Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1227 Stealth Attack

The situation has reached a stalemate!

The two Chicago scumbags in the apartment did not dare to rush out, afraid of Ye Tian's fierce revenge, and they did not dare to hurt the hostages, so they could only use the hostages as a shield and continue to hide in that apartment.

Ye Tian and the others were not in a hurry to launch an attack, they still used heavy police shields as cover, and stayed in the corridor outside the apartment, waiting for a suitable opportunity to attack.

As for the SWAT special police and the FBI special service team, they were stopped outside the gate of the apartment building and were not allowed to enter the apartment building for the time being, nor could they participate in the hostage rescue operation.

Because of Ye Tian's identity at this time, they were collaborators of the New York police, and they were operating under the supervision of the police, so although the SWAT special police and FBI special agents were not angry, they were helpless.

"Steven, the Beetle drone flew into that apartment, and the footage captured is very clear, and those two Chicago scumbags didn't notice!"

Walker's voice came from the earphones, and he was very excited to hear it.

"Great, let me introduce the situation in the apartment, and see if there is a suitable opportunity to attack, so that we can kill those two scumbags as soon as possible while rushing into the apartment, and ensure the safety of the hostages."

Ye Tian pretended to cheer happily, and then began to ask about the specific situation.

"Okay, Steven, those two scumbags are located in different places in the apartment, one is hiding on the left side of the apartment door, clinging to the wall, holding a Glock pistol in his hand.

Another Chicago scumbag is hiding behind a loveseat in the living room, holding a SIG552 short assault rifle with good firepower and an M68 grenade in his hand.

These two scumbags acted fairly carefully. They closed all the curtains and hid behind the load-bearing wall, which basically prevented the possibility of being killed by snipers from a distance.

Unless a large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle is used, the two scumbags can be killed through the load-bearing wall, but that is also likely to hurt the hostages, which is not a good attack method.

They tore down all the furniture in the living room, dragged out the mattresses in the bedroom, and piled them together at the door to use them as a cover, which can also block the attack.

If we attack from the door, we will definitely be blocked by those obstacles, unable to rush into the living room quickly, kill the scum in the living room, and have to face the opponent's crazy attack.

This is very dangerous, and what's even more dangerous is that the three hostages are in the middle of the living room, very close to the scum with a SIG552 assault rifle, and within the blast range of the M68 grenade.

The hands and feet of the three hostages were all tied up, and they had no self-rescue ability at all. Once the M68 grenade exploded, the three of them would surely die. Even if God came in person, they would not be able to save them! "

Walker quickly introduced the situation in the apartment, very carefully.

After listening to his introduction, Ye Tian immediately gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice:

"Fake! They are really two scumbags who deserve nothing more than death. Such a young child, they are able to tie up the two children cruelly. Damn him!"

Just like Ye Tian, ​​the eyes of the rest of the people at the scene were also full of anger, revealing their murderous intentions!

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"It can be seen that the two scumbags in the apartment are very cautious and have some combat experience. It is obviously impossible to attack from the front of the apartment door, unless the life and death of the hostages are ignored.

We can only find another way, see if we can start from the windows and fire escapes outside the apartment, find a way to break into the apartment in front of us, and quickly kill those two Chicago scumbags"

"That's right, Steven, we can only find a way to break in from the outside"

Mathis nodded his head and said in a low voice, agreeing to Ye Tian's proposal.

As soon as the words fell, Charlie suddenly interrupted and said:

"Steven, I used the beetle drone to scout the situation outside the building, don't say, if you choose to raid from outside the building,

There is a real chance to sneak into the apartment in front of you without anyone noticing.

Because of the hot weather, the window of the bathroom in that apartment was half-opened for ventilation. You can choose to sneak in from there, and you don't need to break the glass on the window. As long as you are careful, you can definitely cheat! "

After acting for a long time, buddies are waiting for your words. The foreshadowing has been completed, and it's time for buddies to take action and send those two Chicago scumbags to hell!

