Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1178 Disappears out of thin air

"Steven, about 20 nautical miles to the southeast of the joint exploration fleet, there are seven or eight ships coming towards us. It seems that the visitors are not good!

From the analysis of the information captured by the radar, some of them are yachts, some are cargo ships, and there are two fishing boats, which come from countries such as Panama, Colombia, and Peru.

Kenny quickly introduced the situation, and his tone sounded quite excited.

"Got it, Kenny, you send a warning to those ships, tell them not to get too close, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding, and then ignore them!

When they get a little closer, the amphibious assault ship "Good Man Richard" will be spotted on the radar. At that time, I don't believe they will continue to move forward, unless they are tired of life!

You continue to monitor those ships, and if they break into the range of ten nautical miles, let Raymond and the others fly the helicopter to take off, and warn those idiots in the past!

Remember to bring bazooka rockets with you when you fly over. If the opponent takes the initiative to attack, then invite them to taste the taste of being bombarded by bazooka rockets and send them to the sea to feed the fish!

If those idiots are still trying to get close to the fleet, let the American soldiers on the amphibious assault ship "Good Man Richard" take action, and our money can't be wasted! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and quickly completed the arrangement, completely ignoring the uninvited guests twenty miles away!

"Hahaha, I like your approach, Steven, I will immediately warn those idiots to stop approaching, it depends on how those idiots choose, they are seeking their own death, and turn their heads away wisely!"

Kenny laughed and said, looking as if the excitement is not a big deal.

Afterwards, the two parties ended the call, and Kenny and the others immediately took action.

Ye Tian and the others continued to sit in the leisure area on the flybridge deck of the yacht, chatting and admiring the night view in the sea breeze!

Time passed quickly, half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the tripartite joint exploration fleet traveled another ten nautical miles, getting a little closer to the mainland of Costa Rica!

"Steven, after receiving the warning, the idiots on those ships did not stop the ship, but instead accelerated their sailing speed, looking menacing!

However, when they advanced to about twelve nautical miles from the joint exploration fleet, they finally spotted the amphibious assault ship "Good Man Richard" on the radar.

After discovering that terrifying big guy, those idiots stopped immediately and never dared to approach it again. Obviously, those idiots were also very afraid of death!

It's a pity that Raymond and the others have no chance to attack, and I can't see a good show. It's such a pity. I really hope those idiots are braver! "

Kenny's voice came over again, and it sounded a little regretful.

"Hahaha, even if I borrowed their courage, they would not dare to approach. Even if the treasure of the horse is very attractive and can make people crazy, it is not as important as life!"

Ye Tian joked that this result was already in his expectation!

After chatting for a few more words, the two sides ended the call.

In a blink of an eye, more than an hour passed, and the night became darker.

Finally, the voice that Ye Tian had been waiting for came from the invisible earphone!

"Ye Tian, ​​I'm Zhou Jiakang, and I'm currently flying westward in a seaplane. In at most 40 minutes, I will be able to fly over the United Expedition Fleet!

Where exactly do we meet? Can you tell me the coordinates of the landing site now? You guys are really too cautious, no one can try to plot against you! "

It was Zhou Jiakang who spoke, and he spoke Mandarin, which naturally had a cloak of secrecy.

"Great! Brother Zhou, I'll send the coordinates of the meeting point to your phone right away, you just need to land there, and I'll take a helicopter there later!"

Ye Tian cheered in a low voice,

The expression is extremely excited.

It's time to leave, I don't know what kind of expression Professor Douglas and the others will have when they find out that they have disappeared out of thin air tomorrow? It must be very exciting!

After the voice fell, Ye Tian immediately took out his mobile phone and sent the coordinates of the meeting place to Zhou Jiakang.

The reason why he didn't say the coordinate information in the invisible headset is to keep it secret, so as not to leak the coordinate information in advance and bring some unnecessary hidden dangers!

Immediately afterwards, he turned to Matisse and said:

"After we take off in the helicopter later, you must closely monitor the movement of the 'Goodman Richard' amphibious assault ship. If there is any change in them, be sure to notify me as soon as possible!

At the same time, you have to tell the American soldiers through the intercom that our helicopter takeoff is just a routine patrol and will not pose any threat to "Good Richard". Please don't overreact! "

"Understood, Steven, I will keep an eye on those American soldiers! Avoid misunderstandings from those guys!"

Mattis nodded and answered very simply.

Afterwards, Ye Tian left the flybridge deck, and together with Mathis, returned to the living room on the main deck.

After walking into the living room on the main deck, he went straight to the only medium-sized safe here, and quickly opened this sturdy safe!

The next moment, he took out the aluminum alloy box containing the six-pointed star gold scepter head from the safe, and held it in his hand.

When he got the aluminum alloy box, he had secretly turned on the perspective and looked at the situation inside the box.

Not surprisingly, the hexagram gold scepter head, which symbolizes the royal power of the Mayan Empire, is lying quietly in this box! It radiates dazzling light! He was so dizzy!

After confirming that the treasure was in the box, Ye Tian immediately withdrew his gaze, ended the perspective, closed the heavy and strong door of the safe again, and turned the combination knob casually!

Then, he took the box and walked down the stairs to the rest cabin.

Soon he returned to his lounge, and then called that guy Logan to wake up, telling him to dress neatly, pack up his things and come to his cabin, and don't disturb other people!

Although Logan was very surprised, he did as he did and didn't ask too much!

After calling Logan to wake him up, Ye Tian called Cole again and asked him to pack his luggage and prepare to follow him and leave the Leshun super yacht in the dark!

Cole, who received the order, acted immediately without asking a word, very simply!

After finishing these tasks, Ye Tian began to change clothes, pack his luggage, and stuffed the box containing the hexagram golden scepter head into his backpack!

On the other side, Peter and Charlie, who were fully armed, had already walked to the bow apron, ready to drive the helicopter to take off, and send Ye Tian and the others to the meeting place!

Because this operation needed to be kept secret, the pilot of the Airbus helicopter was replaced by Charlie, who was from the 75th Ranger Regiment, and flying the helicopter was a piece of cake without any difficulty!

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