Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1320 The Romantic Lion

Before "Liberty Leading the People", Ye Tianzheng explained this world famous painting to everyone with eloquence and emotion.

At this moment, he has swept away the haze brought by "The Raft of the Medusa", his expression is excited, his voice is full of passion, clear and loud!

The same goes for Betty, Anderson, and many other visitors. Everyone's face is full of sunshine, and there is no shadow in sight!

"As we all know, this "Liberty Leading the People" was created by the famous French painter Delacroix, the "Romantic Lion", and it is his most outstanding and famous work.

He inherited and developed various European art schools since the Renaissance, including the achievements and traditions of famous artists such as the Venetian School, the Dutch School, and Rubens, and had a huge influence on later generations.

After introducing Delacroix, let me introduce this painting again. This is an oil painting created by Delacroix to commemorate the July Revolution in France in 1830. It is a representative work of Romanticism.

The content depicted in the painting is the street battle scene at the critical moment of the victory of the July Revolution. Using romantic techniques, it subtly combines freehand brushwork and realism to reproduce the battles that took place on the streets of Paris.

Delacroix uses rich and fiery colors and contrasts of light and shade, dynamic composition, unrestrained brushwork, and compact structure, showing the high enthusiasm and indomitable momentum of the revolutionaries.

Using the paintbrush in his hand, he eulogized the July Revolution with workers, petty bourgeoisie and intellectuals as the main body. Once this painting "Liberty Leading the People" was published, it immediately caused a sensation in Paris.

The content displayed in this painting appropriately expresses the core political theme of modern society, 'freedom and democracy', and this painting has also become a symbol representing the French national spirit! ..."

With Ye Tian's professional explanation, everyone at the scene focused on admiring this romantic masterpiece, and their understanding of this world famous painting has become more profound!

Even the lecturers and tour guides of the Louvre who were on the scene, as well as the several painters who were copying, listened to Ye Tian's explanation with great interest, and were also very fascinated.

Everyone at the scene fell silent, only Ye Tian's voice echoed in the air and was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

"Let's analyze the character in the painting. This young woman holding a red, white and blue tricolor flag and holding an infantry gun is Clara Lessing, who also symbolizes the Statue of Liberty.

The boy on the left of the Statue of Liberty wearing a black velvet beret, carrying a large ammunition box, and brandishing a cavalry pistol,

It symbolizes the young hero Alaire.

During the July Revolution, Clara Lessing first raised the tricolor flag symbolizing the Republic on the barricades; the teenager Allaire planted the flag on a bridge next to Notre Dame de Paris.

After the flag was planted, Allaire was shot and fell down. The painter Delacroix happened to witness this tragic and intense scene, and he was filled with righteous indignation before he created "Liberty Leading the People".

Everyone, please look at this gentleman in a tuxedo. This is Delacroix himself. While expressing revolutionary passion, this famous painter did not forget to show the cuteness of intellectuals! "

Speaking, Ye Tian also specifically pointed to Delacroix who was holding a double-barreled shotgun in the painting and was following the Statue of Liberty, preparing to fight!


There was a burst of knowing laughter at the scene, and all the visitors laughed softly.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tian immediately continued to explain this world famous painting to everyone.

In the blink of an eye, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Ye Tian and the others finally visited the many top art works displayed in the large gallery. Although it was just a quick tour, they had a lot of fun!

Next, it's time to appreciate the famous Italian lady, "Mona Lisa", and see what secrets are hidden behind her mysterious smile, and whether it can bring huge surprises!

After visiting the "Mona Lisa" hall, go straight ahead and enter the French Oil Painting Museum, where Napoleon's collection is displayed, all of which are very important French oil paintings.

After leaving the French Oil Painting Museum, it is estimated that it will be the closing time of the Louvre Museum. Today's art tour of the Louvre Museum will also end perfectly.

