News about the Golden City of the Mayan Empire continued to bombard New York and the entire United States, stimulating many people with red eyes and almost crazy!

For several days in a row, the headlines of almost all the media in New York were news related to the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, which deeply popularized the legends and knowledge about the Golden City for everyone.

As the owner of the golden scepter head of the six-pointed star, Ye Tian inevitably once again became the target of all the media's crazy pursuit and the focus of everyone's attention.

At the same time, he has also become the envy, even the object of envy of everyone.

Of course, there are also eyes full of covetousness and evil intentions.

When the whole of New York and the whole of America were in a state of restlessness due to the news of the Mayan Empire's Golden City, Ye Tian was about to jump out of this huge vortex and go elsewhere to enjoy himself.

It was another sunny day. After arriving at the company in the morning, Ye Tian immediately summoned Jason and Mathis, as well as David and Anderson, and asked them to come to the company conference room for a meeting.

Jason, Mathis and the others rushed to the meeting room quickly. After a while, David and Anderson also came together, pushed open the door of the meeting room and walked in.

As soon as he walked into the conference room, David joked:

"Steven, good morning, when we came up just now, we saw another group of protesters in the Rockefeller Center Plaza, which seemed to be a group of Costa Ricans.

Those Costa Ricans are holding all kinds of slogans and banners, shouting all kinds of slogans, angrily accusing you of deceiving the Costa Rican government and people, and deceiving everyone!

They protested that you robbed the most valuable hexagram gold scepter head in the treasure of Lima, and robbed the golden city of the Mayan Empire. You are a shameless robber and liar!

Obviously, some people in Costa Rica regretted it. They were not satisfied with getting the golden statue of the Virgin Mary. They wanted to get the Golden City of the Mayan Empire even more.

This is human nature, and any other reasonable person would regret it too. How do you plan to deal with this matter? Costa Rica is a collaborator after all"

Ye Tianchong nodded to David and Anderson, then said with a sneer:

"I have also noticed those Costa Ricans. To be honest, I sympathize with what happened to them, but there is nothing I can do. There is no medicine for regret in this world!

When the Lima treasure was found, the Costa Ricans also saw the hexagram gold scepter head, and at that time everyone came to a basic judgment that it might be related to the Golden City.

Everyone who participated in the tripartite joint exploration operation understood that it was just a hypothetical speculation, and the head of the golden scepter with the six-pointed star might have nothing to do with the Golden City!

Therefore, the valuation I gave for the hexagram golden scepter head was very reasonable, and it was also recognized by all parties involved in the joint exploration, and there was no moisture in it.

To be on the safe side and to take care of the feelings of the majority of Catholic believers in Costa Rica, the Costa Rican government took the initiative to choose the golden statue of the Virgin Mary.

It is logical that the head of the golden scepter of the six-pointed star belongs to me. This was not controversial at the time, but now they suddenly want to go back on their word. Is there any reason for this? I can't justify it anywhere! "

Hearing this, Jason and David couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

They are all participants in the tripartite joint exploration operation. They have witnessed the whole process from the discovery of the Lima treasure to its distribution. They naturally understand that what Ye Tian said is true, and everything is fair and transparent, beyond reproach!

But how did they know that Ye Tian was playing a conspiracy.

He was sure that the Costa Ricans would choose the golden statue of the Virgin Mary, and the head of the golden scepter with the six-pointed star would definitely fall into his hands.

The development of the matter was exactly as he expected, exactly.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say with disdain:

"They can't judge past deals by what's happening now,

It's like you bought a house and found out that there was oil under the house, and it was a giant oil mine.

Will you find it in good conscience to return the house to the previous owner or real estate agent? Or return to the country, impossible, right? No matter how stupid, it is impossible to do such a thing!

According to my research with Professor Douglas and others, it is certain that the Golden City of the Mayan Empire is not in Costa Rica, but near the ancient city of Copan in Honduras.

