Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1379 Napoleon's Speech

"Steven, this is the White Horse Garden, the name comes from a white horse sculpture completed in 1626 in the courtyard, so it is called the White Horse Garden!

After Napoleon I abdicated, before he was forced to leave France, he bid farewell to the soldiers of the guard here, so the White Horse Court is also called the Farewell Court,..."

Benoit pointed to a majestic building in front of him and explained to everyone with a bit of pride in his tone.

This is a large-scale palace complex. The main building is three to four stories high. The entire courtyard is in an open back-shaped structure. There are no buildings on the west side, only a row of tall iron fences.

The main building on the southeast and north sides is in the Renaissance style, solemn and elegant. Due to the age, the appearance of the building is slightly mottled, revealing a sense of history!

The buildings on the south and east sides of the courtyard are taller, mostly three to four-story buildings, while the buildings on the north side are relatively short, basically two-story buildings, and only two towers are three-story buildings.

The main building of the palace and the Baima courtyard are connected by a beautiful circular staircase, and the courtyard is separated by four square lawns, which is one of the best examples of the combination of Renaissance style and French courtyard design!

In front of the main building in the east, there is a very eye-catching spiral staircase in the shape of a horseshoe. It is the place where Napoleon delivered his farewell speech and is also the most eye-catching attraction of the White Horse Court.

Like the vast majority of tourists who came to the White Horse Garden, Ye Tian and the others came to the White Horse Garden mainly to see the famous horseshoe-shaped staircase and think about that famous historical moment.

While listening to Benoit's explanation, they strolled in the White Horse Courtyard, admiring the Renaissance-style palace complex.

While speaking, they had already come to the horseshoe-shaped stairs, and stopped in their tracks.

Immediately afterwards, Benoit pointed to the horseshoe-shaped stairs and said quite emotionally:

"On April 20, 1814, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, it was here that the glorious empire built by Napoleon collapsed completely, and he was sentenced to exile on the island of Elba.

The carriage that was about to take him away was already waiting in the White Horse Courtyard. Napoleon walked down from the right side of the horseshoe-shaped stairs, with very heavy steps, reluctant to part!

After Napoleon walked down the stairs, he made his famous farewell speech and kissed the flag in front of the regiments of the Guards who had followed him in all directions. "

Having said that, Benoit couldn't help but paused, and then prepared to continue explaining.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly interjected and said:

"I know the famous farewell speech and can even recite it in its entirety, word for word!"

Before the words fell, Ye Tian suddenly changed his voice and said in a very heavy tone:

"My dear Guardsmen, I bid farewell to you, who have accompanied me on the path of glory for twenty years.

But today, I have to say goodbye to you, maybe I can choose to stay, but then France will fall into civil war, I can't tear France's chest anymore!

I am willing to sacrifice all my interests for the country! I am gone, but you, my friends, continue to serve France.

The happiness of France, my only thought, will remain my goal! Don't feel sorry for me, I have a mission, and for this mission, I agree to live on!

This mission is to serve your glory and write about the great achievements and history we have created together. Farewell, my friends!

At this moment, I want to hug each of you so much, but let me kiss this military flag representing all of you. I hope this last kiss will always stay in your hearts! "

Following Ye Tian's eloquent recitation, the rest of the audience completely fell silent, only his voice reverberated in the air, cadenced, tragic and full of passion!

At this moment, the thoughts of everyone on the scene were brought to that famous historical moment by the voice, as if they were witnessing Napoleon's tragic but extremely passionate farewell speech!

Everyone seemed to see the guards lined up neatly raising their guns to salute, and the standard bearer placed the guards' flag in front of Napoleon. Everyone was sad, and many people had tears in their eyes!

Ye Tian's voice suddenly paused, Betty and the others, as well as Benoit and other French people, were still immersed in the artistic conception created by him.

Before they could react, Ye Tian's voice sounded again, more passionate and heavier than before!

"Farewell, soldiers, always be brave and good; farewell, my friends, I bless you forever, don't forget me!"

After the recitation was finished, the scene was completely silent, without any sound!

However, in the ears of Betty, Benoit and other Frenchmen, the cry of "Long Live the Emperor" resounded from the guards who had followed Napoleon in his expeditions and fought for twenty years!

In the shouts of the guards that resounded through the sky, there were also countless sobs of sorrow!

Ye Tian scanned the scene for a week, and everyone still had an intoxicated expression. In Benois's eyes, they could even see a bit of sadness.

Although Napoleon's brilliant life ended in failure, he is an eternal hero in the hearts of all French people, and Benois is no exception!

After a few seconds, everyone just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of emotion at the scene.

"Wow! This farewell speech was so emotional, so touching, and so sad, it brought tears to my eyes!"

"Napoleon is worthy of being a military god of a generation. Just with a passionate speech, he can set off a coup and subvert a country!"

With emotion, Benoit looked at Ye Tian and said:

"Steven, I didn't expect you to be so familiar with Napoleon's farewell speech. It's really surprising that you recited every single word of Napoleon's farewell speech, and it's very touching!

As far as your obsession with Chinese antiques is concerned, I thought you hated the rulers of European powers in history, especially the kings and emperors of Britain and France from the 19th to 20th centuries! "

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"That's right, Benoit, I really hate some kings and emperors of Britain and France from the nineteenth century to the twentieth century, and even hate them, they brought serious disasters to China!

But this does not include Napoleon, he did not invade China! On the contrary, I like Napoleon very much, I like his courage to be an enemy of the whole world, and I am even fascinated by his magnificent military career!

When I was in middle school, I read the biography of Napoleon and watched many TV movies and novels related to Napoleon. I can not only recite this farewell speech, but also recite "Driving into Milan""

Speaking of this, Ye Tian suddenly raised his right hand and pointed forward, reciting aloud in a passionate voice.

"Soldiers! You rushed down from the Apennine Plateau like a torrent, and you defeated and wiped out all the enemies who stood in your way.

Piedmont, liberated from Austrian tyranny, showed a natural feeling of peace and friendship with France.

Milan is yours! Over all Lombardia, the flag of the Republic is flying everywhere!

The Duke of Parma and the Duke of Modena are able to retain their political lives, thanks entirely to your magnanimity, which claims to be able to threaten your enemy, and there will be no more obstacles, ... "

Everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​and unconsciously, everyone was completely infected by Ye Tian's surging passion, and their emotions became agitated.

After reciting a few lines of "Driving into Milan", Ye Tian stopped and didn't recite Napoleon's famous speech completely!

As soon as his voice fell, the scene immediately burst into warm applause.

"clap clap"

Everyone at the scene applauded, for Ye Tian, ​​and also for Napoleon, who delivered his farewell speech here more than two hundred years ago, gave their own applause, full of enthusiasm!

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