Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1196 A group of idiots of unknown origin

The monitoring screen was sent over quickly, and it was clearly displayed on the monitoring screen in front of Ye Tian's eyes!

As Cole said, the two vehicles were about 50 or 60 meters behind the armored escort convoy, mingled with the traffic one behind the other, driving very slowly!

Those are two very ordinary vehicles, which can be seen everywhere on the street. They look very inconspicuous. If you are not vigilant, it is difficult to find that they are following the escort convoy!

In the front seat of the Dodge Ram pickup truck in front, sat two tall, muscular black buddies, about 20 or 30 years old!

In the Ford SUV seven or eight meters away, there were a Hispanic and a black man sitting in the front row, and a black man in the back seat, both in their twenties and thirties!

These guys don't look like good people, everyone has a stern face, a sinister expression, tattoos all over their arms and necks, and a vicious look!

In particular, they glanced at the armored escort convoy from time to time, showing endless greed, like a group of hungry wolves seeing their prey, everyone's eyes glowed green!

All new faces, never seen before!

"I don't know if it's a group of idiots who were driven crazy by Lima's treasure and came to die? Or the subordinates of an old friend, who are going to break arms with their buddies again?

But no matter where you idiots come from, where are you from! Since you dare to play Lao Tzu's idea, then prepare to go to hell, no one should be an exception! "

Ye Tian cursed a few words secretly, and then said through the wireless headset:

"Bourne, Tristan, check the identities of these idiots on the Internet to find out who they are. They are probably frequent visitors to prisons like this, so it shouldn't be difficult to find them!

If you can't find out the origin of these idiots, you can contact the relevant people of Raytheon Security Company and ask them to help you find out the identities of these idiots. The consultation fee is easy to say!

With the strong military background of Raytheon Security Company, except for some top-secret information, the rest of the information should not be a problem, let alone querying the identities of several robbers! "

"Got it, Steven, we are already checking the identities of these idiots, including the information of those two vehicles, and the information about those municipal engineering vehicles!

If we can't find it, I'll call the Raytheon guys, I know those guys very well, I have no problem asking them to help! "

Byrne responded excitedly,

Very confident.

As soon as the voice on his side fell, Cole's voice came from the earphone.

"Steven, the escort convoy is less than 300 meters away from the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Gunther Street, no matter how slow our speed is, we will reach that intersection in two minutes!

What to do next? Showdown with those idiots directly, have a street fight? Or notify the police and let the New York special police in the escort convoy come forward to solve the problem? "

"Don't notify the police for now, wait until the identities of those guys are found out! And we shouldn't take the initiative to take action, it's better to wait for the other party to initiate an attack before we fight back!

Everyone must remember that our most important task is to escort the Lima treasure, and escort this batch of priceless gold and silver treasures and antique works of art to the vault of G Chase Bank headquarters!

Compared with this task, other things are not important and can be temporarily put aside, including sending those idiots to hell, and after the escort task is completed, they can be dealt with later!

You just find an excuse to stop the escort convoy and see how those idiots will react. Do you continue to wait and see and patiently wait for us to fall into the trap? Or attack immediately!

If they attack right away, that's great, we'll have fun with them, send them straight to hell, and take the Lima treasure to Manhattan when we're done.

If they choose to bear it and continue to wait for the escort convoy to enter the trap, they will let the New York special police in the two Bearat armored vehicles serve them later, and the escort convoy will pass directly by force!

After we transport the Lima treasure to G Chase, if these guys are still alive and the police allow it, we can go into the next siege and send those idiots to hell!

When parking, let everyone be ready to fight, and keep an eye on the fake police and those municipal engineering vehicles at the intersection in front, as well as the two cars behind, and the buildings on both sides of the street! "

Ye Tian spoke quickly, and quickly came up with a countermeasure.

"Okay, Steven, I'll arrange it now. The excuse is so easy to find, just say that the car is broken down! It's enough to fool those New York policemen, and it must be able to fool those idiots!"

Cole's voice came again, and he said with a chuckle.

The next moment, his voice sounded on the intercom, reaching the ears of every security guard in the escort convoy, as well as those New York police officers.

"Guys, just stop, this Chevrolet Saaban SUV we're in has a problem and needs a temporary overhaul, it'll be over soon!

