After a while, Bourne's excited voice came from the earphone again.

"Steven, we have found out that this is a group of scumbags from the South Side of Chicago, everyone has committed a lot of crimes, as you said, all of them are regulars in the prison!

Compared with other gangs in the South Side of Chicago, these scumbags are not only drug dealers, but also a group of daring robbers.

The two cars at the back of the escort convoy have fake license plates. Those municipal engineering cars are real, but they were stolen from that parking lot and used as a cover by these scumbags."

Hearing Bourne's notification, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"Good job, Bourne, these idiots turned out to be friends from the South Side of Chicago, it's really the first time buddies have met, I hope these scumbags can make it back to Chicago alive!

Sort out all the personal information of these scumbags, send me and Cole each a copy, let me know these Chicago scumbags, I believe the New York police are also very interested! "

"Okay, Steven, I'll sort it out and send it to you soon"

Byrne responded excitedly, immediately getting busy.

As soon as the voice on his side fell, Miller's voice came from the earphone.

"Steven, we used the Beetle drone to detect those municipal construction vehicles on Atlantic Avenue, and those vehicles were all stolen, and there were signs of prying on each vehicle.

Although those traces have been covered up, they can still be seen after careful observation, and there are weapons in several vehicles, three AR-15 automatic rifles with bump stocks, and a lot of ammunition!

There are three people here, two black men and one white man. They all wore the uniforms of municipal workers, surrounded the entrance of a sewer, and pretended to be constructing below!

I flew a beetle drone into the sewer to investigate, and the idiot in the sewer didn't do anything, just stood there, waiting for the time to do it.

You guessed it right, Steven, Atlantic Avenue is the main road, there are a lot of vehicles coming and going, and there are not many pipe networks under the road, obviously it is not an ideal place to set up an ambush!

Underground here, I didn't see any other idiots lurking in ambush, nor did I find high-energy explosives arranged. Obviously, this place is just a cover, not the real ambush site.

We've flown two beetle drones over Gunther Street,

Go check out the conditions on the streets and underground over there, and soon we will fly there with the H155 helicopter"

"Very well, Miller, when you fly over to Gunther Street, you must pay attention to your safety. By then, those idiots should have reacted, knowing that we have found them!

After using the beetle drone to take pictures of the situation there, they immediately sent the relevant video images to Cole and Byrne. In the next siege operation, the New York police should need those materials!

If the prediction is correct, there should be many gunmen ambushing on Gunther Street, and there must be a lot of explosives. If the New York police are not notified, they will probably suffer a big loss and be beaten up! "

Ye Tian said with a sneer, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Understood, Steven, we will be careful, those idiots hiding in Gunther Street, whether they are on the ground or underground, don't try to escape our eyes!"

Miller responded in a deep voice, full of confidence in his words.

George, who was driving the H155, also responded, and he was still very excited.

As soon as the words fell, the H155 helicopter hovering more than 100 meters in the air in the distance began to increase its altitude, and quickly changed its direction, flying straight towards the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Gunther Street!

Obviously, Miller and the others have already checked the situation around the municipal engineering vehicles and successfully recovered the beetle drone. They are going to fly to Gunther Street to check the situation there!

Seeing this scene on the monitoring screen, Ye Tian immediately said through the wireless headset:

"Cole, let the guy outside get back in the car, he's done his part, it's pretty good, it's very realistic, it's time to watch the NYPD show!

You can inform the New York policemen in the escort convoy, tell them what we found and guess, and send them the surveillance footage captured by the beetle drone!

Next, we can just stay and watch the show, and let those New York special police go up to investigate and deal with those scumbags from the South Side of Chicago. This show must be very exciting!

At the same time, let the guys be ready to fight at any time, if those Chicago scum take the initiative to attack us, we don't need to be polite, just send those scum to hell!

In case those New York SWAT officers are too tough to deal with those Chicago scumbags and ask us for help, we can also lend a helping hand and rescue those poor New York police officers!

No matter what the battle will be like and how fierce the fight will be, everyone must not forget that our main task is to escort the treasure of Lima, and the escort team must not be chaotic! "

"Hahaha, I understand, Steven, I will let the guy who is acting outside come back, and then notify the New York police, and watch a good show with everyone!"

Cole responded with a laugh, gloating in his tone.

The next moment, the security guard who was staying outside the Chevrolet Saaban full-size bulletproof SUV, pretending to check the bottom of the car, got up quickly and returned to the car!

After the guy returned to the Chevrolet bulletproof SUV, Cole immediately started reporting the situation to the New York police in the escort convoy through the walkie-talkie.

At the same time, Miller's voice came from the earphone again and entered Ye Tian's ears.

"Steven, two beetle drones have flown to the ambush site of those scumbags in Chicago. Judging from the pictures just taken, Gunther Street is definitely a dragon's den!

The ambush site is located at the northern end of Gunther Street, only more than 20 meters away from Herkimer Street. The street is narrow and can only accommodate one car, so there is no room for maneuvering around!

In this way, those Chicago scumbags also parked a municipal engineering vehicle at the north end of Gunther Street, taking up more than half of the already narrow street and making it even narrower!

If the escort convoy enters Gunther Street, it is equivalent to dancing in shackles. There is no other choice but to smash the municipal engineering vehicle in front and rush out of Gunther Street!

If you choose to reverse the car and try to back out of Gunther Street the same way, if you are not careful, the entire escort convoy will be in a mess and completely paralyzed in that dilapidated street, unable to move!

This is probably what those scumbags in Chicago want to see the most. Besides, in the abandoned buildings on both sides of Gunther Street, there are many figures looming, which should be ambush gunmen!

As for the municipal engineering vehicle at the northern end of Gunther Street and the situation of the underground pipeline network on Gunther Street, we don’t know for the time being. We will fly the beetle drone to investigate immediately! "

When Miller reported the situation, he also sent over the surveillance footage captured by the beetle drone, which was clearly displayed on the surveillance screen in front of Ye Tian!

Looking at the dilapidated street on the surveillance screen, Ye Tian sneered and said:

"Hehe, these idiots from the South Side of Chicago seem to have some brains, this trap is really good, but their efforts are destined to be in vain!

Wanting to rob Lao Tzu and snatch Lima's treasure from Lao Tzu, these Chicago scumbags are really daydreaming and blind! Prepare to go to hell, idiots! "

While speaking, the H155 Airbus helicopter in front had already flown over the intersection, then turned around and flew straight north along Gunther Street!

And the New York police cars guarding the treasure escort convoy, as well as the two New York Special Police Bearat armored vehicles, also moved at this time!

These NYPD cars start their engines quickly and start splitting up!

One of the Bearat armored vehicles full of New York SWAT and two police cars parked behind the convoy quickly turned around and started driving in the opposite direction, pushing towards the two vehicles following the escort convoy!

Another Bearat armored vehicle and the rest of the police cars formed a fan shape and drove slowly towards the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Gunther Street, towards the fake policeman standing in the middle of the intersection directing traffic!

When these New York police cars moved, they immediately brought out a heavy sense of oppression, and the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became tense, and the air was instantly filled with the smell of gunpowder!

Seeing this situation, even the most stupid idiot can sense that something is wrong!

What's more, those Chicago scumbags who have been licking blood at the knife's edge all the year round and have dealt with the police countless times, how could they not be aware of it?

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