Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1190 Air Escort

After the temporary press conference ended, the transfer of the Lima treasure began immediately.

With everyone's joint efforts, the dazzling gold and silver treasures of Lima Treasure were quickly transported from the Leshun super yacht, and then transferred to armored escort vehicles.

The entire transfer process is highly transparent, and every box wrapped in a sealed bag, every sealed bag filled with gold and silver treasures or antique artworks, is closely watched by someone.

From the beginning to the end, these boxes and sealed bags were in everyone's field of vision, under the supervision of all parties, and were photographed and recorded in the book!

Not only members of the tripartite joint exploration team supervised the transfer of Lima's treasure, but also many armed security personnel!

Next to each armored escort vehicle, Mattis arranged two heavily armed security personnel, all armed with assault rifles, on high alert, guarding those dazzling gold and silver treasures!

As for the many Costa Rican police who were also at the dock, they were not allowed to approach the treasure transfer site at all. They could only guard the outside. Although they were very depressed, they had no choice!

At the same time, the two medium-sized helicopters on the super yacht and the Intrepid have already taken off, roaring and circling over the pier where the yacht is located, responsible for air security!

After all the boxes and sealed bags were transferred, a crane immediately approached, carefully hoisted the golden statue of the Virgin Mary from the yacht, and loaded it into an armored escort vehicle!

Then there was some inspection, and after confirming that there were no omissions, the armored escort convoy left the pier, escorted by six or seven helicopters and a large number of police cars, and quickly drove to the airport not far from the port!

Thanks to a series of preventive measures taken before and the protection of a large number of police forces, the journey from the port to the airport went very smoothly without any trouble! ..

Those guys who rushed to Puerto Caldera in advance and rushed to the treasure of Lima, saw the murderous Matisse and many Costa Rican special police, all wisely chose to die! Don't dare to make a mistake!

Each of them is very clear in their hearts that their dream of looting Lima's treasures and making a fortune has been completely shattered, and perhaps they have never had the possibility of success!

The power to protect and escort Lima's treasure is too powerful. No matter whoever bumps into it, there will only be one result, that is, they will be smashed to pieces and die without a place to bury them!

Especially those armed security personnel under Steven, all of them are well-trained and extremely tough. Everyone is an elite on the battlefield who is used to blood, and no one can get cheap from those bastards!

Not only these guys who rushed to Puerto Caldera ahead of schedule, but also those guys who were stuck on the highway, watched the live TV screen, all of them were terrified, and their backs were sweating!

It might not be a bad thing for me to be stuck on the highway, otherwise, I might die at the hands of those New York bastards and be sent to hell!

In just ten minutes, the armored convoy escorting Lima's treasure arrived at the airport, drove directly onto the airport runway, and finally stopped next to the 5 heavy transport plane!

After the convoy stopped, Mattis and Anderson got out of the car immediately, entered the 5 heavy-duty transport plane together, and went to communicate with the 5 crew!

When they got out of the plane, the nose cover of the 5th heavy transport plane began to rise upwards, and the front part of the opened belly slowly descended to a height of about one meter above the ground!

Immediately afterwards, the integrated ro-ro ramp unique to the heavy-duty transport aircraft slowly extended out of the belly of the aircraft, leaning on the ground of the runway to build a cargo channel leading directly to the belly of the aircraft!

Afterwards, everyone got busy again, transferring all the boxes and sealed bags full of gold and silver treasures in the armored escort vehicle to the huge belly of the 5th heavy-duty transport plane!

compared to before,

This transfer was much easier.

Under the command of Matisse and the others, those armored escort vehicles lined up and reversed one by one into the belly of the 5 transport plane, then unloaded the cargo inside the belly, and then drove out empty. The efficiency is very high!

The armored escort vehicle carrying the golden statue of the Virgin Mary was the last to be poured into the belly of the aircraft. Even the vehicle and the statue were left inside, and the four wheels were firmly fixed on the belly floor!

When this 5 heavy-duty transport aircraft arrives in San Jose and lands at the San Jose Airport, it can drive directly out of the belly of the aircraft! Save yourself having to reload the car again, that golden statue is not light!

It didn't take long for all the gold and silver treasures and antique works of art from Lima's treasures to be transferred to the huge belly of the 5 heavy-duty transport plane!

Immediately afterwards, Anderson, Professor Douglas and Professor Delgado, as well as the hosts and cameramen of the three live TV groups, entered the belly of the 5 heavy transport aircraft one after another!

At the same time, the fifteen armed security personnel selected by Mattis, armed with assault rifles, also lined up and stepped into the belly of the 5 aircraft, ready to perform the air escort mission!

After entering the belly of the aircraft for a little tidying up, everyone got busy!

Professor Anderson and Douglas quickly woke up from the shock, and immediately began to check the number of boxes and sealed bags to see if there was any omission or damage!

Matisse and the others used the ropes, large nets and other equipment that had been prepared in the belly of the aircraft to start fixing a large number of boxes and sealed bags to prevent them from moving around!

For Mattis and the others, who came from the special forces, these jobs are familiar to them. They have done it countless times before, and it is not difficult at all!

Ten minutes later, the nose cover of the 5 heavy transport aircraft began to fall slowly, and the front of the fuselage gradually returned to a height of about three meters above the ground!

At the same time, the many Costa Rican police cars parked around the 5 transport plane, as well as the armored escort vehicles that had unloaded their cargo, quickly evacuated from the runway!

When the nose cover of the 5 heavy-duty transport aircraft was completely closed with the fuselage, Matisse's excited voice came from the earphone again!

"Steven, we are ready to take off at any time, direct to San Jose Juan Santamaria International Airport!"

"I've been following your actions. You've done a great job. You can take off now. Good luck!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and gave the order to take off.

"Got it, Steven, let's take off now, wait for our good news!"

Mattis responded in a deep voice, full of confidence.

After a while, the huge 5 heavy-duty transport plane began to turn around slowly, and then taxied on the runway, and the taxiing speed became faster and faster, and the roar of the engine became louder and louder!

After gliding along the runway at high speed for about two and a half kilometers, the iron-gray monster finally roared up and rushed directly into the blue sky!

The two medium-sized helicopters under Ye Tian's command, as well as the military helicopter in civilian clothes, also soared into the sky, quickly caught up, and began to escort the 5th heavy-duty transport plane!

Everyone in the cabin of these three medium-sized helicopters is fully armed, either holding an automatic rifle or holding a 249 squad machine gun. The firepower is very powerful!

Moreover, each helicopter is equipped with bazooka rockets and shoulder-fired needle anti-aircraft missiles. In a country without an army like Costa Rica, this kind of firepower is enough to deal with any accidents in the air!

Those Costa Rican police helicopters hovering in the air or parked on the nearby runway also followed closely behind, passing quickly at a low altitude of more than 100 meters, escorting the treasure of Lima!

The scene that happened at the Caldera Port Airport was quickly spread throughout the world through the live broadcast, and once again attracted a wave of crazy exclamations.

"I'm going! This scene is too exaggerated, never seen before! If I hadn't been watching the live broadcast, I would have thought it was an aerial exercise or a war!"

"It's just that guy, Steven, who dares to spend money so crazily and do things recklessly. Who else has the courage to do it? Maybe even dare not even think about it!"

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