Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1193 Arrived in New York

Around four o'clock in the afternoon, New York's JFK International Airport.

An iron-gray C5 heavy transport plane and a silver-gray Bombardier Global Express 8000 roared from the south one after the other and appeared over the Kennedy International Airport!

The two planes flew at a very low altitude and flew to two different runways, preparing to land at JFK International Airport!

The goods carried on the US military C5 heavy transport plane in front are the dazzling gold and silver treasures and antique works of art in Lima Treasure.

The Bombardier Global Express 8000 at the back is of course Ye Tian's private jet, and Jason and other employees of the Daring Bold Exploration Company are in it!

Soon, the two planes landed on two adjacent runways, truly bringing the treasures of Lima to New York!

Before the two planes stopped on the runway, the armored convoy led by Ye Tian quickly drove over from the entrance of the apron, heading straight for the C5 heavy transport plane!

Driving at the front of this armored convoy was Ye Tian's sturdy Paramount Predator, followed by three Chevrolet Saaban bulletproof SUVs!

Further behind, there are six armored escort vehicles, and a medium-sized container truck, followed by four Chevrolet Saboban bulletproof SUVs!

Behind the entire convoy was the dark and extremely sturdy Cavalier XV.

The security personnel in these vehicles, everyone is fully armed, wearing Kevlar body armor, holding assault rifles, and are on high alert!

At the same time as the armored escort convoy, there were also several New York Police SUV police vehicles, two New York Special Police Bearcat armored vehicles with live ammunition, and several vehicles from the airport customs.

These New York police cars and customs vehicles all have flashing lights and are scattered around the armored escort convoy, which not only protects the escort convoy, but also has the meaning of surveillance!

When this mixed armored convoy drove across the tarmac, it was like an unstoppable torrent of steel rolling forward, instantly attracting everyone's attention!

Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but feel terrified, goose bumps all over their bodies being stimulated!

After the initial shock, there were bursts of exclamations from many places in the airport.

"I'll go! Steven is such a crazy bastard, his hand is too big, this armored escort convoy is exaggerated to the extreme, even if the president of the United States travels, there is no such a big battle!"

"Steven is not only a crazy bastard, but also an extremely lucky guy. The C5 heavy transport plane carried the priceless treasure of Lima, so you can't be too careful!

If it were me, I would invite a huge army to protect my wealth. God knows how many red-eyed guys are attacking these pirate treasures. Do you dare to be careful? "

How did these people who were discussing enthusiastically know that the shocking and even frightening armored escort convoy in front of them is only a part of the escort force, not all of it!

On the edge of the no-air zone at Kennedy Airport, there is an empty public parking lot, and five medium-sized helicopters are scattered. They are the air power that escorted Lima's treasure!

Among them are Ye Tian's H155 Airbus helicopter, two medium-sized helicopters from Raytheon, and two police helicopters with the NYPD logo painted on their fuselages, from the New York Police.

These five medium-sized helicopters are waiting! Ready to take off at any time, responsible for air security, protecting the convoy on the ground escorting Lima's treasure.

Except for the pilots, every security officer in these five medium-sized helicopters is fully armed, armed with automatic rifles or M249 squad machine guns, and the firepower is very powerful!

Especially those two medium-sized helicopters from Raytheon Security Company,

The cabin also carries shoulder-fired needle anti-aircraft missiles, enough to deal with any trouble!

Their powerful firepower is enough to dwarf those two police helicopters from the New York Police! Ashamed of myself!

After gliding several hundred meters, the C5 heavy transport plane stopped first, in the middle of the runway!

Immediately afterwards, the armored escort convoy headed by the Paramount Marauder roared in, stopped around the C5 heavy transport aircraft, and guarded it.

As soon as the escort convoy stopped, Mattis' excited voice came from the earphones.

"Steven, we are back. The gold and silver treasures and antique works of art belonging to our fearless exploration company are all in the cabin of the C5 transport plane, and there is no shortage of them!"

"Good afternoon, Matisse, welcome back, you've done a great job, and we can have fun when we get these treasures from Lima Treasure safely into the vault at MG Chase Headquarters!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his tone quite excited.

"That's awesome, we can't wait to party, drink and eat, we want to see our family, it's going to be a fantastic moment!

Kennedy International Airport is a civilian airport. As an active military aircraft of the US military, this C5 heavy transport aircraft cannot stay here for a long time and needs to transfer to a nearby military airport!

So we can only unload on the runway, and get everything out of the belly as soon as possible, and then this C5 heavy transport plane will take off again, get out of here! "

"No problem, the armored convoy has arrived and is parked next to the C5 transport plane. It will definitely complete the transfer of the treasure in the shortest possible time, and leave with this treasure!"

"Okay, Steven, I will notify the crew and start the transfer work!"

Mattis replied in a deep voice, and immediately took action.

At the same time, Ye Tian and the others opened the car doors one after another, got out of their respective cars, landed on the runway, and quickly set up a cordon!

Those New York police officers, heavily armed SAT special police officers, and customs staff also got out of their cars, performed their duties, and got busy.

Several New York police officers immediately dispersed, and quickly pulled up a cordon around the outermost perimeter, enclosing the entire area around the C5 transport plane, and prohibiting outsiders from entering!

Those SAT special police stood beside their respective armored vehicles, and while they were in charge of guarding, they observed Ye Tian and his actions. Everyone's eyes were full of envy!

As for the customs staff, they were divided into two groups and walked towards the nose and tail of the C5 heavy transport aircraft, ready to inspect the cargo carried by this heavy transport aircraft!

This priceless gold and silver treasure and antique works of art all come from outside the United States. If you want to enter the United States legally, you must accept the inspection of the US customs!

Only through customs inspection can these gold and silver treasures and antique works of art have legal status, can they leave the airport smoothly, and then enter the antique art market for circulation!

In the process, it is natural to be ruthlessly slaughtered by the US government. How could those vulture-like guys from the Internal Revenue Service let go of this opportunity, how could they let go of such a windfall!

Seeing the airport customs officers approaching, David immediately greeted them with his paralegal, ready to deal with and supervise these guys!

In addition, Anderson, who is staying in the belly of the C5 transport plane, can also come forward to deal with these customs officers who are sharpening their knives!

While speaking, the nose cover and tail hatch of the C5 heavy transport aircraft were opened one after another, presenting the situation in the belly of the aircraft to everyone.

The light conditions in the belly of the aircraft are very good, and everyone can see several huge cubes at a glance, stacked in a row in the center of the belly, firmly fixed by ropes and fishing nets! Can't move an inch!

Each cube is covered with a large piece of black tarpaulin, which is so tightly covered that it is impossible to see what is covered underneath, maintaining a sense of mystery!

On both sides of these cubes, in front of the two rows of seats close to the bulkhead of the transport aircraft, stood a dozen or so armed security personnel armed with automatic rifles, and everyone was extremely tough!

"Guys, let's get out!"

With an order, Mattis led these armed security personnel and walked out from under the high-raised hood in two rows. Everyone was very excited!

Walking out of the belly of the C5 transport plane with them was Anderson.

On another runway not far away, the hatch of the Bombardier Global Express 8000 also opened at this time. Jason and other company employees came out of the cabin one after another and stood on the runway looking at this side!

“Welcome back to New York, guys, it was a pleasure to see you here, what a wonderful afternoon, mind-blowing!”

Saying that, Ye Tian opened his arms and strode towards Matisse and the others with a bright smile on his face!

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