Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1252 Preparations before going to Europe

After the cheers subsided, Ye Tian immediately entered the theme of the meeting and began to arrange tasks.

"Jason, later, please inform the guys on the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid, and ask them to prepare supplies for the voyage, check various equipment, and prepare to sail to the English Channel.

This exploration operation is to salvage the treasures of sunken ships. Be sure to bring all relevant deep sea salvage and exploration equipment, and it is best not to leave any of them, especially underwater robots and small submarines.

In addition, inform Kenny and the others, let them carry some technical equipment on board, monitoring equipment and communication equipment, etc., just like when exploring Lima's treasure.

When we launch exploration operations in Europe, we need them to provide technical support on the Intrepid, which will facilitate everyone's actions and reduce the constraints from European countries!

Let them set off with the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid and go to the English Channel. This voyage will take about a week, and the scenery along the way is not bad, and it is not difficult.

As for yourself, you can set off with the Dauntless, or you can lead other company employees to fly to Europe after the Dreadnought arrives in Europe, it's up to you to choose.

When you arrive in Europe, the guys on the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid, and the employees of other companies who rushed to Europe, will all be under your leadership and ready to start exploration operations"

As soon as the words fell, Jason nodded excitedly and said

"Okay, Steven, I will inform the guys on the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid and Kenny later, and let them prepare for the voyage to Europe.

I can only rush to Europe in a week, and Sophie's parents will come to New York in about two or three days. At this critical juncture, I dare not leave New York even if I am killed! "


There was laughter in the conference room, and everyone laughed.

"Okay! After all, you kid still couldn't escape Sophie's clutches, so you surrendered under her pomegranate skirt!"

Ye Tian said jokingly, with a very relaxed tone.

"Isn't it! I'm also trying to drive ducks to the shelves. I've been forced to do this. There's nothing I can do!"

Jason said pretending to be in pain, but there was a hint of happiness in his eyes.

After making a few jokes, Ye Tian turned to Mathis again, smiled and said to him

"Matisse, arrange for two of our buddies, bring a few Raytheon armed security personnel, and set off with the Dreadnought to protect the Dreadnought, the buddies on board, and related equipment!

This time the voyage is longer, basically sailing on the high seas, and the treasure of the shipwreck is also located on the high seas, so there is no need to have any worries, and bring as many weapons and ammunition as possible to prevent accidents.

It is up to you to arrange for the two guys to board the ship. Raytheon's armed security personnel should use familiar guys as much as possible. In addition, they must keep confidential and don't leak information too early.

After confirming the personnel of Raytheon Security Company, ask them to sign a temporary employment contract with David. The contract will be the same as the previous operation to explore Lima's treasure. The commission is also at the same level, and the reward will be calculated separately! "

"Understood, Steven, leave these things to me, and it will be arranged soon. I will let the guys bring enough weapons and ammunition, and go to Europe!"

Matisse nodded in response, very simply.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and continued to say

"After arranging these things, you will take six guys with you and set off with Betty and me the day after tomorrow, flying to Antwerp, Belgium, to officially start your European tour!

Cole will be responsible for the security matters in New York, and let him lead the security personnel who stay in New York to protect the company and logistics base, as well as my apartment.

Betty's family, as well as the other properties I bought, are also within the scope of protection. If there are not enough people, they can transfer people from Raytheon, and hire as many people as they want.

Security for my wedding with Betty,

It can also be handed over to Cole for the time being, and let him do some preparatory work, and you will take over when we come back from Europe! "

"No problem, I can arrange everything today and tomorrow and get ready to go to Europe"

Matisse replied in a deep voice, very confident and full of fighting spirit.

As soon as he finished speaking, David immediately asked in surprise.

"Steven, why did you go to Antwerp, Belgium? Could it be that the sunken ship full of nacui gold is near Antwerp?

I'm leaving the day after tomorrow, isn't it a bit early? The operation to explore the treasure of the sunken ship will not start until two weeks later! "

Not only David was surprised, but others were also a little puzzled. Everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​waiting for his answer.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then began to explain the reason.

"We set off for Antwerp, Belgium the day after tomorrow, which has nothing to do with the search for the treasure of the shipwreck, and the shipwreck full of nacui gold is not near Antwerp either.

A few days later, there was an auction of top jewelry and diamonds in Antwerp. The grand finale of that auction was the largest fancy vivid blue diamond in the history of world auctions, 'Oppenheimer's Blue'

In addition to the 'Oppenheimer Blue', there are also several top giant diamonds that will appear on the stage at that auction. My goal is those flawless giant diamonds, and I am going to take them down.

After successfully photographing those flawless giant diamonds, Betty and I will fly to France with them, and invite top jewelry design masters to turn those giant diamonds into rings and other jewelry.

