Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1157: Secret Battle in the Rainforest

As soon as the smoke from the grenade explosion cleared, Kenny's excited voice came from the earphones.

"Steven, you did a great job! In just one attack, you almost wiped out those idiots, it's amazing!

Under the attack of the three grenades, the three idiots were killed directly, one of Cook's men, and the other two were Pirates of the Caribbean.

The remaining idiots were also severely injured, almost everyone was injured, and everyone's injuries seemed to be quite serious, and they basically had no resistance!

Cook, that idiot, was not spared either. He was still lying in the bushes, probably seriously injured. Only one person on the scene escaped the grenade attack by chance!

The next battle is very simple, you just need to throw a few more grenades, you can completely finish those idiots and send them to hell! "

"I've seen the scene, Kenny, I didn't expect these idiots to be so weak and vulnerable, it's so disappointing!

Your proposal is very good, you don't need much, just throw three more grenades in the past, and you can send those idiots to hell and end this battle"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, now he is ready to implement it.

At this moment, Jason's voice suddenly came in, interrupting his actions.

"Steven, don't worry, Professor Delgado asked me to tell you that if possible, it's better not to attack with grenades, and it's better to use guns to deal with those idiots.

Everything that happened here was being broadcast live, and everyone could see it. After all, Cocos Island is a national park in Costa Rica, and the commotion was too big to explain to the public.

If you continue to attack with grenades, Professor Delgado is worried that it will lead to criticism from the public and the media. In that case, it will not be good for both of us, and it is best to avoid it."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately stopped his movements, pulled out his right hand that had been put into the mountaineering bag, and lightly released an M68 grenade he was holding!

After pondering for a while, he said through the invisible earphone:

"Professor Delgado is not unreasonable. Although it is very convenient to use grenades to kill those idiots, it is indeed a bit loud and a bit too public.

In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, I decided to accept Professor Delgado's proposal, kill those idiots with the assault rifle in my hand, and send them to hell.

Jason, tell Professor Delgado not to worry, I won't destroy Cocos Island National Park, and I won't make it difficult for them, we are partners after all"

"Okay, Steven, I'll pass it on to Professor Delgado, I'm sure he's happy to hear the news"

Jason responded excitedly, then ended the call.

Next, Ye Tian explained a few words to Mathis and Kenny respectively, and then started to act.

He first tightened his hiking bag, then observed the monitoring screen on his mobile phone, and then used the perspective ability to determine the location of those idiots more than 30 meters away, as well as everyone's condition!

As Kenny said, those idiots are basically all wounded and in a mess, and they don't have much fighting power at all, so it doesn't take much effort to clean them up!

After seeing the situation of those idiots in front of him, Ye Tian quickly checked the situation nearby again, and chose the safest and most concealed way forward.

After doing this, he immediately opened the safety of the G36C short assault rifle in his hand, and quickly sneaked to the right with the gun cat waist, preparing for the final battle.

In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared, and he quietly merged into the dense rainforest on the right without making any sound, just like a phantom!

At this time, the rainforest more than 30 meters ahead was still a miserable hell.


The terrific screams kept ringing out,

Never stop, it's creepy and chilling to listen to!

While screaming, several idiots who were severely injured by the grenade but still had the ability to move struggled to climb to the big trees closest to them, trying to use the cover of those big trees to continue to survive!

Those who have lost their ability to move, such as the idiot whose abdomen was torn apart by shrapnel from the M68 grenade, can only lie on the spot and keep screaming, waiting to die! Waiting for death to come!

However, the position these guys are at right now is right between Ye Tian and Mathis, there is no place that is safe at all!

No matter where they hide, they will be exposed to the guns of their opponents, and they may be killed at any time, and die worthless in this rainforest.

Faced with such a situation, these guys were a little at a loss, and didn't know where to hide for a while!

In the end, they still chose to avoid Ye Tian's side, each determined a relatively safe place, exerted all their strength, and struggled to climb over at their fastest speed.

That bastard Steven is so ruthless, he is like a devil from hell, killing people without blinking an eye! In comparison, the direction of his subordinates seems to be safer.

Among the people struggling to crawl, that idiot Cook was also included.

His cheeks and hands are still bleeding profusely, but it has decreased a lot compared to before, and it is estimated that it will stop soon, at least there is no need to worry about dying from excessive blood loss.

The mountaineering bag that was torn torn by grenade shrapnel had already been untied by Cook and thrown aside.

Now, apart from the assault rifle in his hand, there is only hatred and fear left in his heart, and of course, he still has a dead life!

The situation of those other guys is similar, everyone is completely swallowed by fear and despair, everyone is standing on the verge of death, and may fall into hell at any time!

Even the guy who managed to avoid the grenade attack was not much better, trembling with fear, the next one to die might be him!

It didn't take long for Cook to crawl behind the nearest big tree and hide.

The rest of the people also found their hiding places and got a short respite.

As for those guys who were lying around the explosion point of the grenade and kept screaming, and their voices became lower and lower, no one paid attention to them at all, and they had been completely abandoned!

Under the current situation, everyone is in a precarious situation and may be killed by that bastard Steven at any time. Who cares about others!

After hiding their figures behind the palm trees, Cook and the others pointed their guns at the place where Ye Tian was hiding just now, staring at the blood-red eyes, ready to take revenge!

But how did they know that Ye Tian was no longer there, and was sneaking towards this side from another direction, ready to send them to hell!

Ye Tian, ​​who was wearing the special camouflage of the jungle, walked through the rainforest like a civet, silent and extremely agile, almost making no sound wherever he passed!

If they didn't meet him head-on, or observe him closely, it would be basically impossible for ordinary people to find his trace.

During the rapid advance, Ye Tian was also preparing for the upcoming battle.

He took out a silencer from the mountaineering bag, gently screwed it on the muzzle of the G36C short assault rifle, and took out the blow dart whose arrow was painted with the poison of the sapphire poison dart frog!

In the later battles, these two weapons will be his trump cards, they can definitely kill people invisible, and send all the remaining idiots to hell!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had sneaked to the attacking position.

A highly nervous and fearful Mexican holding an M4A1 assault rifle appeared in his field of vision!


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