Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1163 Victorious Return

Like the two Costa Rican special police officers, Mattis was also very surprised.

Just when they were about to ask, Ye Tian's voice came from the earphones.

"Matisse, you continue to guard the cliffs of Cape Discovery to ensure the safety of Lima's treasure and the safety of the tripartite joint exploration team that has entered the cave.

I'm going to investigate the situation behind, see if there are other idiots who don't know how to live or die, and erase some traces by the way, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble!

If Costa Ricans ask, you can just find an excuse to deal with it, remember, don't let them follow the rainforest, I don't think they will take the risk"

"Okay, Steven, you just feel free to act, and the corner of the cliff is handed over to us, and it is not a problem to deal with the Costa Ricans"

Mattis responded quickly, with excitement in his voice.

He knew very well in his heart that it was just an excuse made by Steven to investigate the situation behind, and it was not credible at all!

There may be some secrets hidden in this rainforest, perhaps related to pirate treasures, and Steven went to investigate alone.

You know, this is Cocos Island, which is said to be the island with the most buried pirate treasures in the world. Even if Steven knows where other pirate treasures are buried, it is not surprising!

As soon as Mathis finished speaking, Ye Tian's voice came again.

"Kenny, from now on I will keep the radio silent and cut off all communication, wireless invisible headset, mobile phone, and GPS location information, all included!

In other words, in the next period of time, I will completely disappear from your field of vision, and from the field of vision of everyone else, so you don't have to be surprised.

During this period, Matisse was in charge of the cliff at Discovery Point, and Jason was in charge of the cave in the middle of the cliff, and all the work could be carried out step by step.

It shouldn't take long before I return to the Discovery Point Cliff and join you all. When I return, I will turn on the communication device and re-establish contact with you! "

"Understood, Steven, pay attention to safety, we are waiting for your triumphant return!"

There was a response from the earphones, and every voice was excited and full of anticipation!

Obviously, everyone basically guessed why Ye Tian left, most likely because of other pirate treasures, keeping the radio silent is the best proof!

Then he confessed a few more words, and Ye Tian turned off the wireless invisible earphones, mobile phone, and the GPS positioning device he carried with him! Completely disappeared from everyone's field of vision!

In the depths of the rainforest, Ye Tian, ​​who entered the state of radio silence, is advancing rapidly, aiming at the peak of Mount Jimenez that has just been crossed!

What is hidden in that secret cave on the top of Mount Jimenez, hidden by two ancient trapping vines? Is it another famous pirate treasure?

If there is indeed pirate treasure hidden in that cave, it is most likely related to Captain Thompson, and perhaps that is one of the reasons why he hid Lima's treasure in the cliffs of Discovery Point!

By extension, those terrifying trapping vines all over the top of Mount Jimenez are likely to have come from Captain Thompson and his accomplices, and the purpose is to protect pirate treasures.

Although he is not sure about this guess, Ye Tian has a very strong hunch, and his hunch is often very accurate!

In two or three steps, Ye Tian's figure completely disappeared, completely blending into this lush and dangerous tropical rainforest.

Soon, more than half an hour has passed.

During this period, Ye Tian completely disappeared from everyone's sight as if the world had evaporated.

Regardless of the Costa Rican police on the cliff at Discovery Point, members of the joint exploration team, and countless viewers on the live broadcast, no one saw his figure or heard his voice.

For this situation, countless people were surprised and puzzled, and discussed it one after another.

"Where did that guy Steven go? Why hasn't he appeared? Isn't the battle over? It's time to show off. Why did he suddenly disappear?"

"God knows where that guy went. Maybe there are some stupid idiots in the rainforest. Maybe he discovered some secrets. Everything is possible. The behavior of that guy is impossible to guess!"

While discussing, many people asked Mattis and Jason about them.

The answers given by Matisse and Jason were highly consistent. They both said that Ye Tian went to investigate the situation in the depths of the rainforest, so as not to have any fish slipping through the net or hiding idiots, which would affect the joint exploration operation!

After hearing their explanations, other people can only choose to believe, otherwise what can they do?

