Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1181 C-5 Heavy Transport Aircraft

After talking with Professor Delgado, Ye Tian called Flores, Minister of Culture and Youth of Costa Rica.

Next, he invoked the reason he had already made up, condensed what he had just said, and repeated it to Flores again if he could say it!

Just like Professor Delgado's performance, Flores was also very annoyed, but he could only grit his teeth and accept the result. There was no other way, and he had nothing to do with Ye Tian!

After hanging up the phone, Flores naturally cursed crazily, almost going crazy!

However, Ye Tian couldn't see all this, and naturally he didn't care about it!

Next, the Gulfstream G650 that Ye Tian and the others were riding continued to fly at a speed of 10,000 meters and headed straight for New York!

On the endless Pacific Ocean, the joint exploration fleet continued to cut through the waves and sailed straight to the Central American continent, one or two hundred kilometers away, to the mainland of Costa Rica!

In the blink of an eye, another half an hour passed.

The high-speed Gulfstream G650 has flown over Florida and Georgia, and entered the airspace of South Carolina!

Just entering this airspace, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, and the caller was the boss of Raytheon Company, Wilson!

The phone was connected, and the old guy's voice came over immediately.

"Good morning, Steven"

"Wilson, good morning, I hope you have brought good news, I am looking forward to it!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and greeted the old guy on the other end of the phone.

"I have a good news and a bad news here. The good news is that the heavy transport aircraft you want has been secured! The bad news is that you have to pay a lot of money for the lease!"

Wilson joked that what he said was exactly what Ye Tian wanted to hear the most.

"It's all great news for me, the rental fee is not an issue at all, tell me the details, I'd love to know!"

Ye Tian said excitedly, and waved his fist lightly.

"Okay, what I can help you contact is a 5 heavy transport aircraft, which belongs to the Howard Air Force Base of the US military in Panama, which is very close to Costa Rica and can take off at any time.

But before you take off, you need to coordinate with Costa Rica to allow the 5 heavy transport plane to enter the airspace of Costa Rica and obtain permission to land at the airport!

After all, the 5 heavy-duty transport plane is a military aircraft, and Costa Rica is a sovereign country, so they must not trespass in their country's airspace, which will cause diplomatic disputes! "

"5 heavy transports from Howard Air Force Base, Panama, what a blast! That is, within half an hour, that 5 could fly to Costa Rica!

The issue of flight and landing permits can be left to us. I will contact the relevant people in Costa Rica, and I believe they will agree, and they have no reason not to agree!

Costa Rica is a permanently neutral country without its own army, and has always been the younger brother of the United States. The relationship has always been good, so there is no need to worry about being attacked by the US military! "

"It seems that you have been prepared for a long time, so I can rest assured that with your impeccable and impeccable style of work, there will definitely be no problems!

Do you need help from the Marine Corps? As long as you are willing to spend money, I can help you contact several special operations teams who are on vacation, I believe they will be happy to make this extra money! "

"No need, the security force under my command is already sufficient, a 5 heavy-duty transport plane to escort, three medium-sized helicopters to escort, and dozens of heavily armed security personnel.

Such an armed force is enough to deal with any complicated situation. Any idiot who tries to rush up to rob Lima's treasure will be smashed to pieces and die without a place to die!

Besides, there is still the power of the Costa Rican police, no matter how weak they are,

It is also stronger than those mobs. With mutual cooperation, it is enough to ensure the safety of Lima's treasure! "

"Well, it seems that you are very confident. It really is the Steven I know. He is always so strong and full of confidence. This is a man!"

Wilson said with emotion, and sent a few compliments.

Next, Wilson told Ye Tian all the contact information of the relevant personnel, and helped Ye Tian get in touch with those guys!

When contacting these guys, David, who was far away in New York, also participated and witnessed the conclusion of the deal in the conference call!

For safety's sake, Ye Tian didn't tell those American soldiers that he planned to use the 5th heavy-duty transport plane to escort the famous Lima treasure! The center of attention of the whole world!

He only told the other party that what was being transported was a batch of important materials, but because of safety considerations and time constraints, he used 5 heavy-duty transport planes!

And he has repeatedly assured that this batch of important materials is absolutely legal, and it is definitely not drugs or arms, let alone worry about any diplomatic disputes!

After a brief exchange, Ye Tian made the 5th heavy transport plane stand by at Howard Air Force Base, ready to take off at any time!

Specifically when to take off, where to fly, and which airport to land at, and call to inform when the time comes, those American soldiers didn't ask much!

For them, this is just another action to earn extra money. They have done something like this more than once, and they are already familiar with it!

After the conference call, Ye Tian explained all these matters to Mathis through the wireless headset, so that they can prepare early!

When the joint exploration fleet arrives at Caldera Port in Costa Rica, they can act quickly to send the treasure of Lima to the 5th heavy-duty transport plane as soon as possible and transport it to San Jose!

As time goes by, the Gulfstream G650 soaring at an altitude of 10,000 meters is getting closer and closer to New York!

At 11:40 noon, this blue Gulfstream g650 private jet finally arrived in New York and landed at JFK International Airport in Queens!

Except for a few people, Ye Tian left the United Expedition Fleet in the dark and quietly returned to New York, no one knew about it at all!

As for the large and small media in New York City, there is no way of knowing!

Everyone thought that at this moment, he was still on the Leshun super yacht, carrying the dazzling gold and silver treasures of Lima Treasure, and was sailing to the mainland of Costa Rica!

But who would have thought that at this time, he was already at New York's JFK International Airport!

Because of his secretive whereabouts and the VIP channel, he quickly passed through the customs security check, left the airport quietly, and headed straight for Manhattan in the Paramount Predator!

Just after half past twelve, this huge and extremely sturdy Paramount Predator drove into 110th Street at the northern end of Central Park, and drove towards the apartment building where Ye Tian's top apartment was located!

Seeing the appearance of this huge Paramount Predator, there was a burst of surprised discussion on this street shaded by green trees!

"Hey! Didn't Steven's girlfriend, Betty, just return to the apartment? Her car is not this car, but the Cavalier XV brought from Las Vegas!

Who is the user of this Paramount Marauder? And there are two Chevrolet Saaban full-size bulletproof suvs for protection. Looking at this scene, could it be that guy Steven is back? "

"Impossible, isn't that lucky fellow Steven staying on the Le Shun superyacht? He's sailing towards the mainland of Costa Rica, so he's probably still in the Pacific Ocean!"

"It's better not to be Steven's greedy bastard and robber. If it's really that bastard, we must show him some color!"

Some of these comments came from New York police officers on duty, and some from media reporters.

The unfriendly voices came from those guys holding up slogans and protesting loudly, including Spaniards, Peruvians, and many idlers in New York who were full and supporting themselves!

Because of the reappearance of Lima's treasure, Ye Tian's Fearless Exploration Company and this top-notch mansion on 110th Street have once again become the focus of everyone's attention!

Logically, the New York police, media reporters, seemingly outraged protesters, and melon-eating crowd gathered on this street again!

Everyone is waiting for Ye Tian to appear, and then put on a good show!

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