Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1180 Return to America

"Gentlemen, we have flown over the Caribbean Sea, and the beautiful Miami is not far ahead!"

Zhou Jiakang's voice came from the plane radio, and he was quite excited to hear it.

The people who were resting in the cabin with their eyes closed were immediately woken up by the announcement, and all looked out through the portholes!

The sky outside the window was clear and cloudless.

The bright sunlight shines through the portholes into the cabin of this private jet, and shines on everyone's faces on the sunny side, giving people a warm feeling!

“Wow! This is back in America? It’s like a dream! It’s unreal!”

Just after waking up, Logan started to express emotion, and his tone was very exaggerated!

Ye Tian smiled lightly, then raised his hand to check the time.

At this time, it was already half past eight in the morning of the next day.

The United Exploration Fleet, Costa Rica, and the Caribbean Sea have all been left behind by him. I don't know if anyone has discovered that he has disappeared out of thin air and disappeared?

Thinking of this, Ye Tian immediately took out the invisible wireless earphones, opened them and stuffed them into his ears, and then opened the relay station that he carried with him, which was placed next to him!

The next moment, Ye Tian said through the invisible wireless headset

"Good morning, Kenny. I'm Steven. We've already flown over Florida. Everything is going well. Let me brief you on the situation there. Has anything happened?"

"Steven, good morning, your speed is really fast, it's like lightning, and you've arrived in Florida, it's unbelievable!

Don't worry, we are very calm here, nothing happened, the fleet is still driving at high speed, getting closer and closer to the mainland of Costa Rica!

The boats that appeared last night realized that there was nothing to do, and turned around and left. Some other boats came behind, and they were also scared away! "

Kenny's excited voice came from the earphones, briefly reporting the situation.

"It's fine, just connect me to Mattis, and I'll have a chat with him"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his state was extremely relaxed.

"Okay, I'll connect now"

Kenny responded, moving immediately.

Soon, Matisse's voice came from the earphones.

"Good morning! Steven, I heard from Kenny that you have flown over Florida, so fast!"

"Matisse, good morning, we just entered the US airspace, and we will return to New York in a few hours. Tell me about the situation on the yacht, Professor Delgado, have they found that I have left?"

Ye Tian greeted with a chuckle, and then asked.

"Everything is normal on the yacht, nothing happened, but Professor Delgado and the others have already noticed that you seem to be no longer on the yacht. They asked just now, but I prevaricated you!"

"There is no need to continue to hide, you can tell them the truth, I will call them and tell them, lest they continue to speculate and be paranoid!

After I finish talking about this, you should observe carefully to see how they react, and if you find anything unusual, be sure to notify me in time! "

"Okay, Steven, I'll keep an eye out"

Mattis responded in a low voice, before ending the call.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and started calling Professor Delgado and the others.

The phone was connected instantly, and Professor Delgado's anxious voice came over immediately.

"Good morning, Steven, where are you? Why haven't I seen you since I got up? Don't tell me that you are still sleeping in the cabin? I can't believe it!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately laughed, with a bit of smugness in his eyes.

"Good morning! Professor Delgado, it's normal that you didn't see me, because I wasn't on that Lesun superyacht at all,

Already left there!

Something is going on here in New York, the Spaniards and Peruvians are making massive protests and buying a lot of media space and are attacking me!

Looking at the posture of those guys, it seems that they want to fight a public opinion war with me, and I must fight! No matter in any battlefield, I have never been a person who gives up easily!

Because of this, I quietly left the United Expedition Fleet in the middle of the night last night, preparing to rush back to New York in the starry night to deal with those guys and show them some color!

At this moment, I am far away from Costa Rica, and I am in the sky over Florida. In a few hours, I will arrive in New York, and then enter another fierce battle! "

This was an excuse that Ye Tian had thought up a long time ago, and it sounded impassioned when he said it.

"Ah! You left the Joint Exploration Fleet in the middle of the night yesterday? And you have already left Costa Rica and entered the airspace of the United States. How is this possible?"

Professor Delgado exclaimed directly, his voice extremely sharp.

Fight back against the Spaniards and Peruvians in the media and fight a public opinion war with those guys! Go ahead and lie to ghosts, who the hell would believe it?

Anyone who believes your nonsense is an out-and-out super idiot!

When did you bastard care about public opinion? The news media has always been a tool used by you, and it cannot bring you any threat at all! You bastard never gave a damn!