When Betty and I get married, she will be my wife in her most beautiful and radiant form, wearing all those flawless jewels made of giant diamonds.

We not only want to create the most luxurious jewelry in Paris, but also make an appointment with the top wedding dress designer in the fashion industry to customize the wedding dress for Betty in Paris.

After the trip to Paris, we will fly to London, England, and go to the famous Savile Row to customize the wedding dress for myself, and also customize a few decent formal suits along the way.

If all goes well, after these things are done, the Dauntless will sail near the English Channel, and at that time, we can officially launch the operation to explore the treasure of the sunken ship."

"Wow! Steven, you are so extravagant. I can't even imagine how extravagant the wedding will be when you and Betty get married in early October!"

"My God! This is so exaggerated, it's unheard of! When you get married, the jewelry worn by Betty alone will probably be worth more than 100 million dollars?"

There were exclamations in the meeting room, Jason and David were all frightened by Ye Tian's big hand, they were all dumbfounded, their eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets.

"Hahaha guys, just let your imaginations run wild and imagine my wedding with Betty in early October!"

Ye Tian laughed and said, his eyes were full of complacency.

After chatting a few words about the wedding, Ye Tian returned to the topic just now.

"Matisse, can your and other guys' gun licenses be used in Europe? My gun license and concealed gun license are only valid in the United States, leaving the United States is a piece of paper.

During my stay in Europe, I obviously couldn't hold a firearm without special permission from the local government, and that would cause some unnecessary trouble, I hope you don't have this trouble"

"Don't worry, Steven, as long as you are a NATO ally, me and other guys can legally own a gun. When we first applied for a gun license, we were still at Raytheon Security Company.

Raytheon Security Company is also a global military contractor. In order to facilitate our operations, what we applied for at that time was a special gun license, which is valid in all NATO allies.

Except for some hostile countries, and some countries with particularly strict gun control, such as China, in most countries in the world, we can legally hold guns.

Your civilian gun license is indeed useless in Europe, but it doesn’t matter, we can get you a temporary special gun license through Raytheon’s European branch.

For Raytheon, this is not a problem at all, and besides, when we operate in Europe, we can also hire Raytheon's local armed security personnel! "

Matisse responded in a deep voice, giving a more satisfactory answer.

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately let out a sigh of relief, then said with a light smile

"That's great! Before, I was worried that when we were in Europe, because we could not legally hold guns, our strength would be greatly reduced, and we would become coveted targets or targets of attack.

You know, the few flawless giant diamonds I am going to take in Antwerp are worth at least tens of millions of dollars, or even hundreds of millions of dollars, and they are easy to be targeted by some jewelry thieves.

Europe is also the base camp of jewelry thieves from all walks of life. Top jewelry theft cases are emerging one after another, so we have to be cautious. Don't worry now, just fear that those jewelry thieves will not come to your door.

When we were in Europe, we used bulletproof vehicles, helicopters and yachts. You can contact Wilson later and let Raytheon provide them, which will save us from renting them again.

This time we are going to Europe to explore the treasures of sunken ships, and we have to leave enough security personnel in New York. The security force is inevitably a bit stretched, and we must hire a lot of armed security personnel.

That being the case, don't bother the two masters, leave all these matters to Raytheon and let them help them solve it. I believe that old guy Wilson will be very happy to take this big order! "

"Of course, if the old guy Wilson heard what you said, he would be so happy from ear to ear! He's an old guy who has an eye for money!"

Mattis joked, wantonly discrediting his former boss.

After talking about security matters, Ye Tian turned to David and Anderson again, and said to these two guys with a smile on his face.

"David, you'll stay in New York and take care of the day-to-day legal issues of the company and help me deal with the Spaniards, the Peruvians, and the new Costa Ricans who joined the protests.

If necessary, I will call you and let you fly to Europe to deal with the problems we encountered in the operation of exploring the treasure of the sunken ship. It is estimated that this is unlikely, after all, the sunken ship is in the high seas!

Anderson, you go back and pack your luggage, and set off with us the day after tomorrow to go around Europe, deal with any legal issues we may encounter at any time, and take a trip to Europe along the way! "

"No problem, Steven, leave the affairs of New York to me. No one wants to make trouble, let alone take advantage of the opportunity!"

"Okay, Steven, I'll get ready as soon as I get back. To be honest, I'm really looking forward to this trip to Europe!"

David and Anderson responded in unison, both very excited and full of confidence.

Afterwards, Ye Tian arranged some other things, then stood up and said passionately

"Guys, everyone prepare to go, the day after tomorrow we set off to loot the treasures of Europe!"


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