Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1334 Boiling Paris

? "Bang bang bang"

The gunshots outside the jewelry store continued, and became more intense, making the fight very lively.

Obviously, there are quite a few people from the 'Pink Panther' who came to take revenge, at least two groups.

These guys probably wanted to do their best to kill Ye Tian directly on the Champs-Elysees Avenue, and avenge those brothers who were killed by Ye Tiankeng in Antwerp.

"Steven, Mattis, there are quite a few of these guys. There are two SUVs and two heavy motorcycles in total. Everyone is wearing helmets and their firepower is very strong. We have already engaged them!"

Walker's voice came from the earphone again, quickly reporting the situation outside.

At this time, the jewelry store has also become a battlefield where bullets fly.

Before the SUV that crashed into the jewelry store at high speed stopped, a guy sitting in the passenger seat and wearing a black hood had already raised his assault rifle and started shooting crazily.

"bang bang bang"

While the flames were flickering, deafening gunshots also sounded in this top brand jewelry store.

A dozen scalding rifle bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the assault rifle at high speed, and began to ravage the luxuriously decorated jewelry store crazily.

In the blink of an eye, this top-brand jewelry store was riddled with holes in a storm of rifle bullets. It was horrible!

Those transparent glass showcases and the dazzling jewelry in the showcases were either shattered by powerful bullets, or shot flying in the air, and then fell to the ground! No more light!

The unresponsive customers and clerks in the jewelry store were inevitably targeted, too, unfortunately.


The screams suddenly sounded from a male customer in his thirties.

In the hail of bullets, this buddy's right arm was unfortunately hit by a rifle bullet, and it was immediately broken, dripping with blood, and his condition was very miserable.

The rest of the customers were luckier, surviving the first wave of frantic bullets.

"bang bang bang"

This is the sound of pistols firing,

Crisp and short, but just as deadly.

The moment the black SUV crashed into the jewelry store, Ye Tian quickly pulled out the M9 pistol in the holster under his armpit, opened the safety, pushed the bullet into the chamber, and was ready to fire back.

When the gunman in the co-pilot of the SUV fired wildly with his assault rifle, Ye Tian, ​​who was hiding behind the bulletproof glass showcase, locked onto the bastard as quickly as possible, and pulled the trigger mercilessly!

Accompanied by crisp gunshots, three pistol bullets spewed out from the M9 pistol in his hand at high speed, carrying the breath of death, and aimed straight at the scum in the passenger seat of the SUV.

That scumbag only had time to fire the first round. When he tried to pull the trigger again and continue to fire wildly, three pistol bullets had already rushed towards him, dragging him directly into hell.

"Puff puff"

The sound of bullets shooting into the human body came out, which sounded very scary.

Unbiased, three pistol bullets penetrated the shattered SUV front windshield, penetrated into that scumbag's head with incomparable accuracy, and directly smashed the head wearing the black hood!

Under the powerful impact of the pistol bullets, that scumbag's head suddenly tilted back, hit the headrest of the seat, and then turned to the right. He lost his breath in an instant, and he couldn't die anymore!

The headrest of the passenger seat was instantly stained red with blood, with some white brains mixed in!

There was almost no pause, after firing the first wave of three bullets, Ye Tian moved the muzzle of the gun like lightning, and firmly locked on the scum who was driving.

As for the results of the first wave of attacks, he didn't even look at them!

From his hiding place to that black SUV, there is only a distance of seven or eight meters. At this distance, Ye Tian is convinced that he is God, and he can take whatever he wants!

Don't even think about it, under his attack, the scum in the passenger seat will definitely die, even if God comes, he can't save him!

While locking the driver of the SUV and pulling the trigger to fire, Ye Tian also quickly turned on the perspective to see the situation inside the SUV clearly.

There were three people in that SUV, two in the front row, one had already been killed by himself, and there was one in the back seat, and the remaining two guys were also holding assault rifles.

Among these three scumbags, two are familiar faces, they are members of the 'Pink Panther' who escaped from Antwerp before, and Ye Tian has seen their photos in Antwerp, Belgium.

The other guy is Zhang Sheng's face, he should be a new force who joined later, probably a member of the 'Pink Panther' in Paris, France.

"bang bang bang"

The gunshot rang out again, and three more pistol bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the M9 in Ye Tian's hand at high speed, like a scythe wielded by the god of death, and rushed directly at the driver of the SUV.

At the same time, Ye Tian also shouted loudly:

"Matisse, Taylor, there are three people in the SUV. I have already dealt with the two scumbags in the front row, and there is one in the back row. You seal the door and don't let that scumbag rush out!"

Ye Tian spoke these words with certainty and categorically.

That scumbag driving the SUV, like the companion sitting next to him, is certain to die, and will report to hell soon, Ye Tian is absolutely sure of this!

A few blocks away, the Paris police station.


The door of the director's office was suddenly knocked open, and a senior police officer rushed in with an extremely nervous expression, as if a room was on fire.

Seeing this scene, the chief of the Paris Police Department and a deputy chief who were talking in this office couldn't help but feel a little bit in their hearts, and there was a feeling of imminent disaster.

Before they could open their mouths to ask, the senior police officer who rushed in said loudly at the top of his lungs:

"Boss, there was a firefight on the Champs-Elysées! A group of lunatics drove an SUV directly into the Graff jewelry store. Judging from the crime method, it is likely to be the scum of the 'Pink Panther'!

But the 'Pink Panthers' obviously didn't come to rob jewels, they came for revenge. Steven, his girlfriend, and his unusually tough men had just entered the Graff jewelry store at that time.

The two sides in the exchange of fire were precisely these two groups of bastards. Their firepower was very powerful. Not only did they have pistols, but they also had assault rifles. The jewelry store and the Champs-Elysées became battlefields.

The scumbags from the 'Pink Panther' fired first. Steven's gang of American bastards were acting in self-defense. Several guys who followed Steven and the others also joined the battle, and there were casualties! "

Before the senior police officer finished speaking, the chief of the Paris Police Department and the deputy chief jumped up from their seats as if they were electrocuted, their expressions were extremely ugly, as if their own father had died!

The next moment, the hysterical roar of the Paris police chief resounded through the entire Paris police building.

"Fack! I know that wherever that bastard Steven appears, it will definitely become a battlefield full of bullets and bullets, accompanied by endless blood and killings!

This is Paris, our place, not his New York! Not to mention the battlefield where bullets are flying everywhere, I swear, I must make those damn American bastards look good!

Inform all the police officers on duty near the Champs-Elysées, and immediately gather at the Graff jewelry store on the Champs-Elysées, and get the situation under control as soon as possible, and those bastards cannot be allowed to wreak havoc!

Then inform the anti-riot police and armed special police, let them dispatch immediately to help those guys fighting on the Champs-Elysées, and let the police helicopter also depart.

I must tell everyone, put on the body armor and be careful, whether it's Steven's bastards or the 'Pink Panther' scum, they are very difficult to mess with!

Since those hateful scumbags of the 'Pink Panther' have appeared, they must not be let go. This time, they must be uprooted and sent to hell! "

"Understood, boss, I'll tell the guys to go!"

The senior police officer responded loudly, and immediately turned and rushed out of the chief's office.

Soon, the whole of Paris boiled like a pot.

Especially in the several districts near the Champs-Elysées, almost every street has police cars rushing past, pulling the shrill sirens, and heading straight for the Champs-Elysées like crazy!

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