New York Police Department headquarters on Crowe Street, Manhattan.

A New York policeman in uniform rushed into a small meeting room as if he was crazy, interrupting the ongoing high-level meeting inside!

This sudden change startled many high-level New York police officers in the conference room. Everyone was astonished and turned their heads to look at the door!

Sitting at the head of the long conference table, the chief of police, who was still berating Fang Qiu just now, changed his face instantly, turning livid, very ugly!

His eyes were full of anger, and he was about to throw a tantrum!

However, the New York policeman who stormed into the conference room didn't give him a chance to attack at all!

Before he could stand still, the policeman said loudly in horror

"Boss, something is wrong, there are a bunch of idiots who don't know how to live or die, and they are planning to rob the armored convoy full of Lima's treasures, and that gold and silver treasure belongs to Steven!

Steven and his gang of murderous men are in the escort convoy! There were dozens of people, everyone was fully armed, they were all riding bulletproof suvs, and there were several helicopters in the sky to cover them!

The armored escort convoy has now stopped, on the side of the Atlantic Avenue not far from Queens into Brooklyn, about two to three hundred meters away from Gunther Street ahead!

The idiots trying to rob Lima's treasure, pretending to be police, blocked Atlantic Avenue with a few stolen municipal works vehicles, and directed other vehicles to other streets on both sides!

The place they chose to ambush was the dilapidated street on Gunther Street. There were quite a few people preparing to rob, and the firepower was very powerful. Obviously, they came prepared! "

"Fack! I know it, but wherever that bastard Steven appears, there is no way of peace! I've had enough, New York is about to turn that bastard into a battlefield!

Those gold and silver treasures and antique works of art from Lima Treasures are so tempting, who wouldn't be jealous? It's perfectly normal for someone to have the idea of ​​the pirate's treasure, and it's strange if they don't! "

The New York police chief cursed furiously, his face was so ugly that he looked like a dead father!

The other senior officers of the New York Police Department who were in this meeting room were stunned at this moment. Everyone had a stunned expression, and their faces were also extremely ugly!

Take a breath,

The policeman who rushed into the meeting room immediately went on to say

"Those robbers not only set up traps on Atlantic Avenue and Gunther Street, but also sent people to keep an eye on the armored escort convoy all the way from JFK International Airport to Brooklyn!

It's a pity that they chose the wrong target for looting. Steven and his fellows realized something was wrong early on, and suddenly stopped the escort convoy two or three hundred meters away from the intersection of Gunther Street, and stopped by the side of the road!

Steven and those guys used various methods to quickly grasp the situation on the scene, and found out the identities of the robbers, and then notified the police in the escort convoy of the relevant situation! "

"**! New York is our territory, not the private territory of that bastard Steven! The New York police are the law enforcement officers and managers of this city!

Why was it not the New York police who discovered those idiot robbers, but Steven, that hateful bastard! Are New York police officers all idiots? "

The police station gritted their teeth and cursed, their nose was almost crooked, and their face became more and more ugly!

The same goes for everyone else at the scene, everyone's expression was quite embarrassed, but very helpless!

The buddy who was introducing the situation was also very depressed, and his face was burning with panic, but what can he do? He can only continue to introduce the situation.

"According to Steven and his team's investigation, those robbers are from the South Side of Chicago. They are a notorious gang in the local area. They commit all kinds of crimes. Everyone in the gang is a scumbag with many crimes!

Those Chicago scumbags not only carried a large amount of guns and ammunition to rob the escort convoy, they probably also carried high-energy explosives to deal with those sturdy armored escort vehicles.

Steven's subordinates reminded us that those robbers are likely to use the underground pipe network near Gunther Street to blow up the ground on Gunther Street and loot the escort vehicles full of gold and silver treasures underground! "

"High explosives? Blow the ground on Gunther Street? Real or fake? How is this possible?"

There was a frantic exclamation in the meeting room, everyone pushed away their chairs and stood up suddenly, everyone was full of horror!

The use of high-energy explosives to carry out robbery is by no means comparable to ordinary armed robbery. The consequences and impact of it, as well as the continuous threat it brings, will definitely shake the whole of New York!

This is his New York! Not only has it suffered several terrorist attacks, but it has suffered heavy losses! It is the number one target of terrorist attacks in the world, and it is the city that countless terrorists want to die with!

The high-energy explosive is too sensitive. Once it explodes in this city, what kind of consequences it will cause, the high-level New York police officers at the scene can't even imagine!

"Carter, tell me about the situation of the underground pipe network near Gunther Street, wouldn't it be those guys in Steven who were alarmist?"

asked the chief of police eagerly, with equally frightened eyes!

The policeman named Carter nodded, then continued with a solemn expression

"Steven and those guys are not alarmist, they are obviously very familiar with the underground pipe network system near Gunther Street, we have verified it, and what those guys said is true!

The underground pipe network near Gunther Street is very dense and extends in all directions, and there is no problem driving in it. Some of the underground pipe networks are connected to the New York subway, which is very convenient to get out of! "

"Fack! Damn it! This is big trouble!"

Crazy cursing sounded again at the scene, of course from those high-level New York police officers.

Amidst the scolding, Carter continued to introduce the situation quickly.

"By analyzing the surveillance footage sent by Steven's subordinates, we have determined the identities of the robbers, their firepower deployment, etc., which are completely consistent with the information provided by Steven's subordinates!

As for whether those robbers had high-energy explosives, and the situation of the underground pipe network near Gunther Street, we don't know for the time being. We can only wait for new surveillance images from Steven's subordinates!

It is estimated that it will not be long before Steven's subordinates will transmit new surveillance images. With Stephen's usual behavior as that bastard, he can't just talk nonsense about this kind of thing!

After receiving the warning, the guys protecting the escort convoy have already started to act. Before I came in, they were approaching the robbers, and it is estimated that they will be fired! "

As soon as Carter finished speaking, the chief of police swung his fist and slammed it hard on the conference table in front of him.


The moment the fist touched the table, there was a loud noise in the conference room, which shocked everyone inside and outside the conference room!

Immediately afterwards, the police chief's frantic roar resounded through the entire floor.

"I'm going to kill those scumbags! Tell the guys at the scene on Gunther Street to kill those damn Chicago scumbags for me, and send them all to hell, don't let any one go!

Inform all the guys on duty nearby to rush to support immediately, remember to wear bulletproof vests and long guns, what they are about to face is a group of robbers with powerful firepower, not some cowards!

All the police officers on duty in Brooklyn and Queens, armed me, assembled on Gunther Street, must completely surround that area, and check everyone and every car!

The swat police of the Manhattan headquarters, the special police of Brooklyn and Queens, all set off in a helicopter and rushed to Gunther Street as soon as possible to support the guys who escorted the convoy!

The public relations department also took action, preparing to deal with the swarm of media reporters, and must tell those damn reporters that this is an ordinary criminal case, not a terrorist attack!

Immediately contact the relevant municipal departments and get the distribution map of the underground pipe network near Gunther Street as soon as possible.

Another point is that Steven and his gang of bastards must not be allowed to intervene in the battle. They are a group of lunatics who have no taboos. I don't want to see those bastards ruin Brooklyn! "


Everyone in the conference room responded loudly, every voice was full of anger.

Immediately afterwards, the door of this conference room was pushed open, and a group of high-level New York police officers rushed out of it like a tide, and then rushed everywhere!

On the way, these guys have already pulled out their mobile phones and started to arrange actions!

At the same time, at the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Gunther Street in Brooklyn, a battle has already begun!


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