Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1319 The Suffocating Famous Painting

"This painting is "Leonie at Thermopylae", I believe everyone has seen "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta", or heard of this extremely tragic and exciting story.

The content depicted in the painting is that in 480 BC, King Leonidas of Sparta led three hundred warriors to take advantage of natural dangers at Thermopylae Pass to resist the hundreds of thousands of troops of King Xerxes of Persia alone.

The three hundred warriors of Sparta fought bloody battles with the Persian army for three days in a situation of isolation and helplessness, and finally all died on the battlefield.

"The Coronation of the Virgin is one of the representative works of Angelico, a famous painter of the Florentine School during the Renaissance. Although he was in the Renaissance, Angelico was a rebel of the times!

He only loved sacred traditional subjects, and we can clearly see this style in this painting. His painting style is biased towards the Middle Ages, which is quite different from the humanism advocated by the Renaissance,..."

"The masterpiece in front of you is one of the masterpieces of Giotto, the founder of the Florentine School of Painting and a famous Renaissance painter. The famous "Receiving the Stigmata" was created in 290.

In the history of Western art, Giotto is a pioneering figure with a very important historical position. He is known as the "Father of Western Painting" and the first person recognized and respected as a "painter".

Giotto's art had a huge influence on the Renaissance movement. Masaccio in the early Renaissance and Michelangelo in the high period all admitted that they were deeply influenced by Giotto,..."

"Ladies and gentlemen, what is presented to you at this moment is another great work by the three masters of Renaissance art, which is "The Beautiful Gardener" by the famous painter Raphael.

Painted in 507, the famous painting was commissioned for the Vatican church and was initially tried to be given to Leonardo da Vinci, but Leonardo refused the commission, which was then given to Raphael to complete.

Raphael is the one who painted the most statues of the Virgin in the history of art, but he never copied the appearance of the model, nor did he imagine it out of thin air, but constructed a perfect image based on his own aesthetics.

As you can see, this painting gives people a very soft and graceful feeling, which makes people feel like a spring breeze. In terms of artistry, this painting is comparable to the "Virgin of the Rocks" I have seen before,..."

Ye Tian took Betty and the others to continue to visit the large gallery, stopped to appreciate the famous paintings, and explained the relevant knowledge to Betty and the others. They were still very professional, vivid and wonderful!

At this time, he seems to be in the ocean of art, swimming to his heart's content,

Unrestrained, comfortable physically and mentally, what a cool word!

Following Betty and Anderson on the left and right, while admiring the many world-famous paintings hanging on the walls of the large gallery, and listening to Ye Tian's vivid explanation, everyone was fascinated!

The rest of the visitors around are also the same, enjoying the baptism of art to the fullest, each one is extremely intoxicated, lingering and forgetting to return, no one is willing to leave.

Not only that, more and more visitors followed Ye Tian and listened to his professional explanation, and the team became bigger and bigger. It has already become a unique scenery in the large gallery, which is eye-catching!

Especially those visitors who are on the periphery of the crowd, because of the distance, they don't hear very clearly.

They were so anxious that they wished they could find a loudspeaker and hand it over to Ye Tian, ​​and let him use the loudspeaker to explain, so that everyone could hear it!

As for the many lecturers of the Louvre in the large gallery and the many tour guides, they could only stand aside and wait helplessly with a wry smile on their faces!

For them, this may be the most relaxing afternoon, it is so leisurely!

While talking, Ye Tian and the others came to another world-famous painting, stopped in their tracks, and began to concentrate on admiring the top-level artwork in front of them.

Almost in a moment, the excitement on everyone's faces disappeared, replaced by a solemn expression, and some people's expressions were even quite heavy, with pity in their eyes!

There is no other reason for this to happen, it is all because of the painting in front of me.

The painting presented to everyone at the moment is the famous "Raft of the Medusa", the famous work of Géricault, the pioneer of the French Romantic school of painting, and his greatest work.

This is a veritable masterpiece, with a width of 7 cm and a height of 49 cm. Hanging on the wall, it has a great visual impact and is shocking!

