Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1228 The Angel Without Wings

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A few minutes later, Matisse's voice came through the earphones.

"Steven, you can act now. We have already attracted the attention of those two scumbags to the door of the apartment. They are firing crazily at the door of the apartment."

"Okay, Mattis, I'll get to work right away"

Ye Tian responded in a low voice, and walked towards the edge of the roof terrace, his steps were very light, almost without making any sound.

At this time, he had already tied a safety rope around his waist, and was about to lower himself to the window of the bathroom in the apartment below. The other end of the rope was in the hands of Charlie and the others.

The muzzle of the G36c assault rifle in his hand also screwed on the silencer, ready to kill.

In the process of walking towards the edge of the roof, Ye Tian had secretly turned on the perspective, looking through the floor under his feet, looking at the apartment below the floor.

As Mattis said, those two Chicago scumbags were staring at the door of the apartment, firing non-stop in the direction of the door, and had no time to care about the situation at the window.

In two or three steps, Ye Tian had reached the edge of the rooftop.

Before he could stand still, he whispered through the wireless headset:

"Guys, tighten the climbing rope, try not to make any noise under your feet, so as not to disturb the two scumbags downstairs, I'm ready to go down"

"Understood, Steven, don't worry, we are ready, we will never make any noise, you should pay attention to safety!"

Charlie and the others responded in a low voice, everyone was full of confidence.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing on the edge of the roof, took a step forward, jumped directly into the air outside the roof, and started to sneak in.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the roof of the building, disappeared from Charlie's field of vision, and was pulled down by the climbing rope quickly.

Watching this scene through the monitoring screen, Philip, other high-level New York police officers and FBI officers, as well as the policemen and media reporters in the helicopters in the sky, everyone's heart hung in their throats instantly.

Although it was not possible to broadcast live, the reporters on the media helicopters would not be willing to miss such a wonderful scene!

The cameras and video cameras in their hands were all aimed at Ye Tian who was falling fast, and they kept pressing the shutter one by one, shooting wildly!

While being nervous, everyone who saw this scene couldn't help feeling a sense of admiration in their hearts.

This guy Steven is really daring, is there anything in the world that he dare not do? This guy was going to sneak into that apartment by himself, free the hostages, and deal with those two Chicago scumbags.

It's just Steven, who would dare to take such a risk for anyone else? I am afraid there is none!

Ye Tian, ​​who kept falling in mid-air, had turned his body at this time, facing the wall of the apartment building, his feet were already close to the outer edge of the apartment bathroom window.

Under the perspective, he can see clearly the situation in the apartment without missing anything.

Those two Chicago scumbags were still staring at the door of the apartment and kept firing. The single mother with her two children was still crying helplessly, eyes full of despair and fear!

The curtains in the apartment were still drawn, blocking the view from the outside into the room. The few people in the apartment had no idea that someone had already fallen from the sky and was about to sneak into the apartment.

To those two Chicago scumbags, Ye Tian who fell from the sky was Yan Luo, but to those three crying hostages, he was an angel without wings.

"Charlie, tighten the climbing rope, I've arrived"

Ye Tian said in a low voice, stepping firmly on the outer edge of the bathroom window of the apartment with both feet.

"Okay, Steven, send those two scumbags to hell!"

Charlie's excited voice came from the earphones, and the climbing rope was tightened accordingly.

The next moment, Ye Tian quickly stretched out his left hand and firmly grasped the upper edge of the open window in the bathroom of the apartment, and then gently unlocked the safety lock on his waist with his right hand.

Immediately afterwards, he darted into the bathroom with the window open, entered the apartment, disappeared from the outer wall of the apartment building, and disappeared from the sight of many people.

His series of actions were completed very quickly, like lightning, which made everyone who saw this scene dumbfounded and astonished!

He is a snitch! too terrifying!

Everyone secretly sighed, cold sweat broke out on their backs, and they became more determined not to provoke Ye Tian, ​​otherwise this guy might come to visit in the dark at any time!

Ye Tian, ​​who sneaked into the bathroom of the apartment, jumped lightly on the floor of the bathroom like a civet cat, without making a sound, and did not arouse the vigilance of anyone in the apartment.

The moment he landed, the muzzle of the G36c assault rifle in his hand quickly pointed to the half-hidden door of the bathroom, ready to fire at any time to deal with emergencies.

In the living room outside the bathroom, the two Chicago scumbags were still staring at the apartment door, still firing, and cursing loudly, like crazy.

But how did they know that the scythe of the God of Death had quietly stretched out from hell, tightly hooking their necks, ready to harvest their two worthless lives at any time.

For the sake of safety, Ye Tian, ​​who successfully sneaked into the apartment, did not speak, but made a victory gesture with his fingers in front of the pinhole camera on his chest, and sent a message to Bourne and the others.

Following his movements, Bourne's excited voice came from the earphone immediately.

"Steven, I saw your gestures, the two Chicago scumbags hiding in the living room and the door of the apartment are still unaware, and have no idea that you have sneaked into the apartment.

Next, we will use the surveillance footage captured by the beetle drone to direct your actions, and we will notify you as soon as a suitable raid opportunity arises."

Hearing Bourne's words, Ye Tian immediately made an oK gesture in front of the pinhole camera, indicating that he heard it and was ready for a surprise attack.

