Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1321 The Instigator

In the Mona Lisa Hall, Ye Tian and the others were standing in front of a world-famous painting, admiring it intently and attentively. There was a bit of shock in everyone's eyes.

However, the painting in front of them was not the "Mona Lisa", but "The Wedding at Cana", a famous Italian painter, one of the three masters of the Venetian school of painting, and one of Veronese's greatest works.

The location where this world-famous painting is displayed is directly opposite the "Mona Lisa", and it is also the location where the entrance of this exhibition hall is located. It is hung on the wall between the left and right doors.

Although Ye Tian and the others came for the "Mona Lisa" like most of the visitors in the exhibition hall, it is obviously not a wise move to appreciate the "Mona Lisa" at this time.

At this time, in front of the "Mona Lisa", there were already dozens of visitors surrounded by three floors inside and outside.

All of these visitors were extremely excited, eager to see through, and with a posture almost admiring, they stood on their toes and looked at the most famous painting in the world!

With the scale of the "Mona Lisa", coupled with several layers of bulletproof glass covering the outside, and a distance of several meters between the painting and the visitors, I don't know what the visitors standing behind the crowd can see ?

At best, they can see the outline clearly, and they probably can't even see the eyebrows clearly. As for Mona Lisa's mysterious smile, they can only look at it in the guidebook, which is a little clearer.

While visiting, many visitors held up their cameras or mobile phones and kept taking pictures of the "Mona Lisa" to prove that they had been to this exhibition hall and enjoyed the "Mona Lisa" up close.

The situation before the "Mona Lisa" couldn't be more normal. Many tourists came to visit the Louvre, even for the huge fame of the "Mona Lisa".

As soon as they entered the Louvre, they would follow the guidance of the guidebook and come straight to this exhibition hall to admire this famous painting.

After punching in the "Mona Lisa", some tourists will soon leave the Louvre to visit other places, such as the Champs Elysees not far away!

Some tourists continue to visit the Louvre to appreciate the remaining exquisite works of art.

In order to facilitate tourists to visit the "Mona Lisa", the Louvre not only clearly marked the route to the Mona Lisa Hall in the guidebook, but also set up many reminders throughout the museum.

In this way, those tourists who come for the "Mona Lisa" can easily find the Mona Lisa Hall and complete the task of checking in.

Unlike the crowded situation before the Mona Lisa,

There were few visitors to Veronese's "The Wedding at Cana", and it was very quiet.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian and the others immediately stopped and began to admire this world famous painting.

In fact, this world famous painting is also one of Ye Tianlai's must-see top works of art in the Louvre!

“Wow! The size of this painting is really huge, definitely one of the largest paintings I have ever seen! Amazing!”

The first time she saw this painting, Betty expressed emotion in a low voice, apparently shocked by the world-famous painting in front of her.

Ye Tian turned to look at her, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"The scale of this painting is indeed huge. "The Wedding at Cana" is about ten meters wide and seven meters high. The area of ​​the whole painting is about 70 square meters, which is extremely exaggerated!

In the Louvre, this is the largest and extremely precious giant painting. It is also as amazing as the "Coronation of Napoleon I", and it is absolutely not allowed to leave the Louvre!

In this regard, the "Mona Lisa" on the opposite side is not comparable to this painting. The "Mona Lisa" has left the Louvre many times and was sent to be exhibited around the world, but this painting has never been! "

"More than 70 square meters, isn't it the size of an apartment? It is indeed amazing! It must take a lot of time and energy to paint such an amazing painting.

Steven, let me explain this giant painting to you. We would like to hear stories about this giant painting, so that we can better appreciate this painting and understand its beauty! "

Anderson said with emotion, eyes full of shock.

"Okay, I will explain this painting to you now"

Ye Tian nodded lightly in response, and then began to explain the huge painting in front of him in a low voice.

"The Wedding at Cana" is a painting created by Veronese in 1563. It reflects the scene of Jesus attending a wedding in Cana. The story comes from the Bible.

Here, Veronese made some small changes. He turned the place where the story took place, the impoverished and humble town of Cana in Galilee, into a luxurious wedding in Venice in the sixteenth century.

Of course, this is based on the requirements of the Monastery of San Giorgio Marcioli in Italy. The other party is the patron who ordered this painting. In order to cater to the other party, Veronese can only follow suit, which is understandable.

It was at this wedding that Jesus first showed his divine power to the world. When the wine at the wedding banquet was drunk, Jesus immediately turned all the drinking water into fine wine and let everyone continue to drink freely.

In order to paint this huge painting, Veronese spent a total of 15 months drawing more than 130 figures, many of whom were nobles and artists in Europe at that time.

In this painting, we can see the Queen of England, Francis I, the Sultan of Turkey, Titian, the teacher of Veronese, and Tintoretto, who is also the three masters of the Venetian School of Painting.

Of course, Veronese himself is also indispensable here. He painted himself in the most conspicuous position, that is, the musician sitting in the front, in the center of the painting, wearing a white robe and playing.

This kind of behavior of Veronese is the first of its kind. In the "Liberty Leading the People" we have seen before, Delacroix is ​​imitating him and painting himself into the painting! "


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and Betty and the others chuckled lightly.

After the laughter fell, Ye Tian immediately picked up the conversation just now, and continued to explain this world famous painting born in the late Renaissance.

At the same time, he also secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly inspecting all the details inside and outside the painting, not letting go of any corner.

It's a pity that he didn't find any hidden secrets in this painting, and he didn't find any surprising gains other than seeing the poor bride sulking in an inconspicuous corner.

After about three or four minutes, Ye Tian just finished explaining the painting.

Next, they stayed in front of this painting for a while, appreciating it carefully, and then moved away to admire another famous Italian painting hanging on the side wall.

Time passed by little by little, and twenty minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

After admiring the many paintings displayed in this exhibition hall, Ye Tian and the others finally came to the "Mona Lisa", ready to admire the most famous immortal painting in the world!

At this time, the number of visitors gathered in front of the "Mona Lisa" was already a little less than before, but there were still more than 20 of them!

If you want to appreciate the "Mona Lisa" at close range, you must squeeze out the crowd and get to the front!

Of course, Ye Tian would not do such a hateful thing by himself.

While standing still, he gave Matisse a wink and asked them to step forward to open the way, so that he and Betty could get as close to the "Mona Lisa" as possible and see it more clearly.

After receiving the signal, Matisse immediately stepped forward with two security personnel, using his strong body to forcefully squeeze out a passage.

Ye Tian took Betty and followed, along the passage that Matisse and the others squeezed out, and walked straight to the "Mona Lisa" ahead!

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