Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1164 Gathering at Sea

Twenty minutes later, Ye Tian had stepped out of the cockpit of the Airbus helicopter and stepped onto the deck of the Leshun super yacht again!

Walk out of the helicopter cabin with him, and Cole and another security officer, both of them are fully armed and maintain a certain degree of vigilance.

Soon, Ye Tian and the others left the bow apron and entered the living room on the main deck.

At this time, the living room on the main deck has changed its appearance. The sofa and coffee table that were originally placed in the center of the living room have been moved to the side to free up a large space.

When the Lima treasure is transported back to the yacht, this is the place for appraisal and the place for dividing up the spoils!

For Ye Tian and everyone in the Fearless Exploration Company, that was undoubtedly the most exciting moment! But for the Costa Ricans, that is probably the last moment they want to face!

As for Professor Douglas of Columbia University, he only cares about the historical and cultural value of the Lima treasure! Everything else is secondary!

As long as it doesn't affect their research work, it doesn't matter which antique artwork is given to whom! Whoever you love, it's not for them anyway!

After completing the identification and distribution work, the dazzling gold and silver treasures of the Lima Treasure will be repacked, and then sent to each cabin to be strictly guarded!

Next, it is time for this joint exploration fleet to return, heading straight back to the mainland of Costa Rica.

When the fleet arrives in Costa Rica, another climax will be set off!

First, a joint press conference was held to show the world this famous pirate treasure, followed by a public exhibition, so that every Costa Rican had the opportunity to see those dazzling gold and silver treasures!

After going through this process, Ye Tian and the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company can leave San Jose with half of the treasure they got, return to New York, and return in triumph!

Research on the treasures of Lima, down to each individual piece of antique art, will be carried out simultaneously in New York and San Jose.

This is the matter of those historians, and it is also their interest. Ye Tian and the brave and fearless exploration company can cooperate well, and keep their eyes wide open, staring at their own wealth!

Until the research work is over, the gold and silver treasures allocated to Ye Tian can really flow into the market and be converted into green dollars and a set of astronomical figures for the company's bank account.

At that time, it is estimated that it will be a snowy winter, and it may even be next spring!

Of course, there will definitely be many episodes during this period, such as wrangling with the Costa Ricans, differences in the valuation of certain antique artworks, and other things, etc., there must be a lot of trouble.

For these trivial things, Ye Tian didn't take them to heart. When they encountered problems, they solved them without much difficulty!

He is also not worried that the Costa Ricans will break their promises, tear up the joint exploration agreement, and find excuses to forcibly keep all the gold and silver treasures in Costa Rica, without giving them to himself.

No matter how small Costa Rica is, it is still a sovereign country, and its reputation is not bad. They can't just tear their faces and break their promises in front of everyone in the world!

If so, the credibility of this country will be ruined. Who would dare to do business with them in the future? The only ones who dare to tear up their faces so brazenly are those big and powerful countries, such as the US Emperor!

Even in the United States, they have to find a grandiose reason to do this kind of thing to cover up their shame. People need face, don't they? Although they have no face to speak of!

You know, this is a joint exploration operation broadcast live to the world, and countless people have witnessed the process of reappearing the treasure of Lima!

The main purpose of Ye Tian broadcasting this exploration operation live is to prevent the Costa Ricans from treachery!

Of course, one of the reasons is the huge amount of transfer fees for live broadcast rights. Why not make money if you have money? Unless the brain is sick!

The Spaniards and Peruvians are real trouble compared to the Costa Ricans,

The eyes of those guys must be red now, and they are almost bleeding from jealousy!

Don't even think about it, in the next period of time, these two countries will definitely continue to make trouble!

Various methods such as posting condemnations on the news media, finding various evidences to prove their ownership of the Lima treasure, and then claiming the Lima treasure will all appear one by one!

They might even sue Ye Tian, ​​his Fearless Exploration Company, and the government of Costa Rica in court, trying to take back the treasure of Lima by this means!