In the previous press conference, we made it very clear, that is to say, even if Costa Rica gets the hexagram golden scepter head, the Golden City has nothing to do with them!

Costa Rica is a sovereign country. It is impossible for them to cross the border to explore treasures in another country, and there is no possibility of trading. What can Honduras trade? "

“It’s true. Honduras is rich in bananas and coffee. These two things are also one of the specialties of Costa Rica. They have no transaction value at all.”

David said with a chuckle, looking gloating.

Ye Tian nodded lightly, continued with a sneer:

"One more thing, the hieroglyphs on the head of the six-pointed star golden scepter pointed out the approximate range of the Golden City, but did not give precise coordinates, let alone a treasure map.

In such a dense tropical rainforest, the possibility of finding the Golden City is not high, and it is likely to be futile, wasting time, energy, and a lot of money.

Only a professional exploration company like us can discover the location of the Golden City of the Mayan Empire. It is basically wishful thinking for others to find the Golden City.

What I said above, I wrote an article last night and sent it to the major media in New York and the news media in Costa Rica, and it will appear in relevant media soon.

If after reading this article, Costa Ricans still insist on protesting and demonstrating, then let them go, there are too many people who are unhappy with their brothers, and they don’t care about a little more”

After hearing these words, everyone couldn't help but nodded slightly, expressing their agreement. No one took the Costa Rican protests in the Rockefeller Center Square seriously.

Immediately afterwards, Jason said excitedly:

"Steven, when are we going to Honduras and the ancient Mayan city of Copan to explore the Golden City? To be honest, I really want to see what the legendary Golden City looks like, is it full of gold gems.

According to what I have heard, many professional treasure hunters from New York and surrounding cities have set off to explore the Golden City in Copan, Honduras, and many of them are old friends we know.

As for Honduras, as well as treasure hunters from nearby Guatemala, El Salvador, and even all countries in Central and South America, as well as many guys who want to make a fortune, I am afraid they are all rushing to the ancient city of Copan.

The Honduran government also responded very quickly. They have publicly declared that the Golden City of the Mayan Empire belongs to Honduras and all the people of Honduras, and no one else can covet it.

Any action to go to the ancient city of Copan to explore the Golden City will be considered illegal and will be punished by law, and the Honduran government has also publicly stated that it claims the head of the hexagram golden scepter! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately sneered with disdain and said:

"Claim the head of the golden scepter of the hexagram? What are you dreaming of? The Hondurans really dare to think about it, and they are not afraid of being blinded by thinking about it. Whoever wants to get their hands on the head of the golden scepter of the hexagram!

Good luck to the professional treasure hunters who went to Copan, Honduras to find the Golden City, if it is so easy to find, how can it survive to this day?

Near the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Copan, Honduras, it is the period when the rainy season and the hurricane season overlap. Anyone who goes to the ancient city of Copan to explore the golden city is enough to drink a pot!

In addition to those treasure hunters with ulterior motives and mixed dragons and snakes gathered from all walks of life, let alone find the Golden City, they are already lucky to be able to leave Honduras safely!

Our company will definitely go to Copan, Honduras to explore the Golden City of the Mayan Empire, and I am also very confident that I will find the Golden City, make a fortune, and shock the whole world again.

But the day we set out to explore is not now, but the dry season next year. Before the exploration operation starts, there is still a lot of preparations to be done, such as negotiations with the Honduran government.

Our current goal is not in Honduras, but in the English Channel in Western Europe; the treasure to be explored is not the Mayan Empire Golden City, but the sunken ship full of gold! "

As soon as the voice fell, there was an extremely excited cheer in the meeting room.

"Great! Steven, we are finally going to set foot in Europe, and I can't wait to visit Western European countries!"

"Hahaha, I don't know if the Europeans welcome us? Are you willing to see us crazily looting all kinds of treasures buried in the European continent?"

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