Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1366 Gunshots in the Night Sky

"Bang bang bang..."

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, a burst of gunshots sounded like rain, completely tearing up the tranquility of the night!

Among the piercing gunshots, there was also the sound of violent collisions. It sounded like two cars collided at high speed.

All tourists staying at the Regina Hotel, as well as residents and tourists in the surrounding neighborhoods, were awakened by the sudden gunfire!

The moment the gunshot came, Ye Tian opened his eyes suddenly, and quickly stuck his right hand out of the bed, holding the G36C short assault rifle standing beside the bed!

Immediately afterwards, his body slid off the bed, his movements were extremely light and fast, without making a sound!

The moment his feet landed on the ground, he had picked up the G36C short assault rifle, opened the safety, and was ready to fire. His bright eyes flickered coldly in the dark, full of murderous intent!

At the same time, he also quickly opened the perspective, his eyes penetrated the wall, looked at the corridor outside the presidential suite, looked at the Tuileries Garden directly opposite the hotel, and the Seine River a little further away!

There was no fighting in the corridor, and several armed security personnel were on high alert, each holding a short assault rifle, staring at both ends of the corridor, ready to fight at any time!

The night sky in Paris outside the hotel was pitch black, and the landscape lights of the Tuileries Garden and the river lights of the Seine River in the distance were still on, decorating the night of this ancient city, which is quite poetic!

However, downstairs in the Regina Hotel, police lights flashed.

Due to the angle, Ye Tian couldn't see the situation at the entrance of the hotel clearly for a while, so he could only judge the general situation at the entrance of the hotel through the light emitted by the police lights!

In this dark night, when the enemy and the enemy are unknown, it is obviously very stupid to go to the window to observe the situation downstairs. Ye Tian is not so stupid!

Betty was also awakened by the gunshots, and turned to look at Ye Tian with a slightly worried look in her eyes.

"Honey, don't worry, the gunshots outside should have nothing to do with us. It seems that the Paris police are exchanging fire with someone. Put on your body armor and stay in this room. Don't go near the window!"

Ye Tian spoke up in time to calm Betty's emotions, lest she feel afraid!

As he spoke, he took the Kevlar body armor that was placed beside him, handed it to Betty, and quickly put on another body armor!


Honey, you have to be more careful! "

Betty responded in a low voice, and her mood quickly stabilized.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian picked up the invisible earphones placed on the bedside table, stuffed them into his ears, and turned on the call function!

He completed all these actions in the dark, very fast, without any muddling!

For him, the night is no different from the day, and it will not cause him any obstacles!

As soon as the invisible earphones were plugged into the ears, Matisse's voice came over.

"Steven, don't worry, it's not our guys who are fighting outside, but the Paris police guarding around the hotel and a few guys of unknown origin. The fighting is quite lively!

If it wasn't as expected, those guys should be coming for us, but I didn't expect that there were so many Paris policemen around the Regina Hotel. "

Hearing the situation report, Ye Tian immediately said in a cold voice:

"That's right, nine out of ten those guys came here for us, for these valuable antique works of art, either the scumbags like the Pink Panther, or they have something to do with the antique dealers in the Saint-Ouen Flea Market !

No matter who they are or who they are, let them fight the Paris police. As long as they don't threaten our safety, ignore them and see if they can beat the Paris police and rush upstairs!

If they are lucky enough to overthrow those Parisian police downstairs and rush upstairs, then we will not be polite and send them to hell directly. Maybe that is the result they want most, the beauty of our adults! "

"Understood, Steven, the guys are all ready to fight at any time. The Regina Hotel is under our surveillance from the top of the building to the street downstairs, without any dead ends!"

Matisse replied in a deep voice, with a little excitement in his tone.

While the two of them were talking on the phone, the gunshots outside continued to rang out, among which were faintly mixed with a few painful wailings!

Among the dense gunfire, there were bursts of police sirens sounding from far to near.

Obviously, a large number of police cars are rushing here to support the Paris police downstairs!

The sirens are getting louder and denser, but the piercing gunshots are becoming more and more sparse!

About two minutes later, there was another sound of car tires rubbing against the ground crazily and the roar of a huge engine from outside the window!

Immediately afterwards, the roar of the engine quickly faded away, and a series of shrill sirens also faded away. The sound became smaller and smaller, and the gunfire finally stopped!

At this moment, Matisse's voice came from the earphone again.

"Steven, the battle in front of the hotel is over, those blindfolded idiots dropped two corpses, the remaining three guys drove away, and a large number of Paris police chased after them!

The entrance of the hotel has been completely blocked by the Paris police. It is estimated that it will not be long before the police will send people to inspect the situation on each floor. This is unavoidable here, so prepare yourself! "

"Understood, tell Anderson to come forward to deal with the Paris police, and then let Anderson notify those French lawyers, let them come to the hotel immediately, in case the police have nothing to do!

Inform all the guys, turn on the pinhole camera that I carry, film everything that happens next, and upload the relevant video to the cloud, honestly, I can't trust the Paris police!

Everyone must be on high alert, not only against those idiots who may sneak into the hotel, but also against the Paris police, who may also be blinded by greed! "

Ye Tian said in a cold voice, and quickly made arrangements.

"Understood, Steven, I will inform everyone!"

Matisse's voice came immediately, and he took action immediately.

Amid all the commotion, an hour passed quickly, and the hotel regained its tranquility, as if nothing had happened!

But the flashing police lights around the hotel, and the many Paris policemen with live ammunition on the front and rear streets, told everyone clearly what happened here!

Maybe it's because they understand Ye Tian's strength, or maybe they don't want to make the relationship between them too rigid!

The Paris police did not search Ye Tian's room, but met Matisse and Anderson at the stairs, reminded them to be safe, and then turned and left!

For this kind of result, Ye Tian and the others are of course happy to see it, it couldn't be better!

Next, Matisse and the others continued to stand on guard, taking turns to rest, and kept the half-floor hotel room where everyone lived was completely tight!

Ye Tian and Betty put the incident that just happened behind them, went to bed and rested, and soon fell asleep with the night of Paris on their pillows!

When they woke up again, the sky had already brightened, and the morning breeze blew away the darkness little by little, bringing a brand new day to the city of Paris!

After breakfast, Ye Tian came to the living room and sat down on the sofa, drinking fragrant coffee while listening to Mattis and Anderson report what happened last night and the follow-up progress!

Those guys who exchanged fire with the police last night were a group of gangsters from the 20th arrondissement of Paris, which is where the Saint-Ouen flea market is located!

It can be seen from this that whether those gangsters were instigated by others or acted spontaneously, they must have come for those valuable antique works of art in an attempt to make a fortune!

But it's a pity, not only did they not get rich, but they lost their lives!

In addition to the two guys who died at the entrance of the hotel, the three idiots who drove away were also chased and intercepted by the Paris police. They were shot into a sieve by the police and reported to hell!

After chatting with Mathis and the others for a while, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, and it was David calling.

David has flown to Paris with a dozen old friends from the three major auction houses in New York, as well as several representatives from two art insurance companies!

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