What is even more shocking is the content depicted in this painting,

The background of the painting is a vast sea, with a precarious raft floating, the sea wind is tearing the mast sail made of sheets, and the raft is beating wildly with turbulent waves, which may capsize it at any time.

There were more than a dozen skinny refugees on the raft, some were dying, and some were still looking into the distance. The people who were held up in a group waved the red and white cloth scarves in their hands, and kept calling for help from afar.

The painter used a pyramid-shaped composition to show the moment when the survivors on the raft discovered the shadow of the boat on the horizon, and portrayed the victims' hunger, thirst, pain and moaning, etc., with meticulous brushstrokes!

The whole picture is full of suffocating tragic atmosphere. With the brush in his hand, the painter vividly portrays the suffering and misery of those survivors, which is extremely shocking!

There was silence in front of the painting, and all the visitors were completely shocked by the content depicted in the painting, appreciating the painting very attentively.

In the eyes of some female visitors, even crystal tears can be seen, and they are about to flow out!

After a while, the silence of the scene was broken by a voice from behind.

"Steven, tell me about the Raft of the Medusa, we'd love to hear what you think of this famous painting of suffering and suffocation"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the visitor who was talking, nodded to him, then turned his head and said loudly:

"No problem, I can explain to you the Raft of the Medusa, which is the famous work of Géricault, a famous French painter and pioneer of Romanticism, and also his greatest work.

The birth of this painting marked the beginning of the Romantic school of painting, but the content depicted in this painting is not romantic at all, but very heavy, full of suffering, enough to suffocate!

In the history of Western art and in the history of French art, "The Raft of Medusa" has a very important historical position. Its appearance refreshed the French art world that was bound by neoclassicism.

The romantic elements contained in the painting constitute its characteristics, that is, the tragic power, the rich expressiveness of the composition and characters, the austerity and depression of the tone, and the strong contrast between light and dark.

Through this magnificent masterpiece, Giricault showed his concern for the fate of mankind and his humanitarian spirit, and exposed the incompetence of the Bourbon authorities after the restoration, which made it a strong political metaphor.

Neoclassicism, romanticism, realism and other artistic schools in the 19th century have all been inspired by this painting. It can be said that this painting has changed the aesthetic spirit of French painting!

After talking about the status and value of "The Raft of the Medusa" in art history, now I want to analyze this famous painting in detail. What I will say next may make some people feel uncomfortable.

To explain this famous painting, it is inevitable to talk about the plot of cannibalism. If these contents make you feel uncomfortable, I suggest that you better leave for a while, so as not to turn around and have nightmares! "

Having said that, Ye Tian stopped immediately, and turned to look at the surrounding visitors!

Especially those visitors with children, as well as some female visitors who already have tears in their eyes, are the targets of his focus!

When looking at the visitors, Ye Tian shook his head solemnly, indicating that they had better leave and not listen to the next explanation.

Those visitors also understood their own situation, and immediately left this area and the suffocating "Raft of Medusa" with their children or partners

After they all walked away, Ye Tian turned around and started to explain and analyze "The Raft of Medusa".

For the next time, only Ye Tian's voice echoed in people's ears in this area, and there was a thick and rapid breathing sound.

Even the air here quickly became extremely heavy, making it difficult to breathe!

After two or three minutes, Ye Tian just finished explaining "The Raft of the Medusa".

Without a moment's pause, he immediately said loudly:

"The story of "The Raft of Medusa" is too heavy and tragic. Standing here, I even have a little difficulty breathing, and my mood is very low. I think everyone feels the same!

I urgently need a surging passion to dispel this suffocating feeling. Where does this passion come from? I think there is nothing better than another romantic masterpiece, "Liberty Leading the People""

As he said that, Ye Tian pointed to the "Liberty Leading the People" hanging not far away, and then took Betty and strode over there!

Anderson and Mattis followed closely, and followed immediately!

Seeing them leave, many other visitors immediately followed up. Everyone walked fast, wishing to leave "Raft of Medusa" sooner!

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