As for entering this perilous tropical rainforest and searching for it, the Costa Rican police never even thought about it!

In the depths of this tropical rainforest, there are death-like South American army ants, and near Mount Jimenez, there is a large area of ​​terrifying man-hunting vines!

The result of recklessly breaking into this rainforest is likely to be a dead end. Life is so beautiful, it's stupid to do such stupid things!

Those idiots who followed the joint exploration team before are a lesson from the past! No one wants to follow in the footsteps of those idiots and report from hell, unless the life is boring!

Only that humanoid monster, Steven, dared to break into this rainforest alone, as if he was walking on the ground. No one else could do it!

The Costa Rican police who chose to stay on the cliffs at Cape Discovery did not know that the rainforest in front of them was not only filled with army ants and trapper vines, but now there was another deadly rainforest creature.

That is the sapphire poison dart frog. The battle is over, and the sapphire poison dart frog in Ye Tian's backpack is useless. It's time to release them back to the rainforest!

When he reached the edge of the trapping vine rainforest, he found a place and released the sapphire poison dart frogs, adding a bit of danger to the rainforest!

Just as Ye Tian expected, money can turn ghosts around!

Under the mediation of Cook's two lawyers and several investors, the Costa Ricans did not make it difficult for Cook and them.

Cook and his idiots were rescued in time and survived, and then they were taken away from the cliffs of Cape Discovery by Airbus helicopters and transferred to the Lesun super yacht.

After a short rest on the yacht and some dressing and nursing, they will be transferred to the Cocos Island Ranger Station, and then be escorted to San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica.

Although Cook spent a lot of money and opened up many joints, the Costa Ricans still have to do the necessary superficial articles, otherwise they will not be able to explain to the media and the public!

That is to say, Cook and the others are still bound to be imprisoned. As for how long he will stay in prison and whether he can avoid becoming the concubine of other prisoners, it depends on his willingness to spend money!

It was found that the top of the cliff was quiet again, and people's attention turned back to the cave in the middle of the cliff before they knew it, and began to pay attention to the treasure of Lima hidden in the cave!

Just when people were dazzled by the dazzling gold and silver treasures again, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came from the earphones and reached the ears of Mathis and the others!

"Guys, I'm back, the rear rainforest is safe, no other idiots hiding, everyone can rest assured to explore!

Mattis, let me know what happened on the top of the cliff at Discovery Point. Nothing happened, right? I'll be out soon to join you"

"Welcome back, Steven, it is very safe to find that the corner cliff is completely under our control, you can rest assured that there is no danger"

Matisse's voice came from the earphones, announcing the situation.

"Very well, Mattis, don't forget to inform the Costa Ricans, I don't want to cause any unnecessary misunderstanding!"

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian asked again:

"Jason, how is the cleanup going? How long until it's done?"

"It's almost cleared up, Steven. In half an hour at most, the gold and silver treasures scattered on the ground can be cleaned up. Next, the Lima treasure can be transferred!"

Jason's excited voice came immediately, and he almost flew up.

"That's great. You guys continue to stare at the cleaning work in the cave, so I won't go down. We'll meet again when you return to the yacht with the treasure of Lima."

"Okay, Steven, we will keep our eyes wide open to ensure that the interests of our company, Dauntless Exploration, are not infringed upon in any way!"

"Kenny, the Intrepid deep-sea salvage ship can approach the Cape of Discovery, and is going to use the helicopter to transfer the treasure of Lima to the yacht!

When entering the waters of Cocos Island from the high seas, you must communicate with the Costa Ricans and identify yourself. I will also notify the Costa Ricans here! "

"Understood, Steven, everyone is waiting for this moment!"

Kenny quickly responded and flew up with the same excitement.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said through the invisible earphone:

"Cole, you can fly the helicopter and fly directly to the top of the cliff at Discovery Point. Pick me up and leave here. I'm going back to the yacht to prepare for the next identification work!"

"Understood, Steven, we'll take off right away"

Cole responded in a deep voice, and immediately took action.

While speaking, Ye Tian strode out of the rainforest, appeared again on the top of the discovery corner cliff, and appeared in front of everyone!

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