Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1192 The Treasure of the Blood Knife

After thinking for a long time, Flores gritted his molars and said with difficulty:

"We don't plan to cooperate with you anymore, Steven, your destructive power is too powerful, and this joint exploration operation alone has ravaged Cocos Island enough.

If I cooperate with you again, I am afraid that you guys will completely destroy Cocos Island and turn that national park into an island of hell. Costa Rica cannot afford such a loss!

From now on, we will not allow you to land on Cocos Island again as a professional treasure hunter and hunt for treasure on the island. If you come to Cocos Island for tourism, we welcome you with both hands!

Even if the pirate treasure you mentioned really exists, let that pirate treasure continue to be buried on the island. There will always be a day when they are discovered, and then it will still belong to Costa Rica! "

"Since this is the case, then this pirate treasure map is useless, what a pity! God knows when that famous pirate treasure will show up, maybe it will never appear!

For the sake of our previous cooperation, I will not leak or transfer this pirate treasure map. I will always keep it in my collection. If you change your mind that day, you can contact me at any time! "

Ye Tian said with a light smile, he didn't take Flores' rejection to heart at all.

"What you do with the pirate treasure map in your hand is your own business. We have no right to interfere. It doesn't matter if it is leaked intentionally or unintentionally, or transferred at a high price!

No matter who gets that treasure map, if he doesn't get permission from the Costa Rican government, he can't go to Cocos Island to find treasure, unless he wants to taste the taste of prison! "

Flores still said stiffly, he didn't sound so confident, and seemed a little bit lacking in confidence!

It's no wonder that Cocos Island is isolated overseas, five or six hundred kilometers away from the mainland of Costa Rica. There are not many rangers on the island, and it is covered with tropical rainforest and has complex terrain.

If someone sneaks up to the island to hunt for treasure, the forest rangers on the island may not be able to find it. Even if they find out, whether they have the ability to stop the other party's treasure hunt is another matter!

As soon as Flores finished speaking, Professor Delgado said impatiently:

"Steven, you guys are indeed too dangerous, too crazy, and extremely greedy, with an amazing appetite! How dare we cooperate with you again, wouldn't it be sent to your door and killed by you!

Since cooperation is hopeless, can you reveal a little information, which famous pirate treasure does this treasure map in your hand point to, and which famous pirate originally belonged to it? "

"That's the point, I don't want to reveal any information, it seems a bit unreasonable, then well, I'll tell you a little about this pirate treasure map!

The pirate treasure treasure map I was talking about appeared at the same time as the Lima treasure treasure map. Both treasure maps fell into my hands, and the result was the same. I burned them both!

But don't worry, before burning this treasure map, I have identified its authenticity, the time it came from, and determined the treasure it points to, and kept the route firmly in my mind!

Like the famous Lima treasure, I am the only one in the world who knows where this pirate treasure is buried, and no one else can find this pirate treasure! "

Ye Tianxin said nonsense, this is an excuse he has already made up! It was very smooth, without a single stutter!

What does it matter whether others believe it or not? believe it or not!

"You are such an out-and-out bastard, Steven, what a waste of everything! That is a pirate treasure map that has been passed down for hundreds of years. It is a veritable antique work of art. How can you have the heart to burn it?"

Professor Delgado cursed angrily, gritted his teeth in hatred.

"Hahaha, Professor Delgado, don't be too angry, of course I know that the pirate treasure map is an antique work of art, which has certain collection and research value!

But for safety's sake,

I had to set it on fire, lest the news that I own this treasure map spread and be missed by some people with ulterior motives! "

Ye Tian laughed and said, there was no sense of guilt in his words.

It's not that he doesn't know how to cherish antique works of art, but because this pirate treasure map doesn't exist at all, it's just his excuse!

