Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1335 The disaster brought by Ye Tian

? "Squeak"

The dense rain of gunfire, mixed with sharp and piercing emergency brakes, resounded throughout the Champs Elysees.

People driving on this famous street stepped on the brakes or pulled up the handbrake the moment they heard the gunfire, and stopped their vehicles in the middle of the road.

The result of this is a series of rear-end collisions.

Those drivers who can't react in time can only drive and kiss the ass of the vehicle in front, and then they are forced to stop.

All of a sudden, there was a sound of "ping-ping-pong-pong" on the road, dozens of cars rear-ended one after another, and the east-west Champs-Elysees Avenue was completely chaotic.

Under the impact, the hoods of many vehicles were lifted directly, and black smoke was even emitted, making the atmosphere on this street more tense and more like a battlefield!

Fortunately, the Champs-Elysées is a famous shopping street, and it is wide enough. The speed of vehicles driving on this street is relatively low, so there are no serious accidents.

Different from the usual situation in car accidents, car owners who rear-end or are rear-ended by others have no time to consider who is responsible for the car accident at this time, and they are not in the mood to entangle the issue of compensation.

As soon as the vehicle came to a stop, the drivers opened the door and quickly rushed out of the car. The cat lowered its head and ran towards both sides of the street, trying to find a safe place to hide.

Some people chose to hide on the spot, lying directly next to the car, using the body of the car to cover themselves, so as not to be kissed by the bullets flying around.

A little farther away from the scene of the firefight, many vehicles slammed on the brakes and stopped quickly, then turned around and accelerated to escape from the street, completely ignoring the existence of traffic laws!

As for the people near the firefighting site, they either lay on the ground with their heads in their hands, or rushed into the nearest shop, or ran wildly on the street with their waists down and their heads bowed, looking for a safe hiding place.

Without exception, everyone in this area is terrified and full of despair!

While running for their lives in a hurry, everyone on the street was secretly praying, praying for God to bless them, so that they could escape this damn hell safely!

Is there another terrorist attack in Paris? Is this still the beautiful fashion capital of Paris? It's basically a battlefield full of bullets and bullets, blood and flesh flying everywhere, okay?

For the uninformed,

This is almost their common thought. The first time the gunshots sounded, such an idea sprouted in people's minds.

Paris is also a famous city that has been plagued by terrorism!

Especially in recent years, the frequency of terrorist attacks here has been very high, far exceeding that of famous American cities such as New York.

People living in Paris have long been frightened by frequent terrorist attacks. As long as they hear gunshots or even the sound of firecrackers exploding, they immediately think of terrorist attacks.

With such intense and crazy street firefights like today, people certainly think that this is another terrorist attack, and that Paris has been ravaged by terrorists again!

However, this time it was not a terrorist attack, but a crazy revenge!

If people knew that Ye Tian and the others were fighting, they would immediately understand that this fire had nothing to do with terrorism, but a disaster that Ye Tian brought to Paris!

On the street outside the jewelry store, gunshots raged across the block like a storm, tearing everything around them to pieces!

Walker and the others have already taken out the short assault rifles they carry with them, using the flower beds, big trees, or vehicles on the side of the road as cover, and are exchanging fire with the 'Pink Panther' and those scumbags.

Another SUV of the 'Pink Panther' has been destroyed by Walker and the others. Black smoke is billowing and parked on the side of the road.

The driver of this BMW SUV is leaning on the seat with his head tilted at this moment. His head and chest have been beaten to pieces. He went directly to hell to report. He couldn't die any more!

The other two scumbags who were originally sitting on the SUV had already rushed out of the vehicle, hiding behind the scrapped SUV, and were engaged in a frenzied exchange of fire with Walker and the others.

In the middle of the road a little further away, there were several members of the 'Pink Panther' who came driving heavy motorcycles. They all got off the motorcycles at this time, relying on the scattered vehicles on the street to shoot at Walker and the others.

And those Paris policemen in plain clothes who were following Ye Tian and the others were a little further away, hiding behind some vehicles and trees, and were shooting at the 'Pink Panther' guys.

In contrast, the Paris police were undoubtedly the party with the weakest firepower. They only had pistols in their hands, and they couldn't compete with those powerful assault rifles at all.

