Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1378 Ancient Palace

? The convoy quickly passed through the streets and headed to the south of Fontainebleau town!

Ten minutes later, the huge and beautiful Fontainebleau Palace complex finally appeared in front of Ye Tian and the others!

Fontainebleau Palace, one of the largest royal palaces in France, is the residence, picnic and temporary hunting palace of French emperors! Built in 1137, it has a history of nearly nine hundred years.

The palace is located in the town of Fontainebleau on the left bank of the Seine, about 60 kilometers away from Paris. It is located in a forest of 170 square kilometers, with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate.

In French, Fontainebleau means beautiful spring water.

It is precisely because of the clear local spring water that in the twelfth century, King Louis VII of France built a castle by the spring water for rest while hunting. This is the later Palace of Fontainebleau!

The Fontainebleau Palace complex is composed of ancient castles, palaces, courtyards and gardens. After entering the modern era and becoming a museum, the buildings open all year round include three Renaissance halls, the emperor's bedroom and the Napoleon Museum.

From the perspective of architectural art, Fontainebleau Palace can be said to be one of the masterpieces of French classical architecture, and the architectural styles of various periods have left traces here.

In this magnificent ancient palace, there are traces of the life of French emperors, from Louis VII to Henry IV, from Louis XIV to Napoleon!

In addition to being a royal palace, this is also the place where the French royal family accepted new trends of thought after 1528, and then achieved the Renaissance!

This ancient palace complex has witnessed the profound friendship between King Francois I of France and Leonardo da Vinci, and also witnessed the whole process of the vigorous development of the Renaissance movement in France.

Here, we can see the exquisite murals left by the famous Italian painters Rosso and Primatiggio during the Renaissance, as well as other exquisite decorative works.

We can also see the traces left by the famous French painters of the same period, Guchamp, Caron and the sculptor Goujon, and we can see the shadow of the traditional French art of that era.

It was during the expansion of this palace that the Renaissance style and traditional French art were perfectly integrated, and then the famous "Fontainbleau School" was formed.

Also here, we can also see how proud and invincible Napoleon, who was regarded by the French as an eternal hero and who once ruled Europe, was so proud of himself!

After Napoleon became emperor,

Having chosen Fontainebleau as his imperial monument, restored it, and at the height of his power even imprisoned Pope Pius VII in this palace!

However, after the defeat, it was here that Napoleon was forced to sign his abdication, delivered his famous farewell speech to his Guards, and then embarked on the road to exile!

As the convoy got closer and closer to the Palace of Fontainebleau, this ancient building complex became more and more clear, and the shock it brought to everyone became stronger and stronger!

"Wow! This palace complex is really beautiful, but it feels different from the Louvre. It seems to be quieter and not as luxurious as the Louvre!"

Betty said in amazement, eyes full of fascination, staring at the beautiful scenery outside the car window.

Ye Tian turned to look at her, then smiled and said softly:

"It is true that the Palace of Fontainebleau is not as grand as the Palace of Versailles, nor as grand as the Louvre, but it is elegant and generous, giving people a quiet and warm feeling,..."

Next, Ye Tian introduced Betty to the beautiful scenery outside the car window, the history of Fontainebleau Palace, and various anecdotes!

At the same time, the convoy continued to move forward, heading straight for the gate of the Palace of Fontainebleau.

Two or three minutes later, the convoy drove into the parking lot of the Palace of Fontainebleau, and under the guidance of the staff, stopped in the reserved parking spaces!

Along with the convoy, the medium-sized helicopter whistling from the sky, also under the guidance of the staff, began to descend slowly, preparing to land in a corner of the parking lot!

When the convoy stopped, Mathis and the others immediately got out of the car to check the situation. After confirming that there was no danger, they notified Ye Tian to let him and Betty get out of the car!

Ye Tian immediately reached out to open the car door, took Betty out of the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUV, and landed on the parking lot of Fontainebleau Palace.

As soon as his feet landed on the ground, Ye Tian saw Benoist welcoming him with a bright smile, and several other old friends. Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation!

Walking closer, Benoit immediately greeted with enthusiasm.

"Good morning, Steven, welcome to Fontainebleau Palace. We have been waiting for you for a long time. Your appearance is really amazing. The president's trip is nothing more than that? Isn't it a bit too exaggerated?"

As he said that, Benoit pointed to the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz SUVs and the medium-sized helicopter that was slowly landing in the distance!

Ye Tian shook hands with this old French friend, and said with a smile:

"Good morning, Benoit, nice to meet you, the Forest of Fontainebleau is so beautiful, walking this way is like walking in one of the most beautiful landscape paintings, it is refreshing!

The town of Fontainebleau and the huge and ancient palace complex in front of us are both very beautiful. It must be a very pleasant thing to work and live in such an environment!

As for why I put up such a big battle, you know the reason, there are too many enemies! There are always some stupid idiots in the world who have to be careful! "

Hearing these words, all the Frenchmen at the scene couldn't help rolling their eyes, and everyone was secretly complaining crazily.

Don't you guys have too many enemies! Leaving aside the Pink Panther who kept on dying with you some time ago, let’s talk about the antique dealers in the Saint-Ouen flea market that you ransacked crazily, I’m afraid they all hate you for not dying!

In the eyes of those unlucky ones, is there anyone in this world more hateful than you bastard? It is estimated that there are not many to be found!

After chatting with Benoit for a few words, Ye Tian greeted the other Frenchmen and shook hands one by one. His performance was impeccable!

Next, under the leadership of Benoit and others, Ye Tian and the others strolled into the Palace of Fontainebleau, and began to visit this former French royal palace and now a famous museum!

Those who followed Ye Tian into the Palace of Fontainebleau included Betty and Anderson, Taylor and Lisa, and three security personnel led by Matisse!

The rest stayed outside, standing next to the convoy and the helicopter respectively, ready to support or meet Ye Tian and the others at any time!

In addition, several security personnel in casual clothes quickly mixed in among the tourists near the gate of Fontainebleau Palace, hid in the dark, and observed the surrounding situation.

After entering the Palace of Fontainebleau, on the way, Benoit smiled and asked:

"Steven, shall we go directly to the China Pavilion and visit the Chinese antique artworks displayed there, or go to other places first? Our museum has a lot to see!"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this old friend, then said with a light smile:

"Benois, don't be in a hurry to go to the China Pavilion. If you have time, go to other places to visit first, such as the François I gallery. I have been famous for the murals and decorative arts there for a long time!

I want to see Rosso's sculptures and paintings, and I also want to appreciate Primatiggio's exquisite paintings, as well as the exquisite and perfect art of the Fontainebleau School, which emphasizes the charm of lines and has a strong aristocratic atmosphere.

The White Horse Courtyard, the famous farewell courtyard, I also want to go for a walk and see the horseshoe-shaped spiral staircase where Napoleon gave a farewell speech to his Guards, kissed the soldiers and the flag!

Of course, the Napoleon I Museum is not to be missed, and the famous Ballroom, built in 1548 and filled with Primaticcio paintings and frescoes, I would also like to see, ... "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, Benoit couldn't help laughing.

"Steven, it seems that you know our Fontainebleau Palace very well, like a treasure! Well then, I will take you to visit these places, let's go to the White Horse Court first!"

With that said, Benoit made a gesture of please, and then stepped forward.

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