Perhaps they will also use some off-the-board tricks, such as threats, kidnapping and other insidious tricks, to try to get back those dazzling gold and silver treasures.

For these troubles, Ye Tian had anticipated them and was mentally prepared to deal with them, otherwise he would not have come to Cocos Island to explore the treasures of Lima!

Let the horse come if you have the guts, I like to fight with all kinds of people and fight with all kinds of ghosts and monsters, that's the only way to be interesting and exciting!

As long as you are brave enough to come to trouble with your buddies, they will kill you with heads rolling and blood flowing like rivers, making you regret living in this world and regretting your wishful thinking!

As for the treasure of Lima, there is not even a single hair!

That is the wealth that belongs to my buddies, no one can covet it, no matter who it is, stretch out your hands and feet! The same goes for the Heavenly King and Lao Tzu!

In addition, pay attention to some small people, such as some famous thieves, art thieves, various gangsters and so on.

This pirate treasure is too eye-catching, and it will definitely arouse the covetousness of countless people, and maybe there are guys like Cook and the others who are desperate and desperate to take risks!

For such guys, Ye Tian can only hope that they have some brains, and don't rush forward to seek their own death! Otherwise, no one can save them!

After standing still in the center of the living room on the main deck, Ye Tian quickly scanned the entire living room, then nodded with satisfaction!

Then, he returned to his cabin, removed his equipment, changed into casual clothes, and then returned to the main deck living room again.

As soon as he came out, Kenny's excited voice came from the headset.

"Steven, the Intrepid has sailed to the waters near Cape Discovery. It is only more than 500 meters away from the joint exploration fleet, just to the east of you."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head and looked to the east.

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the living room on the main deck, he could see the deep-sea salvage ship Brave Intrepid hundreds of meters away on the sea at a glance!

Those large-scale exploration and salvage equipment standing on the Intrepid are very conspicuous and beautiful!

At the same time as the Intrepid approached, a Costa Rican police ship had already greeted it, obviously more vigilant!

"I saw you, Kenny, you don't have to get too close to the joint exploration fleet, just stop on the sea 500 meters away, find a suitable place to anchor, and echo us from a distance!

Although the sea is very calm now, you still cannot relax your vigilance, and you must remain vigilant to prevent being taken advantage of by others. Success is close at hand, and there must be no problems at this time! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, reminding Kenny and the others.

"Understood, Steven, we will find a place to stop the ship right away. Don't worry about security issues. Whether it is above the sea or below the sea, it is under our surveillance, and there are no loopholes!"

Kenny's voice came from the earphones immediately, and he was quite excited and full of confidence.

"That could not be better! Raymond, you are ready to fly the helicopter, the cleaning work in the cave should be almost finished.

When the clean-up work is over, you will bring relevant equipment and technical personnel, fly to the cliff side of Cape Discovery, and prepare to transfer the Lima treasure by helicopter.

You should not only bring enough sealed bags, but also enough buoys. If a sealed bag accidentally falls from the sky, it will not sink to the bottom of the sea, which can save a lot of trouble! "

"Received, Steven, we are ready and ready to take off at any time. There are enough fishing nets, sealed bags, and buoys to lift. As long as you are careful, there should be no problems!"

Raymond responded in the headset, and he couldn't wait.

After chatting for a few more words, the two parties ended the call.

Soon, the Intrepid in the distance slowed down, and finally dropped anchor and stopped at sea.

The location where it anchored is just four to five hundred meters away from the sea to the east of the joint exploration fleet, which echoes the joint exploration fleet and has also become an outer line of defense for the joint exploration fleet.

When the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid stopped on the sea surface, Ye Tian turned around and left the living room on the main deck of the yacht, leading Cole to the infirmary on the lower deck.

It's time to see that idiot Cook, it's his own wallet, so naturally he can't neglect it!

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