Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1191 Another Pirate Treasure Map

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

It's another beautiful day with a sunny day and a pleasant mood, and it's still San Jose Juan Santamaría International Airport, Costa Rica.

Carrying countless gold and silver treasures and antique works of art from Lima Treasure, as well as a dozen armed security personnel, the C5 heavy transport plane roared from the end of the runway and went straight into the sky!

Immediately afterwards, on another runway not far away, a silver-gray Bombardier Global Express 8000 roared into the sky, chasing the C5 heavy transport plane in front of it.

At the eastern end of the Panama Canal, hundreds of kilometers to the south, the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid has successfully passed through the Panama Canal and sailed from the Pacific Ocean into the Caribbean Sea!

Although the speeds of these two planes and a deep-sea salvage ship are different, they are heading in exactly the same direction and have the same destination, both are New York!

Looking at the two planes that had rushed into the sky and were rapidly leaving Costa Rica, the eyes of Flores and Professor Delgado, who were standing on the edge of the runway, were full of reluctance and even a bit of pain.

The same goes for the other Costa Ricans at the scene, one counts as one, and everyone has an expression of pain!

"What a huge fortune is loaded in that C5 heavy-duty transport plane! It is also the culture and history of Central and South America. Many treasures are unique and unique!

But at this time, we can only watch helplessly, so many priceless gold and silver treasures and antique works of art have all fallen into the hands of that bastard Steven, really unwilling! "

Professor Delgado said with emotion that his painful face was almost deformed.

Flores, who was standing by the side, turned to look at his old friend, and said in a tone full of regret:

"What can we do if we are not reconciled? Since we have signed an agreement with that bastard Steven, we must fulfill the agreement and give half of Lima's treasure to that bastard, who will be looted wildly by that bastard!

Who let us meet such an extremely greedy and extremely shrewd guy, coupled with our not-so-rich finances, even if we want to buy half of the treasure, we still have more than enough energy!

As for tearing up the agreement signed by the two parties, leaving all the treasures of Lima in San Jose, and not distributing a single gold coin or an antique artwork to that bastard Steven, it is also impossible.

Not to mention the international impact caused by this, no one can bear the crazy revenge of that bastard Steven, I think you know what kind of person that bastard Steven is! "

Hearing this, Professor Delgado shuddered immediately, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

He instantly thought of those unlucky bastards who were torn to pieces by sharks in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, and those idiots who died screaming and dying in the depths of the rainforest!

And the numerous bones that the Costa Rican police later found on Cocos Island! And those poor people who died in the depths of the rainforest without even leaving their bones!

Everyone knows that these horrific and frightening tragedies were all created by that bastard Steven, there is no doubt about it!

However, everyone has no evidence to prove all this!

Everyone can only watch helplessly as that bastard Steven continues to roam free, sweeping through wealth crazily, and causing one tragedy after another!

After a short pause, Flores continued:

"That guy Steven is a lawless bastard with no taboos. The battles that took place in this joint exploration operation are enough to explain everything. It was a completely one-sided massacre!

If we dare to touch the wealth that belongs to him, that bastard will dare to send all of us to hell, without considering the impact, let alone our official status!

Even if we stay in San Jose, we can't be safe,

As long as that bastard places a high reward in the underground world, countless professional killers will come to San Jose soon to take our lives!

Something like this, that bastard Steven can definitely do it, I'm sure of this, not to mention that Steven has a group of extremely brutal subordinates, that's the deadliest thing!

I'm not that noble to exchange my life for gold, silver, treasures and antique works of art that don't belong to me. No matter how you look at it, this business is a loss-making business!

I will not do this kind of thing to embezzle the wealth that belongs to Steven. I believe that anyone with a little sense will not do such a stupid thing. No matter how good money is, it is not as important as life! "

"You're right. Steven is indeed a lawless bastard. People like us can't be provoked, and it's too late to hide!"

Professor Delgado nodded and said, the color of fear was still flashing in his eyes.

The two planes flew higher and higher in the sky, and became smaller and smaller. Soon they flew out of everyone's field of vision and disappeared into the northern sky!

Flores and Professor Delgado chatted a few more words, and then they were about to leave the airport and return to San Jose!

At this moment, Flores' cell phone rang suddenly.

The caller was none other than Ye Tian, ​​who made their teeth itch with hatred, but was helpless!

