Soon, about ten minutes passed!

Ye Tian, ​​who was fully armed, held a G6 assault rifle, and carried a huge mountaineering bag, stepped out of the living room on the main deck, and strode towards the bow apron.

On both sides behind him, Logan and Cole followed respectively!

Logan is also carrying a hiking bag, but he has no weapon in his hand, and his eyes are sleepy, full of doubts in his eyes!

Cole, like Ye Tian, ​​is also fully armed, holding a G6 assault rifle, on high alert, full of energy and vitality!

On the way, Logan stepped forward and asked in a low voice in surprise:

"Steven, what are we doing here? It's so late at night, and it's so mysterious that almost everyone is hidden from it. Could it be that there is some special mission?"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this kid, and whispered jokingly:

"Special mission? What are you thinking! It's impossible to find you if you have a special mission, wouldn't that add to the confusion! Don't ask, just follow along, I will tell you the answer on the way"

"Well, that's the only way to go!"

Logan nodded helplessly, his eyes still full of curiosity.

While talking, the three of them had boarded the helipad.

"Logan, Cole, you guys get on this helicopter first, take your seats, we'll be taking off soon, off this superyacht"

Ye Tian said in a low voice, and pointed to the Airbus helicopter next to him.

"Okay, Steven"

Logan and Cole responded separately, then opened the hatch, sat in the cabin of the Airbus helicopter, and placed their luggage!

When they entered the cabin, Ye Tian immediately asked in a low voice through the invisible earphone:

"Brother Zhou, where are you flying to now? How far is it from the rendezvous point? I'm leaving soon, and I can fly to the rendezvous point in fifteen minutes!"

"Steven, you can go, we are not far from the meeting point, we will be there within fifteen minutes, see you at the meeting point!"

Zhou Jiakang's voice came from the earphones, and at the same time, there was the roar of the seaplane's engine.

"Okay, let's go now, see you at the meeting point!"

Ye Tian whispered, then stepped onto the Airbus helicopter, sat down in the front row of the cabin, and closed the door with his hand!

While sitting down in the seat, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective again, and took a quick perspective of the Airbus helicopter, just in case!

The fuel in the mailbox is very sufficient, and it is no problem to fly hundreds of kilometers. The navigation system, driving system and mechanical condition are all in good condition, and there are no hidden dangers!

The rest of the helicopter was the same inside and out, nothing was wrong, it looked like new!

In fact, it was originally a 90% new Airbus Helicopter with a very limited number of uses!

After confirming that the helicopter was safe and capable of carrying out night flight missions, Ye Tian withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective! And buckle up the seat belt, ready to take off!

Charlie, who was in charge of driving the helicopter, and Peter, the co-pilot, quickly completed the routine check before takeoff, and then pressed the engine start button!

In the next second, the Airbus helicopter immediately let out a huge engine roar, and the propellers began to rotate immediately, and the speed gradually changed from slow to fast! Soon it will be roaring like crazy!

Just as the Airbus helicopter left the apron and jumped into the air, Matisse's voice came from the earphone again!

"Steven, I have informed the amphibious assault ship 'Good Man Richard' and told them that this is just an ordinary patrol, there is no threat, and there is no need to worry! The other side also responded!

I also notified several nearby Costa Rican police ships, using the same excuse, so that those Costa Ricans should not be too nervous,

Nothing happened here, it's still calm!

You can take off with confidence, leave this joint exploration fleet, and join Zhou Jiakang and the others. Steven, I wish you all the best and return to New York as soon as possible. See you in New York! "

"Matisse, the security here is entrusted to you. I believe you can do your best. I am waiting for your triumphant return in the Big Apple City. Goodbye!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, saying goodbye to Mathis.

Immediately afterwards, the voices of Jason, Anderson, and Kenny came over one after another!

“Steven, bye, and bon voyage!”

"See you, Steven, in the Big Apple!"

Ye Tian said goodbye to them one by one, and then ended the call.

At this time, the Airbus helicopter had quickly climbed to an altitude of 50 to 60 meters above the sea, and then roared and flew towards the front of the joint exploration fleet at high speed!

In fact, its destination is not directly in front of the joint exploration fleet, but in a sea area more than ten nautical miles southeast of the joint exploration fleet!

Soon, the Airbus helicopter passed over the joint exploration fleet, and flew farther and farther, and finally disappeared in the darkness in front of the fleet!

As soon as the helicopter left the range of the joint exploration fleet, Logan could no longer suppress his curiosity and asked excitedly.

"Steven, did I hear correctly just now? You said goodbye to New York to Mattis. Are we going back to New York? It's still an Airbus helicopter. How is this possible?

It's hundreds of kilometers away from the mainland of Costa Rica, and it's so late at night, isn't it a bit too dangerous? Besides, why did we sneak away? "

Ye Tian looked back at the kid, smiled and said, "

"You heard me right! We are indeed going back to New York, but this Airbus helicopter is just one of our cars. It is of course impossible to expect it to take us back to New York!

More than a dozen nautical miles to the southeast, the medium-sized seaplane driven by Zhou Jiakang and Andre will land immediately, and then wait for us there, pick us up and leave, and fly directly to Panama!

There is also a plane waiting for us in Panama City, which is a Gulfstream G650. After arriving in Panama City, we will board the Gulfstream private jet and fly directly to New York!

Why are we leaving? The reason is very simple. At this stage, Lima Treasure and I must be separated, so that Costa Ricans will have scruples and dare not have any dirty thoughts!

If they dare to violate the agreement and embezzle our half of Lima's treasure, they will definitely face my extremely cruel revenge. I am very sure that they may not have the courage! "

Hearing this, Logan was completely dumbfounded, his eyes almost flew out of his eyes!

After a long time, this kid just woke up!

Immediately afterwards, there was an exclamation in the cabin.

"I'll go! You can still play like this! You are so awesome! You are too cunning!"

No pop-up novel network ()

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