Now you say, use the media to fight back against the Spaniards and Peruvians! These are all excuses! What a poor excuse! You bastard is so cunning!

The purpose of your sudden disappearance, bastard, is nothing more than to jump out of the sight of us Costa Ricans, and then remotely direct the next action, and secretly contain us!

Professor Delgado secretly complained crazily, rolling his eyes in anger!

No one is an idiot! Hearing that Ye Tian had quietly evacuated in the dark and was far away from Costa Rica at this time, Professor Delgado guessed his intention in an instant!

But what if you guessed it? Professor Delgado can only accept this result, although this result is very bitter!

A done deal, no one can change it!

You can't tear your face apart and yell directly on the phone, right?

You know, the tripartite joint exploration fleet is still in the vast sea at this time, and there are still one or two hundred kilometers away from Costa Rica's home!

Although that bastard Steven is not here, the super yacht in front of him and all the gold and silver treasures in Lima's treasure are under the control of that bastard!

Every armed security officer on this super yacht is under the command of that bastard Steven, and the others have no right to speak at all!

More importantly, there is a US amphibious assault ship not far away, sailing in the same direction, and that is the most terrible thing!

The situation is stronger than people, can you not bow your head? Do you dare not bow your head?

Professor Delgado suppressed the boiling anger in his heart, tried his best to calm down his emotions, and didn't let himself explode, that would not do any good, and would not help!

Ye Tian's voice came from the phone again, it sounded very relaxed, and there was a smile on it.

"Professor Delgado, I want to inform you that the head of the golden scepter with the six-pointed star that symbolizes the royal power of the Mayan Empire is on me at this moment, and I am going to bring it back to New York!

I told you guys before that I am determined to get the hexagram gold scepter head, and it is absolutely impossible to let it go, let alone let that treasure out of my sight!

It is precisely because of this that I left the joint exploration fleet with that treasure. I hope everyone can understand. If you can't understand, then I have no choice but to say sorry.

We have reached an agreement before, only to announce the discovery of the hexagram gold scepter head, and not to display it publicly, so it won't matter if I take it away!

In the final analysis, that priceless treasure will fall into my hands and become my personal collection. Now I just have it a little earlier, and it doesn't hurt!

I will strictly abide by the confidentiality agreement we reached, and I will not publicly display the hexagram gold scepter head, let alone disclose any photos of that priceless treasure!

The right to study the head of the golden scepter of the hexagram still belongs to you historians, nothing has changed, and all academic research results related to it also belong to you!

However, the place to study the hexagram golden scepter head must be in New York, and it must be in the research site I provided. Please rest assured that the research site will definitely satisfy you!

In addition, I would like to emphasize that when I left the United Expedition Fleet late at night, I only took the head of the golden scepter of the six-pointed star, and none of the other gold and silver treasures were touched! "

After hearing these words, Professor Delgado's chest was full of anger, and he almost didn't vent it, and he cursed directly.

But in the end he still endured it, and he endured it very hard!

What can Professor Delgado say about this? He could only admit it with gritted teeth, who let himself meet such an extremely cunning and difficult bastard!

"Well, Steven, since you have already made your own claim and took away the hexagram golden scepter head, that's the only way to go, it's obviously impossible for you to get it back!

You are right, that priceless treasure will still fall into your hands in the end, it’s just the difference between earlier and later, it has no effect on the distribution of Lima’s treasure!

I hope you can strictly abide by the confidentiality agreement, and don't show that priceless treasure to the outside world! Otherwise, some of us old guys will not agree, it will violate our rights!

I have to say, you are the most cunning and difficult bastard I have ever seen. You actually left the fleet quietly in the dark and kept everyone in the dark. It's too disgusting! "

Professor Delgado said angrily, but still couldn't help cursing a few words.

What's the point of scolding a few words? A piece of meat is also indispensable, and I have scoured everyone, so why not allow others to vent?

Ye Tian smiled triumphantly, and then continued:

"Professor Delgado, please explain to Professor Douglas and others, and apologize for me, Jason will also come forward to explain the situation, I hope everyone can understand!

I need to call Minister Flores to explain the specific situation, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. Presumably neither you nor I want to see that kind of result, and it will not do any good! "

"Okay, Steven, I'll explain them to Professor Douglas, see you later!"

"Goodbye, Professor Delgado, have a great day!"

After saying goodbye, Ye Tian hung up the phone and ended the call!

The moment he hung up the phone, he clearly heard a few curses coming from the receiver, which of course came from Professor Delgado!


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