Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1287 Rich people gather

The auction is about to start, and the auction hall of Christie's auction house is crowded with people, and it is very lively!

Many jewelers and individual buyers from all over the world have gathered in this auction hall, laughing and chatting with friends around them, while waiting for the auction to start, ready to fight!

While talking, the door of the lounge room on the right side in front of the auction hall suddenly opened. Under the leadership of Henry, Ye Tian and Betty walked into the auction hall hand in hand, appearing in everyone's sight!

At this time, Ye Tian was still carrying the titanium alloy portable safe in his hand, which was very eye-catching.

Mattis and Anderson, Taylor and Lisa, and the rest of the armed security personnel all stayed in the lounge.

Through the monitoring screen provided by Christie's auction house, they are always watching the situation in the auction hall, just in case!

If something unexpected happens in the auction hall, Mathis and the others can rush out of the lounge at any time to provide protection for Ye Tian and Betty as quickly as possible!

In addition, the Dutch translator provided by Christie's auction house also stayed in the lounge to provide translation services for Ye Tian through wireless headphones.

Although Antwerp is located in the Dutch-speaking area, the buyers of this auction come from all over the world. The language used by the auctioneer is English, so there is no language barrier!

After entering the auction hall, Ye Tian quickly scanned the audience, put on a bright smile, and nodded to everyone!

Afterwards, he took Betty, followed Henry, and walked straight to the two seats in the middle of the first row of the auction hall, which were the VIP seats reserved for them by Christie's auction house!

The moment they appeared, everyone in the auction hall was stunned for a moment, as if they couldn't believe their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, the entire auction hall was completely blown up.

"I'm going! Why did this crazy guy, Steven, appear here? He was still in Brussels when he read the news this morning? Could it be that he came to Belgium for this jewelry and diamond auction?

If this is the case, then there will be big troubles. According to legend, this guy Steven has always been extremely ruthless in the auction house. It is not a good thing to compete with such a crazy guy! "

"I saw a good show today! I don't know what this guy Steven's goal is? It's best not to conflict with me, otherwise, my buddy is likely to return home in defeat."

"See that portable safe in Steven's hand? I'm sure,

The things contained there are 100% the top jewelry of Queen Mary!

It would be great to see those priceless treasures in person, especially the famous diamond necklace that is closely related to the French Revolution and claims to be unprecedented. It must be extremely luxurious! "

Amidst the heated discussions, Ye Tian and Betty had already walked to their seats, turned around and sat down.

Immediately afterwards, Henry began to introduce him to several heavyweights sitting around, either world-renowned top jewelers, or super rich.

Of course, there are also several women who are crazy about diamonds, and behind each woman there is a super rich man, or a super rich family!

"Steven, this is Mr. Benin, a well-known Israeli diamond tycoon, from the Steinmetz family of an Israeli business tycoon, and the richest diamond producer in the world.

This is Mr. Cheng from Hong Kong. He is your compatriot. His family is the largest jewelry and diamond retailer in the world and the largest diamond buyer in Antwerp.

This Mr. Liu is also from Hong Kong. He is a business genius and a well-known super rich man in Hong Kong. You must have heard that the lady next to him is Mr. Liu's wife.

A little far away is Mr. Lawrence, the founder of the famous British luxury jewelry brand Graff, and the lady sitting next to him is from Van Cleef \u0026 Arpels,..."

Following Henry's introduction, Ye Tian greeted these well-known figures in the jewelry field one by one, and introduced himself, with an impeccable performance.

After the introduction, Henry said goodbye and left to prepare for the upcoming auction!

Ye Tian nodded to everyone again, then turned around, chatting in a low voice while flipping through the auction brochure with Betty, waiting for the auction to start.

After chatting for a few words, a voice suddenly came from the left.

"Mr. Steven, can I ask you? Is this portable safe of yours containing the top jewels of Queen Mary?

If so, can you open my eyes to some of the top jewellery? Especially the famous diamond necklace, I would love to see it for myself!

It was a famous diamond necklace that was said to be unprecedented. As a jeweler, I really wanted to see how luxurious it was, whether it was unprecedented! "

The person who asked was Benin, an Israeli jewelry tycoon!

While asking, his eyes were fixed on the portable safe on the ground in front of Ye Tian, ​​his eyes were extremely hot, and his eyes were shining!

Not only him, but other famous jewelers and those super rich buyers sitting in the first row were also staring at the portable safe on the ground in front of Ye Tian, ​​their eyes were full of envy, wishing they could keep it for themselves!

Ye Tian turned to look at the Israeli diamond tycoon next to him, then smiled and said:

"You guessed it right, Mr. Bening, this safe contains the top jewelry that I found in the antique shop in Brussels that belonged to Queen Mary!

Because the time is relatively short, I haven't had time to store them in the vault, so I brought them with me and brought them to this auction hall. It's a bit abrupt, which makes everyone laugh!

When this auction of jewelry and diamonds is over, I will send them to the vault with the highest security level in Antwerp for safekeeping. It is too ostentatious to carry them like this.

It hasn't been long since these jewels have reappeared, and there's still a lot of noise surrounding them, and this isn't the right place, so I'm sorry, but I can't accommodate your request! "

"Hey! If this is the case, forget it. It's a pity. This is indeed not a suitable place!"

Benin sighed softly, his words full of regret.

As soon as his voice fell, a string of Hong Kong news suddenly came from behind Ye Tian, ​​from Mr. Liu who was sitting in the second row, the super rich man in Hong Kong.

"Xiaoye, how old am I? Is it okay to call you that?"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this compatriot from Hong Kong, then nodded with a smile and said:

"No problem, Mr. Liu. I'm much younger than you. You don't have any problem calling me Xiaoye. It sounds kind. Do you have any questions?"

Mr. Liu nodded with a chuckle, and a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes.

"That's right, Xiaoye, I saw a picture of that famous diamond necklace on the news this morning, it's really extravagant and unique!

You also know that I like to buy all kinds of top jewelry diamonds, and never get tired of it. I want to buy that famous diamond necklace and give it to my wife!

The price is easy to talk about, as long as it is within a reasonable range, I can accept it. How about it, are you interested in selling that famous diamond necklace? "

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian immediately gave the answer, of course he refused!

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Liu, I already have a clear plan on how to deal with Queen Mary's top jewelry, and I don't plan to change it.

I am going to make a deal with the Louvre or Fontainebleau, exchange those jewels for a batch of heavyweight Chinese antiques, and then ship the exchanged antiques back to China!

If as expected, the museum directors of the Louvre and Fontainebleau in France, as well as relevant appraisers, are rushing to Antwerp at this time, and will arrive here soon.

Another point is that although those jewels are extremely luxurious and even unique, they are not suitable for us Chinese to wear, and they are not good things.

God knows how many people died in those top jewels surrounding Queen Mary, it can be said that the number of people killed is endless, but this is the most taboo of us Chinese! "

Hearing this, Mr. Liu couldn't help but fell silent.

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said:

"You're right, Xiaoye, the smell of blood on those things is too strong, and there are too many grievances attached to them! It's really not suitable for us Chinese to wear, especially us Hong Kong people, we pay more attention to these things!"

While talking, the door of another lounge behind the auction stage opened, and the on-site host and auctioneer came out one after another and stepped onto the auction stage!

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