Before waiting for the two Costa Ricans to respond, Ye Tian continued to say:

"This treasure map not only appeared at the same time as the treasure map of Lima's treasure, they are also related to a certain extent. The famous pirate who buried this gold and silver treasure is the Portuguese pirate captain Benito Bonito!

Who is Benito Bonito, I don't think I need to explain it? According to reliable legends, he was one of the pirates who buried the most treasures on Cocos Island, with a total of seven or eight tons of buried gold and silver treasures!

More importantly, Captain Benito Bonito, known as the 'Blood Knife', was once the boss of Captain Thompson. From this point of view, it is not surprising that these two pirate treasure maps appear at the same time !

Under the leadership of "Blood Knife" Benito Bonito, their pirates looted countless Spanish treasure ships and Indian temples. The wealth in their hands can be imagined, it must be amazing! "

Before the words were finished, Professor Delgado and Flores had already exclaimed.

"'Blood Knife' Benito Bonito buried the pirate treasure on Cocos Island, how is it possible? Where is the pirate buried?"

"Of course it's buried in 'Blood Knife' Benito Bonito's favorite corner of Esperanza, where there is a waterfall falling from the sky, the scenery is very magnificent!

He hid the seven or eight tons of gold and silver treasures between a canyon and two waterfalls falling from the sky. There is a cave there, which is the best place to hide the treasure.

The cave is very close to a palm tree, and there is a pagoda-shaped rock protruding forward nearby. Standing on the rock, you can see the entrance of the cave! ..."

Ye Tian joked that the content is all from legends, which all professional treasure hunters know, and has no real value!

Hearing Ye Tian's words, both Flores and Professor Delgado rolled their eyes angrily!

Before Ye Tian could finish speaking, Professor Delgado interrupted him angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense, Steven! This treasure legend is well-known, if you can find the batch of gold and silver treasures buried by Bonito according to this legend, he will be so damned!

Not long after 'Blood Knife' Benito Bonito buried the pirate treasures, the volcano near Cape Esperanza erupted several times one after another, and the terrain there changed dramatically.

More than 20 years later, Bonito's former mistress Mary returned to Cocos Island with her husband John Welch, trying to find the huge treasure, but they didn't even find a hair!

It is said that the reason why they returned without success was the Cape Esperanza, which had already been turned upside down. Everything there had changed, and they could not find the treasure according to the terrain.

Now you're saying that pirate treasure is buried in Cape Esperanza, where it's always been, and that's bullshit, you bastard, you're obviously making fun of us! "

"Hahaha, I'm very sorry, gentlemen, I actually forgot that the terrain of Cape Esperanza has changed, I was negligent, and I'm not making fun of you!

From this point of view, the pirate treasure map in my hand is really useless, what a huge fortune! What a shame to be buried deep in Cocos Island like this!

Well, gentlemen, without further ado, I'm going to hang up and get ready for my half of Lima's treasure, and there's a lot of work to do!

Once again, it is a great honor to cooperate with you. I hope we will have such opportunities to cooperate in the future. I hope you have a good day, goodbye! Gentlemen"

Ye Tian laughed and said, his tone was very relaxed, still in a joking tone.

"Goodbye, Steven, you crazy guy, it must be a great day for you!"

"Steven, see you in New York"

Flores and Professor Delgado said goodbye one after another, and then ended the call!

Then, the two of them turned around and walked towards the convoy parked not far away, preparing to leave the airport.

On the way, Flores gritted his teeth and whispered:

"I'm sure that the treasure map in Steven's hand points to the place where the Bonito treasure is buried, it's definitely not Cape Esperanza, it must be another place on Cocos Island!"

"That's right, the last few words of that bastard Steven are enough to say everything, that pirate treasure map pointing to Bonito's treasure is absolutely true!

With the treasure map in his hand, he doesn't need to worry at all, just waiting for us to call him and ask for another cooperation. He is so cunning and greedy! "

Professor Delgado responded in a low voice, his teeth were itching with hatred, but his face was full of helplessness!

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