Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1158 Silent Killing

Under the attack of the M68 grenade, the Mexican in front of him was seriously injured. A large piece of flesh was cut off from the grenade shrapnel on his left cheek, dripping with blood, and he looked very miserable.

The right thigh was pierced by a sharp dead branch, and the gushing blood stained the entire lower body red, making him half-kneel on the ground, unable to lie down or stand up!

Just like this, he still had to hold an M4A1 assault rifle, hide behind a big tree, always be on guard against attacks from Ye Tian, ​​and fight for the chance to continue to live for himself!

The moment he saw this Mexican idiot, the muzzle of the G36C assault rifle in Ye Tian's hand quickly locked on the idiot's head!

He only needs to pull the trigger lightly, and he can immediately end the life of this idiot and send him to hell!

However, Ye Tian didn't fire.

While targeting this idiot with the muzzle of his gun, he has secretly turned on the perspective, quickly scanned the situation in the rainforest ahead, and determined the positions of the other idiots!

In this way, you can ensure your own safety, and you can also avoid abusing others and sending those idiots to hell one by one.

Behind a big tree less than two meters away from the Mexicans, lay a Pirate of the Caribbean who was still in shock and howling non-stop! He hid himself so tightly that he didn't dare to show his face at all!

The Pirates of the Caribbean and the Mexican next to them were the only two mob soldiers left, and the rest of the mob soldiers had already died, and they all died miserably!

Except for them, the rest is Cook and a few of his men, and the situation is not much better.

Compared with the Mexican next to him, this Pirate of the Caribbean was injured more seriously!

His left arm was blown off at the elbow by the m68 grenade, and blood gushed out from the broken wound! Dye the ground a piece of blood red!

In addition, his leg was also severely injured. There was a huge wound on the outer side of his left thigh. The skin and flesh were rolled up, dripping with blood, and even white bones could be seen!

Having suffered such severe injuries, this Pirate of the Caribbean has found it difficult to stand up, and the lying posture is very awkward!

And due to the massive blood loss, this guy's face was extremely pale and bloodless, and he didn't even have the strength to lift the AK47 in his right hand, so he could only lean it against the tree.

Obviously, this Pirate of the Caribbean is not far from death. It is estimated that in a few minutes, this guy will die due to excessive blood loss. Go to hell to report!

A little more than three meters to the north of this Pirate of the Caribbean, behind two big trees, hides that idiot Cook and one of his men, who are also the only lucky ones who escaped the grenade attack!

Further away, behind the two big trees, there are two other Cook's subordinates hidden in turn!

Without exception, Cook and these men were all in a state of embarrassment. Except for the lucky one, the other three had injuries ranging from serious to serious, and they were all bloody, looking quite miserable!

There are also two guys who survived the grenade attack but lost their ability to move. They are still lying near the explosion point of the grenade, howling and screaming, their voices are extremely shrill!

These two guys are also Cook's subordinates, but they have been ruthlessly abandoned by Cook and the others, and they can only wait for death in despair!

After seeing through the situation in the rainforest ahead and confirming everyone's position, Ye Tian withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective!

The time is almost up, and this battle should be over!

"You idiots, go to hell!"

Ye Tian said to himself with a sneer, and at the same time pulled the trigger of the G36C assault rifle in his hand.

"Puff puff"

Accompanied by an extremely slight gunshot, three scalding 5.56mm rifle bullets sprayed out from the muzzle of the G36C one after another, heading straight for the ignorant Mexican in front of him in a zigzag shape!

The silencer screwed on the muzzle of the G36C not only successfully eliminated the gunshots,

It also covered up the flames ejected from the muzzle, and without a sound, the burst firing was completed!

In the next instant, these three rifle bullets, like bullets from hell, had already arrived at their target, and began to harvest life mercilessly!

Unbiased, the three rifle bullets hit the target with unmatched accuracy.

Two bullets penetrated into the Mexican's head like a bamboo shoot, and the target of the other rifle bullet was the Mexican's neck!

In the face of the powerful impact of the assault rifle bullets, and the distance is so close, no matter how hard the Mexican's head is, he can't resist such an attack!

The Mexican's head was instantly blasted by a rifle bullet, and three red and white blood flowers bloomed in the rainforest. They were extremely coquettish, but exuded endless breath of death!

Before he could even utter a scream, the Mexican was completely dead and reported to hell! The half-kneeling body suddenly fell to the ground.

After blasting his head and neck, the three deformed rifle bullets continued to fly forward at high speed! Then embedded in the trunk of a big tree in front!

The traces they left on the trunk are still an upside-down character, which is very standard!

As soon as the first burst of three bullets flew out, Ye Tian immediately moved the muzzle of the G36C gun, and quickly locked the only remaining Pirates of the Caribbean in the scope!

He didn't even look at the results of the first wave of attacks, so why ask? That Mexican is doomed, no one can save him!

Ye Tian is extremely confident in his marksmanship!

The moment Ye Tian locked onto the pirate of the Caribbean, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Puff puff"

Another burst, another silent killing!

The three bullets from the muzzle of the G36C assault rifle rushed straight to the Pirate of the Caribbean lying behind the big tree and screaming like thunder, and the target of the attack was still the head and neck!

Just like the Mexican who was killed by Ye Tian just now, this Pirate of the Caribbean's head was instantly exploded, and he went directly to hell to report!

For him, this crisp and clean death may be a relief.

Although the death method of being bombarded with a rifle bullet in the head is ugly, it is much better than suffering in pain and despair, screaming and screaming, and finally bleeding to death!

After completing the attack, Ye Tian immediately rushed forward with the G36C assault rifle in his hand, and with the cover of a few big trees in front, he quickly approached Cook and those idiots to continue the rainforest killing.

Through perspective, he could clearly see the hidden positions of each of Cook and the others, but there was no ideal shooting angle and line!

Even though this is the edge of the rainforest, the vegetation is also very dense.

The tall trees, vines, and other plants in front formed a series of natural barriers, forcing him to push forward and attack!

Of course, the dense vegetation here also provides him with perfect cover!

In the process of rushing forward, Ye Tian always turned on the perspective, his eyes penetrated the trees and other plants in front of him, and watched Cook and his every move!

At the same time, Cook and the others also belatedly discovered that the situation had changed.

Something must have happened in the rainforest on the left of him, and the fatal danger may be approaching him at high speed!

What alerted them was the scream of the Pirate of the Caribbean who suddenly disappeared. This is too abnormal!

"Hernandez, what happened to your side? Are you still alive?"

Cook asked loudly, and at the same time turned his gun to point this way, ready to fire at any time!

The same goes for the other guys. While turning their guns, they also began to adjust their hiding positions. They were all very nervous and full of fear!

Could it be that that damn bastard Steven has already touched over secretly, killed Hernandez and the others, and is rushing towards him?

The fact is as they expected!

As soon as Cook's words fell, Ye Tian's voice full of sarcasm came over.

"I'm very sorry, Cook, your dear Hernandez has died and was sent to hell by me. I believe it won't be long before you can see him in hell!"

Obviously, this is the last voice Cook and the others want to hear!

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