Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1162 Evaporation

After a moment of silence, the voice of Cook gnashing his teeth came from the earphone again. ..

"Okay, I admit it, Steven, I can agree to your conditions, the compensation of 500 million US dollars is not a lot, plus a reliable treasure information worth 300 million US dollars.

And I can make a promise that I will never retaliate in the future. I hope you can keep your promise and let me and a few of my subordinates leave Cocos Island alive. I believe you will not renege on your promise and lose weight! "

When he said these words, Cook was so painful that he was about to cry, and everyone involved in the negotiations could hear it!

Of course, his voice is also full of hatred, the kind that is unforgettable.

"Great! Cook, you are such a generous guy, so open! To be honest, at this moment, my buddies like you a little bit!

Sure enough! 500 million US dollars in compensation is nothing to you at all, you can easily get it, it seems that I still want less, the main reason is that I am too kind! "

Ye Tian cheered unscrupulously, and was still teasing Cook, without considering his feelings at all!

It's just a piece of pork on the chopping board, you can let yourself be slaughtered, do you need to care about his feelings? Don't be so anxious!


A burst of laughter came from the earphones, some were very forced, some were very hearty, but each sound was full of envy.

Huge compensation of 500 million U.S. dollars, treasure information worth 300 million U.S. dollars, what a huge fortune that is! Who could not be envious, even jealous?

Along with the laughter, Cook's angry scolding also came over.

"Go to hell, Steven, what the hell are you a greedy bastard, a robber! I hate you, you bloody bastard!"

Crazy ransacked the idiot Cook, so what if he let him curse a few words to vent? That's what it should be, otherwise this idiot wouldn't be so angry that his blood vessels burst and died!

Ye Tian didn't fight back, but said with a relaxed tone of smile:

"Don't worry, Cook, since you have accepted my terms, I will keep my promise and let you and your subordinates go. I always keep my word, and everyone knows that!

As for whether you can leave Cocos Island alive, it depends on how you deal with the Costa Ricans, and also depends on the attitude of the Costa Ricans towards you.

Gentlemen, now that the agreement has been reached, it is settled. The next thing will be handled by my lawyer. I still have a lot of things here, so I won't chat with you! "

As soon as the words fell, David's voice came over.

"Steven, I'm ready to take over. Don't worry, I will do my best to ensure that your interests are not damaged in any way, and implement the agreement just reached as soon as possible!"

Afterwards, Ye Tian spoke politely to the two lawyers representing Cook and the guys who came forward to intercede for Cook, then ended the negotiation and cut off the communication!

On the other side, Cook communicated with his lawyer in a low voice for a while, and then hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian shouted in the direction of Cook:

"Cook, throw out the SG55 assault rifle in your hand, and all other weapons on your body, throw them where I can see them, and the same goes for your men, throw out all the weapons.

Don't play tricks, let me tell you the truth, every move of each of you is under our surveillance, there are no secrets at all, so be honest!

You should be thankful for yourself, Cook, thankful that this is Cocos Island, this is the territory of Costa Rica, there is a law here, and it is the law that protects you and your men.

If this is the high seas, then I might use the method of pirates to punish the enemy. Please taste the feeling of walking on the springboard. It must be very exciting.

Very enjoyable! It will definitely make you unforgettable forever! "

Hearing his words, countless live streaming sites immediately became overwhelmed.

"I'm going! This guy Steven is really terrible, he is simply a lawless and unscrupulous bastard, who dares to provoke such a bastard! Unless he is tired of life!"

"Did you hear that? Steven is going to let Cook's idiots die. This is not like his style! I'm sure, something must have happened just now, and they may have reached some kind of deal!"

While people were talking, Cook and the others threw out the assault rifles in their hands one after another, and then took off the other weapons they were carrying, and threw them out one by one.

"Steven, we have been disarmed and all weapons have been thrown out. You can rest assured about this!"

