Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1365 Perfect Tax Avoidance Strategy

Seeing that it was half past eleven in the evening, Martinez and the others still had no intention of leaving, and were still obsessively admiring the valuable antique artworks in the room.

Seeing this situation, Ye Tian had no choice but to wake up these Frenchmen who had already fallen into obsession, otherwise they would not be able to rest tonight!

"It's almost time, gentlemen, it's very late, are you here today? If you are free tomorrow, you can come again to appreciate and appraise these antique works of art!"

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Martinez and the others all looked up.

Although they have been here for several hours and looked at dozens of antique artworks non-stop, each of them is still very excited, full of energy, and can't see the slightest fatigue!

But in their eyes, they can see a lot of bloodshot eyes. It is obvious that they have exhausted their minds and minds, and they are not as relaxed as they appear on the surface!

"Steven, can you tell us how you did it? Every piece of antique art in this suite is worth a lot of money and is top-notch!

That is to say, there is not a single fake here, as long as you look at and take down the antique works of art, every piece is a valuable genuine one, which is simply incredible!

Until now, I didn't really believe the rumors. You are an all-rounder who has never appeared in the field of antique art collection. There is no antique art that you don't know! "

Martinez asked curiously, eyes full of envy.

The rest of the people in the living room were the same, their envious eyes were all red!

"Tell you? Don't be ridiculous! If I say that I have clairvoyant powers, I will be dragged into slices immediately!"

Ye Tian complained secretly, then shook his head with a light smile.

"I'm so sorry, Martinez, I'm afraid I can't give you the answer, it's my secret! In our industry, I believe everyone has their own secrets!

If I have to give an answer, it can only be said that I have a talent in this area, and I am very lucky to always find antique works of art and treasures that make my heart beat! "

Hearing this answer, all the French guys at the scene rolled their eyes, but they had no choice but to accept this statement, otherwise what could happen?

After chatting for a while, Martinez raised his hand and looked at his watch, then got up and said:

"For many Parisians,

Now it's time for a good night out, midnight is the time to rest, but it's really late for you guys.

In order not to disturb your normal rest, we should indeed say goodbye and leave, but before we leave, I have a very concerned question to ask, and I hope you can answer it!

Steven, what are you going to do with these valuable antiques? Should they be brought back to New York, USA, or processed on-site in Paris? What a huge fortune this is!

To tell you the truth, our Louvre Museum is very interested in some of these exquisite antique works of art. If possible, we would like to collect them and display them in the exhibition hall of the Louvre Museum!

I know that it is almost impossible for you, a greedy fellow, to donate antique works of art to the Louvre, so I dare not expect too much. If I have the chance, I hope to buy those treasures! "

As soon as the words fell, Bertrand, the curator of the Paris Museum of Modern Art, continued:

"Steven, the Paris Museum of Modern Art is the same, and we hope to accept some of these modern oil paintings"

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then said with a light smile:

"Gentlemen, I am a professional treasure hunter, and these antique works of art are my products. If you like these antique works of art, it is naturally the best. I wish for it!

If you want to buy your favorite antique works of art, please wait patiently for a period of time. After I ship these antique works of art back to New York, you can contact me and negotiate! "

"Aren't these antique artworks in Paris now? Isn't it more convenient to trade locally? Why do they have to be shipped back to New York? Wouldn't it be superfluous!

Like New York, Paris is also a world-renowned art trading center with a huge trading volume. There is no problem in digesting these antique artworks in your hands! "

Benoit asked inexplicably, and the others were also confused, wondering why Ye Tian did this.

Ye Tian shook his head slightly, and then gave his reasons.

"Gentlemen, there is only one reason why I want to transport these valuable antique works of art back to New York and sell or auction them in New York, and that is that the French taxes are too high!

For example, I bought the painting "Fontainbleau Forest" by the master of realism Corot for 18,000 euros, and I issued relevant certificates, so there is no legal problem!

If I bring that painting back to New York, when I go through French customs, I only need to pay 5.5% customs tax on the basis of 18,000 euros, and the tax burden is only 1,000 euros.

If I sold or auctioned that oil painting in Paris, at the lowest valuation I gave, the price of that oil painting would be at least 35 million euros, and the result would be completely different!

Take the transaction of 35 million euros as an example. On the basis of this price, firstly, I have to pay 7% art value-added tax, and secondly, I have to pay 5.5% customs tax, which cannot be avoided!

Just these two taxes add up to several million euros, what a huge number! If my head hadn't been kicked by a donkey, then why didn't I avoid such a heavy tax burden?