After admiring the last painting in the large gallery, Lionello Sparta's "The Prodigal Son", Ye Tian and the others turned around and walked towards the entrance of the large gallery connected to the Mona Lisa Hall.

Although they have been visiting the Louvre for a long time, they are still full of energy at this time, and there is no sign of fatigue.

Each of them is still full of interest, wishing to see all the top artworks in the collection of the Louvre in one day, that would be enjoyable!

Obviously, that's simply not possible!

Seeing them turn and leave, some visitors immediately asked curiously:

"Steven, where are you going to visit next? Can we continue to follow you and listen to your explanation? To be honest, your explanation is the most professional and exciting I have ever heard, and it makes people want to stop!"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the inquiring visitor, then smiled and said loudly:

"Next, we are going to visit the "Mona Lisa" hall, to appreciate the most famous painting in the world, and to appreciate the mysterious smile of the Italian lady.

The "Mona Lisa" hall is no better than a large gallery. The space there is limited, and there must be a lot of visitors gathered in front of the "Mona Lisa", so I don't suggest that you continue to follow us.

If everyone continues to follow us and listen to my explanation as before, it is estimated that the "Mona Lisa" hall will be completely blocked in an instant, and accidents may happen.

In view of this, in order to avoid this situation from happening, I will not give any public lectures in the future! Please understand, let's visit by yourself and enjoy this beautiful day! "

Hearing him say that, what else can other visitors say!

"Okay, Steven, since that's the case, let's visit by ourselves. Thank you for your previous explanation. It's really wonderful! It also opened our eyes. Today's trip to the Louvre is really worth it!"

The visitor just nodded and said, with a slightly regretful tone.

Afterwards, the many visitors who followed Ye Tian and the others quickly dispersed and went to visit each other. The large gallery quickly returned to its original appearance.

Ye Tian and the others were admiring the works of art hanging on the walls of the large gallery, laughing and chatting in low voices, and strolled towards the "Mona Lisa" hall. Everyone was very relaxed.

Just when they were about to walk to the entrance of the "Mona Lisa" hall, Ye Tian suddenly felt the phone in his pocket vibrate.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and looked at it. It was a call from Martinez.

Immediately afterwards, he slid open the screen lock and brought the phone to his ear, and Martinez's voice immediately came from the other end of the phone.

"Steven, you have been visiting the large gallery just now, and you were explaining the artworks hanging in the large gallery to visitors, so I didn't call you, lest I disturb your elegant mood.

I heard from the staff of the Grand Gallery that I just called you after you finished your visit. Here is some good news for you. I believe you will be ecstatic and cheer for it! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately burst into a bright smile.

What Martinez said was good news, he had already guessed in an instant.

"What is the good news specifically? Martinez, tell me, has the Guimet Museum let go and agreed to the terms of exchange I proposed?"

"That's right, the Jimei Museum has let go and generally agreed to the exchange terms you proposed. They are still discussing the specific details, and it is estimated that they will make a decision soon.

After lunch, we held a video conference with several high-level executives of the Guimet Museum. We promised to send a few heavyweight collections, and the Guimet Museum nodded in agreement.

It seems that our art deal is about to be concluded, and we in the Louvre will inevitably be slaughtered by you. Thinking of this, we feel pain! "

Martinez said excitedly, there is no pain in the flesh!

"Great! When the Guimet Museum makes a decision, you must contact me as soon as possible. I would like to know which Chinese antique artworks the Guimet Museum will exchange.

From then on until the museum closes in the evening, we will either visit the Mona Lisa Hall or the French Oil Painting Museum. You can come to us directly, which is very convenient! "

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a low voice, his excited eyes shone brightly.

Almost without thinking, Martinez came up with the answer.

"At that time, I will go to find you. While reporting the news, I also want to listen to your explanation. It must be very exciting!"

After chatting for a few more words, Ye Tian hung up the phone and ended the call.

Immediately afterwards, the group of them walked into the Mona Lisa exhibition hall, ready to appreciate the most famous painting in the world!

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