The convoy parked steadily on the side of the road in front of the apartment building, two Chevrolet Saaban bulletproof SUVs one behind the other, sandwiching the Paramount Predator that Ye Tian was riding in!

The three bulletproof SUVs stopped at just the right position, as if they had been calculated!

The car door of the Paramount Predator is facing the gate of the apartment building. Get out of the car and walk a few steps, cross the sidewalk, and you can enter the apartment building, reducing the exposure time to the outside world as much as possible!

Three bulletproof SUVs parked end to end in a row, using their tall bodies, blocked the view from the direction of Central Park, and also blocked the view of the protesters on the other side of the road!

"Steven, don't get out of the car yet. There are a lot of protesters near the apartment building. Let's go down and check the situation. After making sure it's safe, come down again!"

Cole's voice came from the earphones, very cautious.

"Okay, let's sit down again! It's all at the door, so there's nothing to worry about!"

Ye Tian said with a chuckle, and looked through the car window at the group of protesters across the street.

"Bang bang bang"

The doors opened one after another, and Cole and eight other security personnel jumped out of the three cars immediately. Everyone's movements were crisp and well-trained, with a faint murderous look!

More importantly, each of these security personnel is fully armed, wearing Kevlar body armor, holding an assault rifle, and is on high alert. It's heart-shattering to watch!

After landing and standing firmly, Cole immediately ordered the armed security personnel to disperse and stand at the front and rear ends of the convoy, the outside of the convoy, and the door of the apartment respectively, and became vigilant!

The main target of their vigilance is the group of guys who are carrying placards, holding banners and protesting loudly! That's the group of guys most likely to pose a threat.

Seeing how the three bulletproof SUVs were parked, as well as Cole's posture of facing an enemy, those New York policemen, media reporters, and many protesters waiting nearby, I still don't understand!

That bastard Steven is definitely back, no doubt about it! Otherwise, how could it be such a big scene!

The next moment, the scene was completely boiling, and the exclamation rang out.

"I'll go! The one sitting inside the Paramount Predator must be that bastard Steven. He actually returned to New York without anyone noticing, fooling everyone's eyes!"

"This bastard is really cunning. Just like the previous operation to salvage the treasure of the sunken ship in the Caribbean Sea, he played a golden cicada to escape the shell. The Costa Ricans are probably going crazy!"

"Isn't it! It is undoubtedly the best choice for him to leave the joint exploration fleet now. Next, he can command everything remotely, without worrying about being threatened at all!

If the Costa Rican abides by the agreement and distributes half of Lima's treasure to him as promised, then everything will be fine. If he violates the agreement, he will definitely be retaliated by Steven!

When did this guy, Steven, suffer? With his vengeful behavior, the Costa Ricans will face extremely cruel revenge, and many of them will go to hell! "

Amidst the exclamation, many people at the scene guessed Ye Tian's real intention to secretly leave the tripartite joint exploration fleet and quietly return to New York!

Thinking of this, people can't help but feel chills, and the air is blowing from their backs!

This bastard Steven is really cunning to the extreme, no one should think of calculating this bastard and taking advantage of him! Only by him!

After confirming that Ye Tian was in the car of the Paramount Predator and seeing Cole and the others in full armor, the New York police officers on duty immediately became tense, and all of them looked serious as if they were facing a big enemy!

They responded very quickly, and quickly pulled up a cordon to prevent accidents from happening.

Many media reporters rushed towards the door of the apartment building with their cameras and video cameras on their shoulders, their excited eyes shining brightly,

It's like a searchlight!

Sitting in the armored car in front of him is the most concerned person in New York and even the United States. He is a veritable superstar and a headline maker!

It would be perfect if I could interview that guy Steven. Today's headlines in New York City belong to me, and I definitely didn't run away!

In addition to many media reporters, those guys carrying countless slogans and banners to protest and demonstrate also rushed towards the door of the apartment building like a tide!

Moreover, these guys were particularly excited, all of them seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and while clamoring loudly, they quickly pushed towards the door of the apartment building!

"Steven that greedy bastard is back! Guys, go over and give that bastard a little bit of power, let that bastard feel our wrath!"

"That's right, we must let that greedy bastard understand that the Lima treasure does not belong to him, a robber, but to the glorious city of Lima, and to all the Peruvian people!"

It is a pity that these protesters are the targets of the New York police's focus and prevention. Before they took a few steps forward, they were stopped by the human wall formed by the New York police!

"Listen up, all protesters, please exercise restraint, observe order, and don't try to charge the police cordon, or you will be punished!"

A New York police officer shouted loudly with a loudspeaker, issuing a stern warning with an unquestionable tone!

All the New York police officers at the scene knew very well what might happen if these protesters rushed through the cordon and rushed to the door of the apartment building!

Among them, if any idiot attacks that bastard Steven, the gang of brutal personal bodyguards under Steven will take action immediately without the slightest hesitation!

The next scene is almost unimaginable.

The one-sided beatings may all be light, maybe someone will die here, as for how many idiots will die, only God knows!

If that kind of thing really happened, apart from other things, one of the guys on duty at the scene counted as one, and all of them would be unlucky, and some guys might lose their jobs because of it!

Faced with such a result, do these New York police officers dare not be strict and nervous?

Under the stern warning from the police, many protesters stopped in their tracks one after another. They were somewhat sensible!

Many of them are Hispanic immigrants, and even many illegal immigrants, who dare to attack the cordon set up by the police, let them have the guts!

The same goes for the Spaniards and Peruvians with tourist or diplomatic passports who, for various reasons, definitely don't want to be pinned down and handcuffed by the NYPD!

Although they were stopped behind the cordon and unable to walk to the door of the apartment building, these guys did not stop protesting, shouting protest slogans loudly and full of righteous indignation!

"Steven, you are a bastard, a robber! Lima treasure belongs to Peru, belongs to Lima! Never belonged to you bastard!"

"Return the treasure of Lima, Steven, if you still have a little conscience!"

The sound of protests and demonstrations came and went, deafening, resounding through the entire street.

What a show! Can't even see the money!

The many melon-eating people standing in the distance watching the excitement, all of them watched with relish and joy, and commented with jokes and jokes, they almost had some melon seeds!

"Hahaha, I really admire this guy, Steven. Since he bought this top apartment and moved here, this street has never stopped, even busier than Fifth Avenue!"

"Isn't it! The front of this apartment building and the Rockefeller Center Plaza have now become a holy place for protests and demonstrations as famous as Times Square. People protest and demonstrate here in different ways every day!"

While joking, these melon-eaters who had nothing to do were all staring at the three bulletproof SUVs parked in front of the apartment building, waiting for Ye Tian to appear.

Each of them knew very well that once that guy Steven appeared, the show would really reach its climax, and it would definitely be even more exciting!

The waiting time is not long, and soon, the climax of this scene will come!

No pop-up novel network ()

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