Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1195 Nearly perfect robbery plan

"If those guys really came for Lima's treasure and tried to rob the escort convoy, then someone must be behind the escort convoy and tip off those idiots!

Cole, you go ahead and tell the convoy to slow down, but don't stop, keep going along Atlantic Avenue, so as not to arouse the vigilance of those guys.

You check the surveillance video to see if someone is following us. If someone is following us, you need to find out how many cars and people the other party has, so that you can be prepared! "

Ye Tian said with a sneer, with a murderous look in his words.

"Okay, Steven, I'll notify the guys right away, and then check the surveillance video. If someone is really following the escort convoy, it must have been bitten from Kennedy International Airport!"

Cole's voice came from the earphones, equally murderous.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian said through the wireless headset:

"Bourne, since those guys blocked Atlantic Avenue and directed the passing vehicles to the streets on both sides, it means that the place they chose to do it was not Atlantic Avenue, but on other nearby streets!

As long as the armored escort convoy obeys the command of the police and drives into the ambush street, those guys will start immediately! You carefully check the situation on other streets around you, maybe you will find something!

Another thing to note is that with the strength of our armored convoy, no matter whether it is on the ground or in the air, anyone who rushes up to rob will be smashed to pieces, there is absolutely no possibility of escape!

The only chance for those idiots to succeed in the robbery is underground. Check the underground pipe network system in that area to see where they are most likely to attack. It should not be difficult to find out! "

"Understood, Steven, let's check the nearby streets and underground pipe network immediately, you are right, those idiots are likely to use the underground pipe network to make a fuss"

Bourne responded excitedly, and he is also a master who doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

While speaking, the speed of the armored escort convoy has dropped to less than half of what it was before!

This sudden change in speed will definitely make the vehicles behind the escort convoy flustered for a while, and maybe they can test out that those vehicles are stalkers with ulterior motives!

Atlantic Avenue is a main road, and there are many vehicles driving on the road, many of which are coming from Kennedy International Airport, so some special measures can only be taken!

While the convoy slows down,

Ye Tian is still making arrangements.

"George, you fly the H155 helicopter to the front to check the situation. For safety's sake, don't fly too low, at least keep it at a height of about 100 meters!

After flying over those municipal engineering vehicles, let Miller and the others secretly release a few beetle drones down there. I really want to see how divine those guys are!

Later, Bourne and the others will check the nearby streets. If you find any abnormalities in other streets, you will fly over immediately, grab the medicine according to the prescription, and then use the beetle drone to investigate! "

"Okay, Steven, I like this kind of action, it's exciting and enjoyable!"

George's voice came from the earphone immediately, and the excitement almost flew up!

Before the words were finished, the H155 Airbus helicopter above the armored escort convoy suddenly increased its flight speed and flew forward along the Atlantic Avenue to investigate the situation!

As soon as the H155 helicopter flew away, Bourne's voice came from the earphones, still very excited.

"Found it! Steven, you're right, those municipal engineering vehicles on Atlantic Avenue are simply a cover, and the robbery location chosen by those idiots is not on Atlantic Avenue.

That idiot in police uniform directing traffic is standing at the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Gunther Street, and if nothing else, he's directing your armored convoy to turn right onto Gunther Street.

Gunther Street is a dilapidated small street with a limited width, and it is a one-way street from south to north. If the armored escort convoy drives into that street, it will definitely not be able to use it!

In front of Gunther Street, 20 to 30 meters away from Herkimer Street, there was also a municipal engineering vehicle parked. From the monitoring, it seemed that construction was underway, which made the street even narrower!

When the escort convoy drives there, the speed must drop very slowly, and it is also very difficult to respond from the beginning to the end. If someone attacks the vehicle driving in front, it will be difficult for the vehicles behind to provide support!

More importantly, there is a network of municipal pipes extending in all directions under that street, densely packed, like a huge spider web, it is a perfect ambush location!

Those municipal pipe networks are so huge that you can even drive a car in them. From the map of the municipal pipe network we found, there are many passages that can go directly to the New York subway! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"I should have guessed the ambush method of those idiots. If my prediction is correct, there must be a lot of explosives buried underground on Gunther Street, and it is the kind of high-energy explosives for directional blasting!

When the armored escort convoy enters the Gunther Street ambush area, those idiots will use municipal engineering vehicles to block the road, and then detonate the high-energy explosives buried in the ground to create an artificial subsidence.

At that time, one or several armored escort vehicles full of gold, silver, treasures and antique works of art will fall into the ground, fall into the big hole blown out by those idiots, and become their prey!

Next, those idiots hidden in the underground pipe network will block the upper opening with very fierce firepower, preventing our armed security personnel from going down to rescue!

During this period, those idiots will split up a few people, get rid of the armed security personnel in the escort vehicles as soon as possible, and then quickly cut or explode those armored escort vehicles.

Afterwards, they will empty the escort vehicles as quickly as possible, and transport away all the boxes and sealed bags filled with gold, silver, treasures and antique works of art! Run away!

If they want to transport the gold and silver treasures they have grabbed as soon as possible, they must use motor vehicles. There should be many vehicles underground on Gunther Street, most likely all-terrain vehicles! That's the best! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Bourne and the others immediately exclaimed.

"I'm going! Who the hell are those idiots? They're so generous, it's too expensive! Planning such a robbery and completing the arrangement will take ten days and a half months, right?"

"That's right, it will definitely take a lot of time to plan and arrange. It is estimated that when the joint exploration fleet just returned to Costa Rica, those idiots started planning this robbery!

I have to say that the action plan of those idiots is almost perfect. If it is someone else, the possibility of success is indeed very high, but it is a pity that those idiots chose the wrong opponent this time!

If you want to rob Lao Tzu's wealth, then you must have the awareness and preparation to die in hell. For any idiot who covets Lao Tzu's wealth, I don't mind sending him to hell! "

Ye Tian said with a sneer, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

As soon as the voice on his side fell, Cole's voice came from the earphone.

"Steven, we checked the surveillance video carefully and found two suspicious vehicles, one is a black Dodge Ram pickup and the other is a gray Ford SUV.

Since the escort convoy left Kennedy Airport, the two vehicles have been following behind, keeping a certain distance, deliberately hiding in the blind spot of the rearview mirror, and constantly using other vehicles to cover themselves!

It can be seen that the guys who drive these two cars are still somewhat advanced, and there are so many cars on the highway, so they escaped our eyes and have been following them secretly until now!

But they can't imagine that every car in our convoy is equipped with several high-definition cameras. As long as they are vigilant, they can be found out of the traffic in minutes!

After zooming in on the surveillance screen, we saw the guys in those two cars, two black men in the Dodge Ram, two black men and a Hispanic in the Ford SUV! Doesn't look like a good person! "

"Send me the surveillance footage, and let me see who these idiots really are, they are so brave! How dare they try to trick me!"

Ye Tian said with a sneer, murderous intent filled his eyes!

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