"Ladies and gentlemen, the auction continues. This is the fifteenth lot today, a pear-shaped pink diamond weighing 10.03 carats, from the diamond mine of De Beers in South Africa.

As you can see, this is a brilliant-cut loose diamond, with a total of fifty-seven facets, and each facet is extremely perfect, showing the rich and saturated color of the diamond, which is dazzling!

After the professional assessment by Antwerp International Gemological Institute, the color of this pear-shaped pink diamond has reached the highest level, with TypeⅡA quality, and the diamond is crystal clear without any blemishes!

It can be said with certainty that this is a top diamond of superior quality and extremely precious, and it is a top pink diamond that has been very popular in the market in recent years. It must not be missed!

The starting price for this pear-shaped pink diamond is 11 million euros, and the price increase cannot be less than 200,000 euros each time. After exceeding 16 million euros, the price increase cannot be less than 500,000 euros!

This is the end of the introduction, the auction is now open, everyone is welcome to bid enthusiastically, 11 million euros, 11 million euros, that gentleman or lady should bid, please raise your bidding number plate! "

The passionate voice of the auctioneer came from the stage and resounded throughout the auction hall.

While quoting loudly, the auctioneer's eyes were like radar, quickly scanning the audience, in order to find the buyer who put up a placard for the first time.

The auxiliary auctioneers standing on both sides of the auction table also patrolled the venue with their eyes, ready to check and fill in the gaps at any time, reminding the auctioneer to prevent missing bids from buyers!

Before the auctioneer's voice fell, a buyer eagerly raised his bidding number. It was a middle-aged Caucasian woman sitting in the fourth row to the right.

Almost at the same time that the buyer raised his bid plate, the auctioneer pointed his hand in this direction, and nodded to the buyer who responded first.

"OK! The buyer of No. 65 should pay 11 million euros. It is a beautiful lady, Mrs. Muller from Switzerland. Thank you very much for your support!

The current price is 11.2 million euros, 11.2 million euros, which gentleman or lady should offer it? I look forward to seeing your bidding number plate! "

Accompanied by the high-pitched voice of the auctioneer, new quotations have been released, and the curtain of competition has officially opened.

In a blink of an eye, another buyer held up the bidding number plate in his hand. It was a jeweler from Southeast Asia. He sat a little behind and looked like a Chinese.

Followed by,

Many jewelers and individual buyers continued to hold up their bidding plates to respond to the price, or loudly quoted their own prices, joining the ranks of competition!

In less than two minutes, the quotation for this 10-carat pear-shaped pink diamond quickly broke through the 13 million euro mark and began to advance towards 14 million euros.

When breaking through the 13 million euro mark, Mr. Zheng from Hong Kong raised his bidding number plate, joined the ranks of the competition, and directly quoted a price of 13.5 million euros.

When raising the quotation, the jewelry tycoon from Hong Kong turned his head to look at Ye Tian with a smile on his face, and there was a sense of challenge in his eyes.

Ye Tian just nodded with a smile on his face, and didn't take actual actions to respond to the other party.

Next, Mr. Liu, a Hong Kong super-rich man sitting in the second row, and Lawrence, a British jewelry tycoon not far from the left in the first row, also joined the battle group one after another.

The atmosphere at the scene is getting hotter and hotter, and the competition is getting more and more fierce. Bidding numbers come and go, and the voices of quotations are endless!

Soon, the quotation for this pear-shaped pink diamond reached fifteen million euros, and the buyer who quoted this price was Mr. Liu who was sitting behind Ye Tian.

Hearing this offer, many competitors shook their heads helplessly and withdrew from the bidding.

Most of the buyers participating in this jewelry and diamond auction are jewelers from all over the world, and there are very few individual buyers like Ye Tian and Mr. Liu!

Moreover, the strengths of these jewelers are not the same, even very different. There are super crocodiles who are the leaders in the jewelry market, and there are also small jewelers with only two or three shops!

Regardless of the size and strength, as a jeweler, you must consider the issue of profitability. You can't bid wildly based on your personal preferences. No one wants to lose money and make money!