Everyone, don't forget how many valuable antique works of art I have in my hand! If all these antique works of art were sold in Paris, they would have to pay this heavy tax, my buddy would not be so distressed!

It's completely different when I ship them back to New York. I only need to pay a customs tax on top of the purchase price, which is completely negligible. I am also very happy to contribute to the French finances!

Another point is that there is no art value-added tax in New York, unlike Paris, where there is a 7% art value-added tax, so why don't I choose New York?

This is the reason why I took the trouble to ask those antique dealers to issue a certificate stating the name of the item and the transaction price when I bought these antique works of art at the Saint-Ouen flea market!

With the certificates issued by those antique dealers, I only need to pay a little customs tax based on the purchase price, and I can easily pass through French customs with the antique art I bought and return to New York! "

Martinez and the others were completely dumbfounded. They stared at Ye Tian, ​​who was eloquent and proud, just like looking at a monster!

It took a long time for these Frenchmen to come back to their senses, and then they expressed emotion.

"Oh my god! Steven, you are so cunning to the extreme. Not only the unlucky antique dealers in the Saint-Ouen flea market, but even the French government have been tricked by you! It's terrible!"

"Is there anything else you can't think of? Steven, no wonder you have become a super rich man. There is a reason for this. I am convinced!"

After expressing their emotions, the mood of these Frenchmen calmed down a little.

Immediately afterwards, Martinez spoke again:

"Okay, Steven, it seems that we can only wait for you to transport these antique artworks back to New York before making a transaction with you. When are you going to transport these antique artworks?"

"I am not going to personally transport these antique artworks back to New York, representatives from several major auction houses in New York will arrive in Paris tomorrow, including Sotheby's, Christie's, and Bonhams!

In addition to the representatives of several major auction houses, there are also representatives of two art insurance companies. I will complete the consignment auction procedure in Paris and entrust these antique works of art to the three major auction houses respectively!

After completing the commissioned auction process, how to safely transport these antique artworks back to New York requires the brains of the three major auction houses and two insurance companies. We will continue our trip to Europe! "

Ye Tian smiled and revealed his plan, he didn't intend to hide it, and he had nothing to hide!

As expected, Martinez and the others were stunned again, their eyes were wide open, and the eyeballs were about to fly out!

A few seconds later, Benoit said with emotion:

"Steven, you are so shrewd! In this way, you will transfer all the risks to the three major auction houses and two art insurance companies, but you have nothing to do!"

"Bingo! That's what it means. Since the three major auction houses and art insurance companies want to make money, they have to pay a certain price. There is no free lunch in the world!"

Ye Tian said with a proud smile, and lightly waved his fist.

Seeing his smug expression, the French guys at the scene were secretly startled, and their eyes were full of fear.

This guy Steven is too thoughtful, no one can try to plot against him, unless he gets bored, just like those Pink Panther scumbags before!

After a short pause, Martinez continued:

"Let's not talk about this, Steven, when will the transaction between us be carried out? When are you going to go to the Guimet Museum to select the collection of Chinese antique art? It will be exchanged for Queen Mary's jewelry!"

"Our Palace of Fontainebleau is also ready to welcome you at any time, Steven!"

Benoit continued, his tone full of expectation.

Ye Tian glanced at the two French counterparts, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry, gentlemen, I will go to the Guimet Museum and the Palace of Fontainebleau after I finish disposing of these antique works of art I bought from the Saint-Ouen Flea Market. It will take a few days!"

"Well, we're waiting for your call, and we're looking forward to seeing Queen Mary's jewelry!"

Martinez nodded in response, and Benova also nodded in response.

Afterwards, everyone chatted for a while, and the Frenchmen took their leave and went back to their respective homes.

When they left the hotel, each of them was still very excited, and they were full of emotion along the way!

After seeing off these old French friends, Ye Tian and Betty began to wash up, ready to rest!

At the same time, the floor they were on had also entered the highest alert state!

Matisse and the others are fully armed, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

The same was true for Ye Tian himself. He stood the G36C short assault rifle on the ground next to the bed, and he could reach it with his hands. His and Betty's Kevlar body armor was also within reach!

Everything was ready, he and Betty went to bed, ready to end this perfect day!

The night sky in Paris outside the window is now full of stars, which is extraordinarily beautiful!

But under this beautiful night sky, some families are happy and some are sad. Some people are enjoying the joy of success, and some people can't sleep all night, suffering in pain!

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