Flores took out his mobile phone and looked at it, and then showed it to Professor Delgado. The expressions of both of them were somewhat surprised!

Why did that bastard Steven call? Could it be to show off?

Flores lightly pressed the speakerphone, and Ye Tian's passionate voice came over immediately.

"Good afternoon, Flores. I'm Steven. It's a pleasure to talk to you. How are you doing today? You must be in a good mood, right?"

"Steven, good afternoon, you are in a very good mood? Don't be kidding, we have just been ransacked by you guy, can you be in a good mood?"

Flores said angrily, with a pained expression on his face.

"Hahaha, how can that be called looting? At the beginning of the joint exploration operation, we signed a sharing agreement. Those gold, silver treasures and antique works of art are what I deserve, and no one can question them!

I just got a call from Jason, who told me that the C5 heavy transport plane carrying Lima's treasure and my private Bombardier jet have taken off and are on their way to New York.

At this moment, our cooperation is coming to an end, and the rest is some archaeological research work, you are welcome to come to New York at any time, I am waiting for you in New York, here has the best research conditions"

Ye Tian said with a proud smile, and extended an invitation.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm Delgado, and we'll be heading to New York in a while to study the antique artworks that you took away, and see that sinful city by the way!"

Professor Delgado interjected, rather annoyed.

"Good afternoon, Professor Delgado, I didn't expect you to be here. I'm glad to talk to you. You can come to New York anytime. I will definitely do my best to make you linger!

Two gentlemen, this tripartite joint exploration operation is perfect, and I am very honored to cooperate with you. You are all true gentlemen and deserve to be respected! "

Ye Tian greeted with a chuckle, and then said some polite words.

"That's right, this joint exploration operation is indeed perfect, Steven, you are indeed the top professional treasure hunter and the top expert in antique art appraisal, you deserve your reputation!

If it weren't for you, the treasure of Lima would not have reappeared in the world so easily. It is uncertain when it will appear, or it will never be discovered and completely buried!

Your skill at authenticating antique works of art is also amazing! It is a great honor for us to cooperate with such an outstanding professional as you, and we hope that we will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future! "

Flores continued and said a few words casually.

However, he couldn't imagine that Ye Tian actually hit the snake with the stick, and used it to make use of it.

"Since the cooperation is so pleasant, don't do it again. I want to say that I still have a genuine pirate treasure map in my hand. The pirate treasure is buried on Cocos Island. I don't know if you believe it?"

Ye Tian said casually with a light smile, but the content was extremely shocking.

Hearing his words, Flores and Professor Delgado were immediately dumbfounded, stunned and stunned, their eyeballs almost bursting out of shock!

Another treasure map! And it's pirate treasure buried on Cocos Island, true or false?

Why did all the pirate treasure maps fall into the hands of that bastard Steven? Others can't even catch a piece of hair, how lucky is that! Let others live?

God's eyes must be blind! Why only favor that bastard? But I can't see others or myself at all. I also want a pirate treasure map, just one!

After a while, Flores and Professor Delgado just woke up.

In the next second, the two Costa Ricans asked in unison, staring at their blood-red eyes:

"Another treasure map! Another pirate treasure buried on Cocos Island! Steven, is this real? Are you kidding me? How is this possible?"

"Of course it is true, just like the treasure map of Lima Treasure, it is true without a doubt. I am very sure of this! Besides, I don't bother to talk about a fake treasure map!

The original owner of this pirate treasure is a famous pirate in history, you must have heard of his name, and the value of this pirate treasure is quite attractive! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and gave an affirmative answer.

"Could you tell me who the famous pirate is? Steven, where is the pirate treasure buried on Cocos Island? Can you tell me the approximate location?"

Professor Delgado asked eagerly, his voice trembling with excitement.

The same is true for Flores next to him, looking at his mobile phone with great anticipation, his eyes are so hot that it seems to be able to melt the metal case of the mobile phone!

"Don't be impatient! Gentlemen, I believe that it won't take long before you will know the answers to these questions, and those answers will definitely bring you a huge surprise!

But there is a premise here, we can reach an agreement on exploration and sharing, and under the leadership of our company, go to Cocos Island to explore that pirate treasure!

The share ratio is based on this joint exploration operation, 50 to 50, which is very fair. I wonder if you agree? I look forward to hearing your affirmative answers! "

See you in the picture! This is what Ye Tian wants!

Professor Flores and Delgado were silent, and did not respond for a long time!

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