The quotation for this pear-shaped pink diamond is already very high at this time, and some small and medium-sized jewelers with weaker strength and low brand premium have no longer seen much room for profit, so they have to choose to quit!

Even those big and powerful jewelers, such as Mr. Zheng from Hong Kong and Lawrence from the UK, couldn't help frowning when they heard this offer, and hesitated to some extent!

But for Ye Tian, ​​this price is just the beginning.

It's time to end the fight and get this pear-shaped pink diamond as soon as possible, the real fun is yet to come!

Before raising the placard to bid, Ye Tian looked back at Mr. Liu from Hong Kong, smiled and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Liu, I like this pear-shaped pink diamond very much. I want to take a photo of it and give it to my girlfriend. In other words, I'm going to bid in the next round. If you offend me, please bear with me!"

"It doesn't matter, Xiaoye, this is a public auction, anyone can compete at the venue, the highest bidder wins, it's very fair, you just feel free to raise your placard to bid!

Besides, I also really want to see your demeanor in the auction house, is it as ruthless and invincible as in the legend! It's also kind of fun! "

Mr. Liu said in a low voice with a smile, showing no sign of displeasure.

"That can't be better, Mr. Liu, I'll start now!"

After speaking, Ye Tian turned his head to look at the auction platform in front of him.

When the auctioneer loudly announced the latest price of 15.5 million euros and asked if anyone should bid, Ye Tian raised his bidding number plate for the first time, and categorically quoted his own price.

"Mr. Larson, seventeen million euros!"

Ye Tian's voice was high-pitched and clear, and it spread throughout the front row of the auction hall in an instant, reaching the ears of all the heavyweight buyers in the front row.

The latest quotation he reported was like a depth bomb, directly blowing up the first half of the auction hall, causing a crowd of exclamations!

"Oh my god! Seventeen million euros, did I hear you right? How can there be any profit margin here? At this price, this pear-shaped pink diamond is auctioned, plus a huge commission, it's a blessing not to lose money!

This guy Steven is exactly like the legend, he is a veritable crocodile in the auction house, he is fierce and decisive, as long as he likes something, he will never let it go! "

"Unlike us, he doesn't have to think about profit at all, he just depends on his own preferences, it can be seen that he is going to give this pear-shaped pink diamond to his girlfriend, which is really generous!

More importantly, this guy Steven is a super rich man with a large amount of discretionary cash in his hand, which he can spend freely! Under such circumstances, how to compete with him?

With his momentum, there is no doubt that this pear-shaped pink diamond will definitely fall into the hands of this guy, unless someone is willing to take the risk of a huge loss and go head-to-head with Steven! "

While exclaiming and discussing, almost everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​everyone's eyes were full of jealousy and envy!

Mr. Liu, who was sitting behind Ye Tian, ​​shook his head with a light smile and said:

"I've opened my eyes, Xiaoye, you are indeed crazy! It seems that you are bound to win this pear-shaped pink diamond, so I'd better call it quits, lest I do useless work and waste my feelings in vain!"

Mr. Liu withdrew from the competition, and Mr. Zheng who was not far away also shook his head regretfully and announced his withdrawal from the competition. Several other heavyweight buyers also withdrew from the competition one after another.

In the blink of an eye, there were only two buyers left competing for this pear-shaped pink diamond. One was naturally Ye Tian, ​​and the other was Lawrence, a jewelry tycoon from England!

When the auctioneer Larson loudly quoted a price of 17.5 million euros, Lawrence pondered for a moment, then gritted his molars and held up the bid plate to accept the price!

The next moment, everyone on the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​to see what reaction he would give!

The old guy Lawrence also looked towards this side, hoping that Ye Tian would die down and let himself get the pear-shaped pink diamond smoothly!

However, he saw a scene that he least expected to see, and heard a brand new quotation that made his eyelids twitch wildly and completely despaired.

"Larson, nineteen million euros!"

The bidding number plate in Ye Tian's hand was raised again, and a clear and bright voice came out immediately, resounding!

Unsurprisingly, the auction hall was blown up again!

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