Cook's voice came from the front, and he sounded extremely frustrated, like a defeated rooster.

"Sorry, Cook, I don't trust you guys very much, please stand up, open your arms and turn around in place, my men will confirm whether you are completely disarmed"

Ye Tian sneered and said loudly, wantonly humiliating the other party.

"Fack! You're a total jerk, Steven, ok, we'll do it!"

Cook cursed loudly angrily, but he was helpless.

Immediately afterwards, these guys stood up, dejectedly and began to circle around in place.

Soon, Matisse's voice came from the earphones.

"Steven, those idiots are not playing tricks, everyone is completely disarmed, there is no threat, let's come in and take those idiots away!"

"No! Don't come in, keep guarding on the cliff at Discovery Point, let the two guys from the Costa Rican police and the Ministry of Public Safety come in, it's time for them to go out!

Cocos Island is the territory of Costa Rica. We can defend it legitimately, but we don't have the right to enforce the law. It is justifiable for them to take the lead, which can avoid a lot of trouble.

Remind the two Costa Rican guys, Cook and the others have already surrendered, don't be too nervous, it's safe here, I don't want to see any accidents happen!

At the same time, you have to be prepared. In case of accidents, you rush in immediately and take over this rainforest. As for the Costa Ricans, let them stay cool! "

Ye Tian said in a low voice, quickly completed the arrangement, and it was still watertight!

"Okay, I will notify the two Costa Rican police and the Ministry of Public Security guys to let them enter the rainforest and take over Cook and the others, and we will be ready!"

Mattis responded in a low voice, confident.

Next, he looked for the two Costa Ricans.

Although the battle was over and Cook and the others were no longer threatening, Ye Tian didn't show up. He was still hiding behind the huge palm tree.

"Cook, there are a few other idiots, the Costa Rican police will enter the rainforest soon, you better be honest, don't play any tricks!

Otherwise, the ones who came in later would be my subordinates. That scene is definitely not good-looking. My subordinates will remind the Costa Rican police that they should not embarrass you! "

Ye Tian said loudly, warning Cook and the others.

"Understood, Steven, we will not resist, and we have no ability to resist"

Cook responded despondently, feeling extremely depressed.

A few moments later, the two guys from the Costa Rican police and the Ministry of Public Security carefully entered the rainforest with P5 submachine guns, ready to accept Cook's surrender!

Although a little nervous, these two guys were extremely excited, with bright smiles already blooming on their faces.

This is a live broadcast, so he shows his face! From this point of view, that bastard Steven is not too hateful, he is still very authentic in his actions!

At the same time as these two guys entered the rainforest, the Costa Rica police helicopter that flew away from the cliff at Discovery Point flew back again!

After flying over the cliff at Discovery Point, the police helicopter began to descend slowly, and several policemen staying in the cabin were also ready for the rope drop.

In addition, the Airbus helicopter on the Leshun super yacht has also taken off and flew towards the cliff at Cape Discovery.

In the previous grenade attack, Cook and several of his men were not spared, and everyone suffered minor or serious injuries.

The two guys who were lying and howling near the explosion point were even more dying, almost dying!

What they need most at this time is first aid measures, and what they most want to see is medical staff, and these are all available on Leshun super yacht!

Ye Tian is not hesitant to lend a helping hand to save these idiots, so that they can live on!

You know, now Cook still owes himself 500 million US dollars and a treasure message worth 300 million US dollars, of course he can't die!

When he fulfills his promises and pays off his debts according to the agreement, Ye Tian will not care about whether he lives or dies, he loves him to death!

Soon, two Costagar special police officers came to the scene of the firefight, and each of them put a pair of steel bracelets on the dejected Cook!

Everything went very smoothly. After handcuffing Cook and the others, the two Costa Rican special police immediately let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

But what surprised them was that since they entered this battlefield-like rainforest, they had never seen Ye Tian!

That guy Steven went there, could it be that the world has evaporated!

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