At the same time, he was also clinging to the wall on one side of the bathroom, and quietly touched the door of the bathroom, ready to push open the half-covered door at any time, and send the two Chicago scum outside to hell.

The wait was not long, and the opportunity presented itself quickly.

Through perspective, Ye Tian could clearly see that the scumbag hiding in the living room was about to run out of magazines for the sIG552 assault rifle in his hand, leaving only the last two bullets.

When that scumbag finishes shooting the bullets in the magazine and is ready to replace the magazine with a new magazine, it is the best opportunity to make a surprise attack.

As for the scum hiding behind the door, there was no threat to Ye Tian at all. The moment he opened the bathroom door, that scum would be shot dead by him and report to hell.

Ye Tian, ​​who saw the situation outside clearly, was ready for a surprise attack in an instant, and he just waited for Mathis and the others to give a reminder, that would be realistic.

As a battle-tested special elite, Mattis certainly would not miss such an opportunity, otherwise it would be too shameful.

"Steven, right now, run out of the bathroom and kill those two scumbags"

Mattis spoke quickly, and issued a raid command.

Obviously, they have been silently counting how many bullets each of the two scumbags fired, and they also clearly know when the other party will change the magazine!

Before the words were finished, the Chicago scumbag in the living room had already fired the last bullet in the gun, and was about to unload the empty magazine and replace it with a new full magazine.


The bathroom door was suddenly kicked open with a loud bang.

Accompanied by this loud noise, Ye Tian, ​​who was fully armed, rushed out of the bathroom like lightning, and started a bloody killing like a divine soldier descending from heaven.

"Puff puff"

There were a few more gunshots, the sound was very soft, almost inaudible, and there was no flicker of fire, but it was extremely deadly.

Amidst the gunshots, three scorching rifle bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the G36c assault rifle in Ye Tian's hand at high speed, aiming straight at the Chicago scum who was hiding on the left side behind the apartment door.

In the blink of an eye, that Chicago scum was kissed by three rifle bullets!

The powerful 5.56mm rifle bullet pierced into that scum's forehead like a bamboo shoot, and directly blasted that scumbag's head!

Blood mixed with white brains spurted out immediately, staining the wall behind that scumbag red, and painted a death-like pattern on the wall!

Before the scum with an assault rifle hiding behind the sofa could react, the G36c assault rifle in Ye Tian's hand was already pointed at him, and he pulled the trigger ruthlessly.

"Puff puff"

Another burst, another three deadly bullets.

After finishing the shooting, Ye Tian didn't even look at the result. He directly turned off the safety of the G36c assault rifle, then threw it behind him, and strode towards the three innocent hostages.

Only then did the black single mother react.


The terrified screams suddenly sounded, extremely piercing, coming from the black single mother.

Fortunately, the two children hid behind their mother and did not see the bloody killing in the living room, so they would not leave any unforgettable psychological shadow.


Seeing my mother screaming, and the crying of the two children suddenly became louder, it was heart-wrenching to hear.

In two or three steps, Ye Tian had already walked in front of the black mother, and said in a low voice with a smile on his face:

"Ma'am, don't be afraid. I'm Steven. I'm here to rescue you. You are safe now. Come out of here with me. The scene here is too bloody for children to see."

As he spoke, Ye Tian drew out his saber, and gently cut the rope that bound the black mother, and then cut the rope that tied the wrists of the two children.

"Thank you, Steven, my name is Alison, the mother of these two children, thank you for saving us, you are a real hero!"

The young black mother said hurriedly, her voice was trembling, her eyes were full of fear, she didn't even dare to look into Ye Tian's eyes.

The bloody killing that just happened in the living room in front of her eyes had a huge impact on her, and it also made her feel extremely frightened.

"Ms. Alison, let's go, this is not a place to stay"

Ye Tian said in a low voice with a smile, his smile was as warm as a spring breeze, without any trace of murderous intent.

After speaking, he reached out to hug the boy who had stopped crying and looked at him curiously, and walked towards the door of the apartment.

Alison, who had calmed down a little, hurriedly picked up her daughter, and followed closely behind.

About ten minutes later, at the door of the apartment building.

Many media reporters who learned that the crisis had been lifted poured into this small street like a tide, heading straight for this apartment building. Everyone was scrambling to be the first, extremely excited.

They had just rushed to the door of the apartment building, and before they could stand firm, they saw Matisse, who was fully armed and armed with an assault rifle, and they filed out, and quickly set up a cordon in front of the apartment building.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian embraced a five-year-old black child, walked out of the apartment building with a sunny smile on his face, appeared in front of everyone, and appeared under the spotlight.

Behind him, followed by a black mother in her early thirties, also holding a child in her arms, a black girl about three years old.

The two children had stopped crying at this time, with beautiful and innocent smiles blooming on their faces. Their eyes were always fixed on Ye Tian, ​​full of curiosity and admiration!

Seeing this touching scene, everyone at the scene and in front of the TV immediately breathed a sigh of relief and completely relaxed.

"clap clap"

There was thunderous applause, extremely enthusiastic.

Many media reporters, New York police officers, FBI agents, and countless people standing in front of the TV gave Ye Tian warm applause.

The applause gathered quickly, like a tsunami, sweeping through Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, and the entire New York!

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