However, they couldn't retreat, so they could only bite the bullet and stick to it, waiting for a large number of police to arrive here to save them from the fire and water.

At this time, they have been completely shrouded in fear and despair, and they are not sure why they are crazily cursing their mothers!

During the exchange of fire, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came from the wireless headsets of Walker and many security personnel.

"Walker, you just need to get rid of those bastards outside the jewelry store, and send those scumbags to hell! Don't worry about the situation inside the jewelry store, everything is under our control!"

"Understood, Steven, don't worry, these scumbags can't escape, they will all go to hell today!"

Walker responded in a low voice, his tone unusually firm.

At the same time as the words fell, the muzzle of the G36C short assault rifle in his hand was firmly locked on the ankle of a scumbag hiding behind the SUV, and he ruthlessly pulled the trigger.

In the jewelry store, Matisse and Taylor used their pistols to completely seal the rear door of the SUV that crashed into the jewelry store, blocking the 'Pink Panther' member in the back seat.

The guy opened the door several times and tried to rush out of the SUV, but was pushed back by Mattis and Taylor. He could only curl up in the back seat of the SUV, not daring to show his head.

And the front of that SUV was facing Ye Tian's position, even if he had the courage, he wouldn't dare to be exposed to Ye Tian's gunpoint, otherwise he would surely die!

The two companions sitting in the front seat are a lesson from the past!

Faced with this situation, the 'Pink Panther' member hiding in the back seat could only raise the assault rifle in his hand, and blindly shoot wildly outwards!

The tourists and clerks staying in this jewelry store have already woken up at this time, lying on the ground, or hiding behind the jewelry display cabinets, everyone is terrified and trembling!

Fortunately, they woke up in time and hid, otherwise, under the aimless and frantic shooting of the 'Pink Panther' member in the car, there would be a river of blood here!

"bang bang bang"

Another frenzied hail of bullets from inside the SUV ravages the once-luxurious but now dilapidated jewelry store.

Along with the gunfire, there was a hysterical, hate-filled swearing.

"Steven, I swear, I will kill you, you damn devil, send you to hell with my own hands, and avenge all the dead brothers!"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Tian sneered and said loudly:

"Guys, if I'm not mistaken, you should be the 'Pink Panther'? I didn't expect us to meet again so soon. For this, I quite appreciate you. Revenge won't last overnight!

But then again, why do you seek revenge on me? In Antwerp, you all came after me, trying to rob me of my priceless jewellery, you can't deny that, can you?

In that case, how could I let you slaughter me without fighting back? No one can blame you for falling into the hands of the Antwerp police, but your own bad luck and poor planning!

After Antwerp, I didn’t expect you to follow behind us, to Paris, trying to take revenge on me. For this, I can only say that you are a group of idiots who are looking for their own death!

Since you "Pink Panthers" are a famous jewel robbery gang, you are a group of thieves! Then you should have the consciousness to die under the gun of the police. If you die, you can only blame your bad luck. How can you say revenge?

I didn't expect that you didn't even have this kind of awareness. I really think highly of you. Since you want to take revenge, just let your horse come here. I will continue. It depends on whether you have the ability.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that you have no chance of success. I am very sure that it is you and your idiot brothers who will enter hell today, not us! "

While saying these words, Ye Tian also secretly turned on the perspective, closely watching the situation in the SUV.

Under the perspective, the situation in the SUV in front of him was immediately and clearly presented, and he saw it clearly, without missing anything!

The only surviving 'Pink Panther' member in the car was huddled in the back seat of the SUV, not even daring to lift his head, and his posture was very awkward, which was not conducive to action!

The HK416 assault rifle in his hand has very few bullets left, only five rounds, maybe as long as he pulls the trigger again and shoots outside, the magazine will be empty!

When he empties the magazine and is ready to change the magazine, it is the best time to attack.

Ye Tian planned to take advantage of that scumbag's opportunity to reload his magazine, rush up and send that guy to hell, and end the battle in the jewelry store!

There are still a few scum outside the jewelry store waiting in line to go to hell, how can we waste their time!

After Ye Tian's voice fell, the member of the 'Pink Panther' in the SUV was immediately speechless, and didn't know how to refute for a while!

The only response he could give was crazy shooting!

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