Ye Tian secretly cheered, his eyes instantly became extremely bright.

As soon as Charlie finished speaking, he immediately said firmly:

"Since there is an opportunity to sneak into the apartment without anyone noticing, why hesitate? Let's do it immediately, lest there will be long nights and dreams, and other unexpected changes will occur!

I was going to infiltrate that apartment up ahead by myself, send those two Chicago scumbags to hell, rescue those three innocent hostages, rescue those two kids.

Just guard the door of the apartment and provide support for me on the roof. Don’t worry about my safety. No one can hurt me. Those two scumbags are even more impossible.”

"Okay, Steven, your marksmanship is the most accurate, and you have the greatest chance of success if you make the shot, just leave it to us in the corridor."

Mattis nodded slightly and said without any objection.

The rest of the people were the same, they all nodded lightly, their expressions extremely excited.

Regarding Ye Tian's strength, each of them is very clear, knowing that this task of sneaking into and killing the enemy is not difficult for him at all, and it is easier than drinking water.

Those two Chicago scumbags in the apartment are dead, no doubt about it!

"Steven, we are already in position, but the conditions for sniping are not ideal. Those two scumbags closed the curtains in the apartment, blocking our view."

Miller's voice came from the headset, reporting the situation.

"Since the conditions for sniping are immature, then continue to wait. There may be a chance to appear later. I am going to sneak into the apartment from outside the building. You provide me with cover to prevent attacks from other directions!"

Ye Tian said in a low voice, his words were full of murderous intent.

"Okay, Steven, let's check the nearby high-rise buildings to see if there are any lurking gunmen"

Miller responded and moved quickly.

Afterwards, Ye Tian flashed out from the tactical team, led Charlie and the other two men, and walked quickly towards the stairwell.

From that stairwell, you can go straight to the roof of this apartment building.

Although the iron gate leading to the rooftop was locked, to Ye Tian, ​​that was not a problem at all.

During the march, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a low voice:

"Philip, we have found a way to sneak into that apartment quietly and rescue the hostages smoothly. I will execute it myself, sneak into that apartment, and get rid of those two Chicago scumbags."

"Ah! Did I hear you right? Steven, are you going to sneak into that apartment yourself? Is this method safe? Is there a high chance of success? Is it too risky?

Don't forget, there were three hostages in that apartment, two of them children, and the raid could have been life-threatening if those two Chicago scumbags found out"

Philip exclaimed directly, his words full of worry.

"Relax though, I wouldn't take the risk without being 100 percent sure of success! For me, sneaking into that apartment wasn't difficult at all, it was easy.

To be honest, I care more about the safety of the hostages and the life and death of those two children than you do. After all, this matter is related to me, and I don't want to see those two young lives die prematurely.

Although I am very confident that this infiltration attack will be successful, but to be on the safe side, there are some things that need your cooperation, so that it will be foolproof! "

"Since you are so confident and think that you will succeed, I will take a risk with you, and you must not make me sit on wax and lose the job in front of me.

Let's talk, how can we cooperate with the New York police? If it is within the scope of my authority, I will try my best to cooperate and open the door for you, as long as the hostages can be rescued safely."

"The thing I want you to cooperate with is very simple, to inform the live broadcast media that during my operation, let those media helicopters hovering in the sky not to take pictures of the roof of the apartment building.

Of course, they can’t live broadcast the footage from the window of that apartment, that would reveal my whereabouts, remind those two Chicago scumbags, and possibly endanger the safety of the hostages in the apartment.”

"No problem, it's very simple, I will immediately notify the news media and ask them to cooperate"

Philip responded in a deep voice, and immediately took action.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had already walked into the stairwell, and walked along the stairs to the iron gate leading to the roof.

As a supervisor, Evan and another New York policeman also followed up, preparing to go to the rooftop together.


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