Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1161 The Alliance Under the City

The gunshots stopped, and the rainforest became much quieter, except for the screams that continued, which was creepy to hear.

Looking at the strange situation on the cliff at the discovery corner, everyone was at a loss, not knowing why.

"What happened in the rainforest? Why did the fighting stop suddenly? Could it be that Steven has killed Cook and the others? Why hasn't he come out yet?"

"Probably not. With Steven's ruthless and merciless style, how could he survive! Since there are still screams, it means that Cook's idiots are still alive and not dead!"

Discussions sounded in countless places, and everyone was guessing the reason, but no one thought that there was a transaction going on in that rainforest!

Cook has stopped shooting and got in touch with his lawyer through his mobile phone, and he is also involved in the negotiations that are destined to be ransacked!

The rest of the idiots also put down their assault rifles, leaned against the tree and wailed, waiting for the outcome of the negotiation!

Each of them is full of anticipation in their eyes, that is the desire for life, a desire that has never been seen before!

At this time, they had already lost the courage to continue fighting, and almost lost the strength to even pick up an assault rifle! Completely turned into meat on the chopping board, and can only be slaughtered by the opponent!

Ye Tian was still hiding behind the palm tree before, holding a G36C assault rifle, and negotiating with those guys representing Cook through the invisible headset!

Although the two sides have ceased fire, he has not let down his vigilance!

If the two sides can't agree, he will go into battle again, kill Cook and his idiots directly, and send them to hell!

The same goes for Matisse and the others. They are all on high alert, staring at the surveillance screen. Once Cook and those idiots make any changes, they will be able to respond immediately!

The negotiation went very smoothly, and everything was developing in the direction Ye Tian expected.

Although that idiot Cook is very hateful, he deserves to die! But after all, he is a star figure in the field of professional treasure hunting, with considerable influence and weight.

More importantly, he and his Golden Eagle Exploration Company have a lot of treasure information, including the burial locations of some important treasures!

It would be a pity if he just died like this, in this tropical rainforest, how could such a good resource be wasted, Ye Tian felt a little bit reluctant!

Cook's company still has a lot of debt, and the investors behind it don't want to watch him die on Cocos Island. If that happens, all their investments will be in vain!

Because of this, the investors behind the Golden Eagle Exploration Company will come forward and try to save that idiot Cook, even if they pay a certain price for it!

It can be said with certainty that if Cook dies on Cocos Island, there will be a huge shock in the field of professional treasure hunting, and many people in the capital circle will be heartbroken.

For these, everyone involved in the negotiation is very clear, including Ye Tian of course.

At this moment, Cook is in his palm, life and death are decided by him, how could Ye Tian let go of this god-given opportunity of exorbitant price, the knife is naturally extremely ruthless!

During the conversation, the negotiation had come to the end, Ye Tian finally wanted to see it, and put all his conditions on the table, in front of everyone.

"Gentlemen, my conditions are very simple, a compensation of 500 million US dollars, and a valid treasure information, and it is a treasure information worth no less than 300 million US dollars!

Here I want to emphasize that this treasure must be located in the high seas or unclaimed land, and it has the possibility of exploration and salvage. I don't want to get into unnecessary trouble.

Everyone is a professional in the field of professional treasure hunting and has a certain ability to distinguish, so it is best not to play any tricks, lest when the time comes, you will not look good when you do it! "

Ye Tian's voice has not yet fallen,

There was already a sound of exclamation in the earphones.

"What? A huge compensation of 500 million U.S. dollars, plus a treasure message worth 300 million U.S. dollars, this is too exaggerated, it's like a lion!"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! Steven, we can't agree to the conditions you offered. You are too greedy, and you are not afraid of choking!"

Cook's two lawyers, as well as several investors, flatly rejected Ye Tian's offer, their voices were unusually high-pitched, obviously frightened!

Several bigwigs from the Treasure Hunters Association, as well as David and the others, were also terrified. They all gasped and gasped inwardly!

Sure enough, his reputation is well-deserved, this bastard Steven is really cruel to the extreme, he can't be provoked!

As for the person involved, Cook, he was completely insane and began to yell and curse hysterically.

"Steven, you are a robber and a villain! How can I have so much money, 500 million US dollars in compensation, plus a treasure message worth 300 million US dollars!

How dare you open the lion's mouth! If I have so much money and treasure information worth 300 million US dollars, why did I come to this damn place! "

As soon as his words fell, Ye Tian sneered and said:

"I'm the lion who opened his mouth today. You don't have to agree. The choice is in your hands. No one will force you. You know very well what the result of the refusal will be!

As for the compensation of 500 million US dollars, are you really unable to pay it, or are you reluctant? As far as I know, your personal wealth is at least three billion U.S. dollars, am I right!

Think about it carefully, is the wealth of 500 million US dollars more important, or is it more important to be alive? Wealth is only valuable if you are alive, if you are dead, no matter how much wealth you have, it is useless! "

There was silence in the earphones, only the sound of swallowing saliva and gasping for cold air remained.

This is indeed not coercion, it is a show of forceful robbery! Moreover, threatening Cook's life is no different from kidnapping? Who the hell has seen this kind of gameplay? It's so ruthless!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"If you can accept these conditions, then I am very happy to let Cook and the others live. If you can't accept it, then I'm sorry. The battle continues, and life and death are according to destiny!

One more thing I want to explain is that even if we reach an agreement, I am willing to let Cook and his men go, and I will not intervene in how to deal with the Costa Ricans next!

If Cook and his men died at the hands of the Costa Ricans, they can only blame them, and I have nothing to do with it, but I believe that is unlikely!

As for how Cook and the others escaped the legal sanction of the Costa Ricans, that is your business and has nothing to do with me. I believe that with your energy, this matter should not be too difficult!

Finally, since we have reached an agreement, Cook and his men are not allowed to retaliate. This is all you asked for, and your skills are not as good as others.

If you have resentment and retaliate afterwards, then don't blame me for being ruthless and cruel! At that time, even if you go to heaven and earth, I will dig you out and send you to hell one by one!

My conditions are already on the table. If you want Cook and the others to get out of Cocos Island alive, then agree to these conditions. There is no room for negotiation, otherwise get ready to fight! "

There was a sound of gasping again from the earphones, and there were several violent coughs!

This is the alliance under the city! It's so hot to the extreme!

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