When the convoy stops, everyone must maintain a high level of alert, pay attention to the situation around the escort convoy, and must not relax your vigilance to avoid being taken by others! "


There was a loud response from the intercom, and the entire convoy immediately slowed down, and slowly pulled over and stopped on Atlantic Avenue!

The New York police cars driving around the convoy and escorting the Lima treasure, as well as the two Bearat armored vehicles of the New York Special Police, also stopped one after another!

They were parked at the front and back of the armored escort convoy, and on the side of the road, separating the escort convoy from other social vehicles, apparently for fear that someone would plan to escort the escort convoy!

Because of the way these New York police cars parked, the main road was blocked in half and became much narrower!

The other social vehicles following the armored escort convoy also had to slow down again, driving slowly one by one, and very carefully!

At this moment, everyone in this area knows it very clearly!

What the heavy armored convoy was transporting was the Lima treasure that came from Cocos Island, Costa Rica, and belonged to that bastard Steven!

When that bastard Steven appeared together with a large sum of gold and silver treasures, it was often accompanied by bloody killings with bullets flying and corpses everywhere. Do you dare to be careful?

A few hundred meters in front of Atlantic Avenue, George's H55 helicopter flew over the municipal engineering vehicles and slowly descended to a height of about 100 meters!

Under the frenzied stirring of the helicopter's propellers, the area immediately set off gusts of hurricanes, blowing the few guys on the ground in the overalls of the municipal staff who could hardly keep their eyes open.

And the huge whistling sound from the helicopter engine is even more deafening and maddening!

Just as those guys on the ground turned sideways to avoid the hurricane, the cabin door of the H55 above their heads was quietly opened, revealing a gap less than ten centimeters wide!

Immediately afterwards, two blue-gray beetle drones, which were only the size of fingernails, were gently thrown out of the cabin and fell to the ground silently! No one noticed at all!

The next moment, the hatch of the helicopter closed quietly again, as if it had never been opened!

Look at those two blue-gray beetle drones, which are in free fall and falling to the ground at high speed!

When they fell to a height of only about 50 centimeters from the ground, the blue-gray carapaces on their backs suddenly opened, instantly turning into two miniature propellers, spinning at high speed!

After falling less than 20 centimeters, the two beetle drones stabilized their bodies, then turned around and flew towards the municipal engineering vehicle parked next to them, and began to investigate the situation here!

Meanwhile, those guys near the municipal works truck, the fake cop at the intersection directing traffic, and the idiots in those two cars behind the escort convoy.

And those guys who are in charge of the lookout and the underground pipe network on Gunther Street are communicating in low voices through the intercom headsets. Everyone is in shock, and there is even fear in their voices!

"Fack! Why did this damn helicopter suddenly fly over our heads? And the armored convoy escorting the treasure also stopped, not far in front of the intersection!

Did that bastard Steven find out about our actions, or become suspicious? If that's the case, then we have to find a way to evacuate, otherwise we may be scooped up by that bastard! "

"Probably not! From the planning to the implementation of this operation, we have been very cautious in every link, and we have not leaked any information at all. How could that bastard Steven find out?

I feel that they are just suspicious. No matter who escorts such a large amount of gold and silver treasures and antique works of art, they must be very careful. It is normal to be suspicious!

Our sudden road closure will definitely arouse the suspicion of those guys. It is inevitable to stop and observe. Everyone calm down and act according to the script. It should be no problem! "

While these guys were talking in low voices, the situation ahead had changed!

In the armored escort convoy a few hundred meters away, the door of a Chevrolet Saaban suddenly opened, and the driver of the Chevrolet jumped out of the car and leaned over to inspect the bulletproof SUV.

Seeing this scene, those idiots who were going to rob the armored convoy couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief and relax a lot!

"Fake! I was scared to death. I thought I was about to fight a street fight with Steven and those bastards. It turned out that the car broke down and it was just a temporary maintenance!" ..

"Fortunately, it's just that the car broke down, and it won't affect the implementation of the plan. At most, it will only take a little more time! If not, we will be in bad luck!

Although I don't want to, I have to admit that Steven and his gang of bastards are indeed very powerful, and we may not be the opponents of those bastards!

If we fight those bastards on Atlantic Avenue, we will probably be crushed to pieces by those bastards, and no one will escape New York alive! "

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