Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1377 Fontainebleau

? After celebrating, Ye Tian took Betty and the others to say goodbye, and drove straight to the Palace of Fontainebleau, 60 kilometers away from Paris.

In the ancient building that already belonged to him, he left two armed security personnel to supervise Clement's move and protect the ancient historical building from malicious damage by others!

Of course, the more important duty of the two armed security personnel is to protect the treasure of Napoleon that no one except Ye Tian knows about!

If there is no supervision and protection, the Clements or the movers will find something when they move the wine rack in the basement, and then they will be in big trouble!

Of course, this possibility is almost non-existent.

The two granite slabs covering the entrance of the secret passage weigh several hundred kilograms and have not been moved for nearly two hundred years. It would not happen that someone is interested in them today!

Even if someone is interested in them, I'm afraid they don't have enough strength to lift those two extremely heavy granite stones!

As for the tenants who rented in that ancient building, two French lawyers were responsible for cleaning them up. There should be no problem asking those tenants to move.

When Ye Tian and his convoy passed through the streets at high speed and drove straight to the outskirts of Paris, the people on the streets of Paris thought they were leaving Paris, and there was another commotion on the streets.

"These crazy American bastards seem to be leaving Paris, but why are they going southeast? Charles de Gaulle International Airport is not there? Are these bastards going to harm other cities?"

"Whatever city they go to harm! Just leave Paris, if you let them stay any longer, these crazy bastards will definitely destroy Paris and sweep away all the good things in this city"

However, how did the people discussing it know that Ye Tian and the others are only leaving temporarily. If there is no accident, they will return to Paris at night, and continue to make all Parisians fearful!

In the blink of an eye, more than an hour has passed.

The convoy that Ye Tian and the others were riding in had already entered the Forest of Fontainebleau, and quickly headed towards the town of Fontainebleau, which is located deep in the forest and on the left bank of the Seine River.

Compared with downtown Paris, the scenery outside the car window is completely different at this time!

Looking out from the car window, there are lush forests on both sides of the road, full of vitality and vitality!

In the forest, various trees such as oak, tochi, and birch are layered on top of each other, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

It's like a huge green carpet, spread to the end of the line of sight!

On this huge green carpet, there are also countless delicate and beautiful blooming flowers, which are competing to bloom, colorful and pleasing to the eye!

Under the shade of green trees, where winding paths lead to seclusion, you can see some colorful roofs from time to time, which adds a bit of color and life to this forest!

Now it is late summer and early autumn, the leaves of some trees have begun to change colors, and the slightly reddish leaves are swaying in the wind, making this forest even more moving!

As soon as the convoy entered the Forest of Fontainebleau, Ye Tian informed Matisse and the others to slow down the convoy so that everyone could enjoy the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road!

The same goes for Ye Tian and Betty, their eyes were quickly attracted by the picturesque scenery outside the car window, and they admired it fascinatedly!

After driving along the forest road for about five or six minutes, Betty just woke up from the intoxication, and then said with emotion:

"Wow! It's so beautiful here. No wonder so many famous artists have created countless landscape paintings with this place as the background. This forest is really picturesque, even more charming than the paintings!"

Ye Tian withdrew his gaze from the window, turned to look at Betty, smiled and said softly:

"My dear, the Fontainebleau forest is one of the most beautiful forests in France, the natural green lung of the Paris region, and the favorite weekend resort of Parisians, famous for its large area and beautiful scenery.

In the history of art, Fontainebleau Forest has a very important position, especially in the development of natural landscape painting and early photography art in the 19th century, this vibrant forest played an important role!

Fontainebleau first attracted the attention of artists in the mid-1920s. Since then, Fontainebleau Forest has become the center of many painters' outdoor painting practice!

By the early 1830s, the area around the Fontainebleau Forest became an informal artist settlement, thus forming the very famous and extremely important Barbizon School in art history!

By the mid-nineteenth century, Fontainebleau had become a famous art pilgrimage site, and countless young artists with artistic aspirations were attracted to this picturesque place.

When we just entered the forest, there was a fork on the right. Follow that fork and you will arrive at Barbizon Village. After leaving Fontainebleau Palace later, we can go there and have a look!

So far, Barbizon has been a famous art town and the residence of many artists. There are many artists living there, including famous art masters and unknown painters!

The "Goose Girl" hanging in our house was painted by Miller in Barbizon Village. There is still Miller Manor there, which is very well preserved, and everything is still in the style of the 19th century.

In addition, there are many galleries in Barbizon Village, where paintings of various styles are exhibited, and there are many footprints left by top art masters, which are worth visiting,..."

While Ye Tian was introducing and explaining, the convoy continued on the forest road under the shade of green trees, approaching the town of Fontainebleau a little bit!

About ten minutes later, Ye Tian and his convoy finally arrived in Fontainebleau, and drove into the streets of this satellite city of Paris!

As soon as this heavy convoy entered the town of Fontainebleau, several police cars approached with sirens, and quickly dispersed around the convoy, separating other social vehicles!

Even the Paris police who came along, wearing plain clothes and driving civilian photo vehicles, were blocked by the Fontainebleau police!

Looking at the nervous Fontainebleau policemen outside the car window, Ye Tian couldn't help but chuckled.

Obviously, the news that they are coming to Fontainebleau Palace has been disclosed by Benoit to the Fontainebleau police, so these policemen are so nervous!

Not only the Fontainebleau police, but even the people on the streets of Fontainebleau were terrified and worried by Ye Tian's sudden visit!

Because of the previous live TV broadcast, almost all French people know this convoy of several black Mercedes bulletproof SUVs, and know who is sitting in those bulletproof SUVs!

When this heavy convoy crashed through the streets of Fontainebleau, this quiet and artistic town immediately set off a burst of commotion!

"I'm going! Why did this crazy bastard Steven come to Fontainebleau? Isn't he staying in Paris? This is not a good thing, but wherever these guys appear, there will be no peace!"

"Is this guy Steven coming for the Palace of Fontainebleau, or for those galleries and antique shops? I heard that this guy ransacked the Saint-Ouen flea market frantically and caused a series of tragedies!

If he came for galleries and antique shops, those gallery owners and antique dealers in the city must be careful, if they are not careful, they will become another unlucky guy who was ransacked by Steven! "

Just as many people were worried, when the gallerists and antique dealers in Fontainebleau town heard that Ye Tian was here, they immediately frowned.

They have all heard of the tragic experience of the colleagues in the Saint-Ouen Flea Market, and they even understand it clearly, and they are very sympathetic!

The lessons learned from the past are right in front of you, dripping with blood, and extremely real, no one wants to repeat the same mistakes and become the targets of being ransacked by Ye Tian, ​​of course they are no exception!

But there was nothing they could do but watch with apprehension as the heavy convoy crashed down the street and headed straight for Fontainebleau!

The only thing they can do is to pray secretly that bad luck will never happen to them!

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