Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1288 Pink Panther


The auction hammer fell again, and the sound resounded throughout the auction hall.

At the same time, the auctioneer standing behind the auction platform raised his hand and pointed to the audience, and announced loudly and passionately:

"Deal! US$1.36 million, the winning bidder is buyer No. 95, Mr. Friedrich from Berlin, Germany. Congratulations to Mr. Friedrich, successfully bidding this group of dazzling flawless loose diamonds!"

As soon as the auctioneer finished speaking, there was a round of applause at the scene.

"clap clap"

Ye Tian and Betty also applauded politely, and then continued to flip through the auction brochure, admiring the dazzling jewels and diamonds in the auction brochure, and chatting in low voices.

This top-level jewelry and diamond auction has been started for more than half an hour, and many high-quality jewelry and diamonds have been successfully auctioned, including many high-end goods that are eye-catching.

As each lot appeared on the stage and appeared in front of everyone's eyes, the atmosphere in the auction hall became more and more heated.

But Ye Tian never raised his placard to ask the price. He and Betty just sat quietly in the first row of the audience, looking more like two bystanders than real buyers!

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene immediately understood that this guy was obviously coming for the few heavyweight items that will be on the stage today, and he didn't like ordinary jewelry and diamonds at all!

I don't know which piece of auction this guy Steven is looking at, will he conflict with himself? Many buyers are secretly whispering in their hearts!

During the conversation, another group of loose diamonds was sent to the display stand and presented to all buyers.

The high-pitched and passionate voice of the auctioneer sounded again, and another round of competition kicked off!

Ye Tian and Betty raised their eyes to look at the group of diamonds on the display stand, and then looked away, preparing to continue to study the most important and most dazzling diamonds in the auction manual, and make a choice.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from the side, it was still Gangpu.

"Ye Tian, ​​have you taken a fancy to that lot? Can you tell me about it? This way we can have a good idea, and I hope our goals will not conflict, and we will make those diamond manufacturers cheaper for nothing!"

asked aloud,

It is Mr. Zheng from Hong Kong, and the third generation heir of the world's largest jewelry retailer by market value. He is not too old, about the same age as Ye Tian.

Beside this Mr. Zheng, there is also a top jewelry and diamond appraisal expert in his sixties, who is here to assist his young boss!

Hearing the other party's question, Ye Tian immediately turned his head and looked over, then smiled and said:

"There is nothing that cannot be disclosed. Our trip to Antwerp, Belgium, is aimed at the 'Oppenheimer Blue', a fancy vivid blue diamond. I hope we can successfully photograph that diamond.

If possible, I would also like to take a photo of the pear-shaped pink diamond weighing about 10 carats, and the pair of D-grade flawless white diamonds weighing 15 carats each. I hope there will be no conflict with you! "


As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, there was a sound of gasping for air.

All the compatriots around who could understand Mandarin were shocked when they heard what he said.

After the initial shock, Mr. Zheng immediately said with emotion:

"Wow! Your handwriting is too big, Ye Tian, ​​the diamonds you mentioned just now are the essence of today's jewelry and diamond auction, and each item is extremely rare.

The combined price of these top giant diamonds is likely to exceed 50 million euros, and the 'Oppenheimer Blue' alone will not be less than 40 million euros, and the rest are also worth a lot.

Our company is also very interested in these rare top diamonds and wants to acquire them. It seems that we have to compete today, but we don't know how to win or lose! "

"Your company is also interested in those top-level diamonds? For me, this is not good news. Since this is the case, we can only fight, and then please hold your hand high!"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, and said a few words politely.

After chatting for a few more words, the two ended their conversation and returned their attention to the ongoing auction.

After turning around for a few seconds, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the invisible headset.

"Steven, the internationally renowned jewelry robbery gang, several important members of the 'Pink Panther', and some of their minions, have just arrived in Antwerp.

Since yesterday, Kenny and the relevant technical personnel of Raytheon have been monitoring these internationally famous jewelry thieves, and their every move is under surveillance.

By monitoring their mobile phone communications, it can be said with certainty that these international jewelry thieves are coming for you, for Queen Mary's top jewelry.

Today's top jewelry and diamond auction is also the target of these jewelry thieves. These guys seem to have a lot of appetite, and they obviously want to eat to become fat and make a lot of fat!

In addition, the idiots of Ghent and his son also took action. They joined forces with a gangster in Brussels. A total of more than a dozen people from both sides also rushed to Antwerp"

Hearing Matisse's briefing, a murderous intent flashed across Ye Tian's eyes.

After pondering for a while, he sneered and said in a low voice:

"There are quite a few idiots who don't know how to live or die! Just let those idiots come here, I really want to see what kind of capabilities they have, and dare to take my idea! It's really boring!

Tell the guys, let everyone be vigilant and be ready to fight at any time. If those idiots dare to do something, then don't be polite, and send those idiots who don't care about life and death directly to hell!

Let Kenny and the others stare at the 'Pink Panther' guys. They are a group of well-known international jewelry thieves who have done many jewelry thefts that shocked the world. They must have some strength and cannot be ignored!

Don't let the Ghents and those Brussels gangsters let go, keep an eye on their every move, and see what tricks those idiots will play and how they will send themselves to hell! "

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us, as long as those idiots dare to attack and try to rob you of the top jewelry in your hands, I guarantee that they will never come back!"

Matisse replied in a deep voice, with excitement in his tone.

After the call was over, Ye Tian continued to act as a spectator in the auction hall, while Matisse began to mobilize armed security personnel to deploy defenses through the invisible headset.

In the blink of an eye, another ten minutes later, another group of flawless white diamonds were sold under the hammer. They were successfully photographed and fell into the hands of a luxury jewelry brand from France.

Immediately afterwards, a staff member of Christie's auction house held a black velvet jewelry box, walked out of the temporary vault, and stepped onto the auction display stand.

With his appearance, the auction hall suddenly became more lively.

Many buyers at the scene straightened up and stared at the black velvet box closely. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot and shining!

Ye Tian and Betty who were sitting in the middle of the first row were the same, they all looked at the black velvet box, especially Betty, with an extremely excited expression and eyes full of anticipation!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the staff member of Christie's slowly opened the jewelry box, took out the diamonds contained in it, carefully placed them on the display rack, and presented them in front of everyone!

This is a pear-shaped brilliant-cut pink diamond set on a simple white gold ring setting. The diamond is huge in size, saturated and rich in color, with no flaws visible. Under the light, it radiates dazzling light!

"Wow! This diamond is so beautiful, it's unmatched!"

Betty sighed with ecstasy, eyes full of stars.

At this moment, her eyes were fixed on the huge pear-shaped pink diamond on the display stand, and she couldn't bear to look away!

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the obsessed Betty, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Honey, this ten-carat pear-shaped pink diamond belongs to you. No one can take it away. You can use it to inlay rings, necklaces, or brooches, whatever you like!"

As soon as the words fell, the auctioneer's passionate voice came out again, resounding through the entire auction hall.

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