Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1452 Strong interception

When the treasure hunting fleet was about to sail out of the twelve nautical miles of French territorial waters, Matisse's voice came from the earphones again.

"Steven, we are about to sail out of the French territorial waters, and sail about one kilometer to the northwest, which is the high seas. As long as we enter the high seas, French laws will have no restriction on us!

I've been in touch with the security personnel that Raytheon Security has sent as reinforcements, and I've taken over command, both the thirty armed security personnel and the four large flybridge yachts.

There are also all the equipment on the four yachts, the eight high-speed speedboats, and all weapons and ammunition. In the following time, until the end of this treasure hunt, we will deploy and command them.

Those armed security personnel and yachts are ready to join us as soon as our fleet sails out of French territorial waters, join the fleet, and escort our treasure hunt.

In addition, the U.S. Navy ships that Wilson mentioned have appeared within the radar scanning range of the "beautiful baby". There are a total of two warships cruising in the Atlantic Ocean, not far away!

According to my judgment, the two battleships are a Burke-class destroyer and a supply-class fast combat support ship, both of which have powerful firepower. I will try to establish contact with them later! "

Hearing the situation reported by Matisse, Ye Tian's eyes immediately flashed with joy.

After a short pause, he then said in a low voice

"It's really great. I like to hear such good news. When we leave the territorial waters of France, we can flex our muscles. I have a hunch that this treasure hunt will definitely be rewarding!

Inform the security personnel of Raytheon who came to support, let them release the high-speed speedboat, and after meeting us, immediately dispatch to block the ships that follow and suppress the speed of the other party!

Inform Peake and the others again, let them drive the four medium-sized helicopters to cooperate with the operations on the sea, suppress the ships that follow the fleet, and show those guys some color!

Even British and French police patrol boats and government boats are also intercepted. If necessary, you can show your muscles properly, but it is best not to exchange fire with each other.

After the treasure hunt is over, we will probably have to return to France to transfer the salvaged nacui gold and jewels and diamonds. We also need to use the French airport, so we can't offend the French!

As for the German ships, the Irish ships,

And those other yachts and ships of various origins, depending on whether the guys on board are wise, there is no need to be polite to them.

We still adhere to the consistent principle, you can show your muscles, but you must not take the initiative to fire, and you must always stand in a position of self-defense, so that you are invulnerable, especially in front of the live camera!

After establishing contact with those two U.S. warships, we immediately revealed our identities and asked for their protection. I believe those guys are very happy to do this, but they are a bunch of very greedy guys! "

"Understood, Steven, leave these things to me, there is no problem, you just need to stay on the flybridge deck and watch the excitement!"

Mattis responded, sounding rather excited.

A few minutes after the call ended, the high-speed treasure hunting fleet had sailed out of French territorial waters and entered the high seas!

Dozens of ships moored in the high seas, waiting for the arrival of the treasure hunting fleet, immediately started their engines, broke through the water, and approached the treasure hunting fleet!

However, the movements of these ships were half a beat slower.

They had just launched their operations when the four large flybridge yachts moored in this high seas suddenly sailed out first, and quickly stopped in front of other ships, preventing other ships from approaching the treasure hunting fleet!

If there are only four large flybridge yachts, even if they are amazingly long and fast, they cannot stop so many ships on the sea, after all, they are weak!

However, the eight high-speed speedboats sailing out from the stern of these four large flybridge yachts posed a great threat to other ships, and also made the atmosphere in this sea area suddenly tense.

As soon as the eight high-speed speedboats appeared, they immediately drove at full speed and flew close to the water surface at high speed, heading straight for the surrounding ships that had just set sail!

Speeding to the front, these high-speed speedboats immediately changed direction, and passed by the front or side of those ships, bringing up waves of huge waves, slapping the hull, the scene was very thrilling!

Seeing these high-speed speedboats speeding towards their side, everyone on those boats immediately raised their hearts to their throats, fearing that the boat would be destroyed and everyone would die!

What is even more frightening is that although there are only two people in each of the eight high-speed speedboats, everyone is fully armed, armed with assault rifles, and wearing Kevlar body armor. They look very sturdy!

