforest, it's worthless like that!

very sorry! Gentlemen, I announce my withdrawal from the operation and I can no longer fight side by side with you. Here I wish everyone good luck, get rid of that devil Steven, and take the treasure of Lima for yourself! "

A Mexican said loudly, tears still streaming down his face!

While saying these words, this guy has already started to retreat slowly, holding the assault rifle tightly in both hands, maintaining a high alert state!

The direction he chose to retreat was the mountainside at the left rear, not the man-hunting vine rainforest directly behind. That would be hell, and no one wanted to go through hell again!

There may be a way out on the mountainside, but it is not certain. There is no other choice but to give it a try! No matter what, it's better than rushing up the cliff of Discovery Point to die!

And the objects that put him on high alert are these temporary allies in front of him!

These guys are all here for the treasure of Lima, there is no good person at all, including myself!

They can shoot and kill those dying Peruvians brazenly, and maybe they will also shoot and kill themselves who quit halfway, so they have to do it!

"I quit too, good luck to everyone, gentlemen!"

"Count me in, I just want to leave this damn tropical rainforest, leave this horrible hell, I don't even dare to think about the treasure of Lima, it has nothing to do with me!"

Two more people announced their withdrawal loudly, a Mexican and a Colombian!

Like the previous Mexican, they held guns in their hands, maintained a high level of alert, and slowly retreated to the mountainside behind the left!

Seeing the sudden situation in front of him, Cook's face immediately changed, becoming extremely ugly, as if his own father had died!

Although very angry, he still has some sense!

He didn't order to attack the three retreating idiots, but just stared at those guys through gritted teeth, allowing them to slowly retreat into the rainforest behind.

Once the fire is fired, Cook knows very well what will happen next!

It must be an extremely bloody melee without distinction between the enemy and the enemy. Under the sorrow of the rabbit and the fox, the remaining mob will definitely open fire and attack their own side in order to protect themselves!

At that time, let alone rushing up the Discovery Point cliff, surviving the scuffle is already a fluke!


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