The situation on the four large flybridge yachts was the same. The security personnel who had been hiding in the cabins before had all come out and stood scattered on the decks of several yachts, full of murderous looks!

Through the pictures captured by telescopes and high-definition cameras, people can clearly see that those guys are also heavily armed, armed with automatic weapons, and wearing Kevlar body armor!

In addition to the assault rifles, on the flybridge decks of the four large yachts, people even saw the shadows of anti-materiel sniper rifles and bazookas!

Some of them were sharp-eyed, and seemed to have seen the shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missile launcher, which is the famous Stinger anti-aircraft missile launcher.

Seeing these weapons and ammunition exuding a deadly aura, everyone couldn't help but feel terrified, shivering, sweating and terrified all over their backs!

At the same time, the four medium-sized helicopters flying along with the treasure hunting fleet and protecting the treasure hunting fleet in the air suddenly made a 180-degree turn and turned their noses to the rear.

Immediately afterwards, the four medium-sized helicopters began to lower their altitude, and with an aggressive attitude, they pressed down on the following ships!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see their intentions at a glance, suppress the ships that follow behind, and keep those ships away from the treasure hunting fleet, at least keep a relatively safe distance!

When the four helicopters lowered their altitude, two large flybridge yachts brought four high-speed speedboats and rushed towards this direction aggressively!

They directly let go of the three big ships of the treasure hunting fleet, and with an incomparably arrogant attitude, forcibly inserted into the gap between the treasure hunting fleet and the ships behind, causing quite a panic on the sea!

Almost all ships quickly reduced their speed and changed their direction of travel, lest they hit the muzzle of the gun, it would be too bad luck!

After forcibly inserting into the gap, the two large flybridge yachts immediately began to adjust their attitudes, and the movements were very brutal!

Next, they took four high-speed speedboats and cooperated with four medium-sized helicopters hovering at low altitude to jointly suppress the ships that followed from Le Havre!

The treasure hunting fleet that Ye Tian and the others were in not only did not slow down, but increased the speed even higher, continued to cut through the waves, and sped forward at high speed, quickly opening up the distance from other ships.

Seeing this scene, even a fool can understand that this is a carefully arranged game!

Those four large flybridge yachts and eight high-speed speedboats, as well as those guys on board who are armed to the teeth and look extremely sturdy, are all the ships and men of that bastard Steven!

Not surprisingly, everyone was completely shocked, staring dumbfounded at what was happening on the sea.

After a moment of silence, exclamations began to sound crazily, in the more than one hundred ships at sea, in countless live broadcast terminals, in every corner!

"God! What did I see? This is crazy, Steven that crazy bastard, is he going to send everyone who follows the treasure hunting fleet into the sea to feed the fish?

Where did he get so many weapons and ammunition? Where did you hire such a sturdy army? With the strength shown by these guys, fighting a war is enough! "

"Deliberately! This is definitely a conspiracy designed by that bastard Steven. As soon as his treasure hunting fleet sailed out of French territorial waters, that bastard showed his terrifying fangs. It was all designed!

God bless those idiots who follow, if they continue to follow, I can guarantee that many of them will feed the fish in the sea, something that bastard Steven can definitely do! "

Amidst the discussion, the complexions of those guys who were driving their respective ships, trying to follow Ye Tian to the location of the sunken ship's treasure, and dreaming of making a fortune, all turned pale and their eyes were filled with fear!

Those melon-eating people who were full and had nothing to do, came to join in the fun, looked at the aggressive yachts and helicopters approaching in front of them, and looked at the gun muzzles exuding the breath of death, trembling with fright!

At this time, they only hated that they didn't have wings under their ribs, otherwise they would be able to fly away from this damned sea and never look back!

Of course, they were all cursing Ye Tian crazily, everyone gritted their teeth in hatred, but there was nothing they could do!

The police officers on the police patrol boats of Britain and France, the personnel on the official government ships, and the personnel on the official ships of several other countries are also full of panic at this moment, and their legs are shaking!

In some government offices in Paris and London, angry and frantic curses resounded.

"Steven, are you a complete lunatic!"

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