Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1453 Running to the Treasure

After cursing frantically, a gnashing of teeth suddenly sounded in the cockpit of a coast guard patrol boat flying the French flag.

"This is the English Channel, it's not the United States, it's not the damn New York! It's not the land of the Fourth World War where bullets are flying everywhere, and that bastard Steven must not be allowed to run amok!

rush over! I can't believe it anymore. That bastard Steven dared to let his men open fire and attack our ships and personnel. If he did that, he would wait to get out of prison! "

The one who roared and gave the order was an official from the French Ministry of Culture. This guy was going crazy with anger and hatred in his eyes!

As soon as his words fell, someone beside him immediately reminded him in a low voice:

"This place is beyond the French territorial waters and is in the high seas. There is no doubt about it. Don't forget that this treasure hunt is being broadcast live. We can't make a fuss about it!

It is precisely because this is the high seas that Steven, that cunning bastard, set up such a situation, arranged ships and manpower here, and blocked us with impunity.

The guys on the flybridge yachts, the high-speed speedboats, and the guys on the four helicopters all have strong firepower. If we rush over directly, maybe there will be a firefight! "

The person who said this was also an official from the French Ministry of Culture. Apart from anger, there was also unconcealable fear in his eyes!

That bastard Steven has always been known for being ruthless, insidious and cunning, killing people is worthless! If that guy didn't dare to kill someone, who would believe it?

I don't want to be shot to death indiscriminately, and die in this sea area, that's worthless!

Not only this buddy, but also other people in the cockpit showed fear, no one wanted to rush up and fight for their lives!

Everyone here is thinking in their hearts that it doesn't matter to me whether the shipwreck treasure ends up in the end, or who the nacui gold, jewelry and diamonds end up in!

Is it worth taking risks for wealth that doesn't belong to you, and even fighting with a bunch of extremely fierce bastards? The buddy's head is not squeezed by the door!

The former French Ministry of Culture official shook his head, then gritted his molars and said:

"I know this is high seas, French laws are not binding on Steven and those bastards, but don't forget, we are a police patrol boat,

Fly the French flag!

Moreover, France and the United States are allies, and the two sides have signed an extradition treaty. If that bastard Steven dares to order to attack us, he will also be punished by the law. Don't worry! "

As soon as the words fell, the captain of the police patrol boat poured a basin of cold water over his head, extinguishing all hopes and fantasies.

"We must not forcibly attack, if the other party is determined not to give way, our act of forcibly attacking is tantamount to an attack, and those damned American bastards will definitely fight back.

With Steven's bastard's usual style, as long as he can occupy the grounds of legitimate defense, even if he abandons a large flybridge yacht worth tens of millions of dollars, he will not hesitate or feel distressed.

There is no other reason, because that bastard has plenty of money, and he doesn't care about the loss at all! Then that bastard's subordinates can attack freely, and all of us probably have to go to the sea to feed the fish!

Everything that happened here is being broadcast live. At that time, not only will we not be able to get any benefits, but that bastard Steven will probably bite us back and send us to court to claim compensation!

More importantly, there are two American warships nearby, namely the Burke-class destroyer and the supply-class combat support ship. Needless to say, they must be cheering for that bastard Steven.

With Yankee's consistent brutal style, if we attack American ships and citizens on the high seas, those damned American soldiers will never turn a blind eye, and then we will be in big trouble! "

As soon as the voice fell, the cockpit immediately fell silent, and everyone was dumbfounded, stunned in place.

After a while, a burst of hysterical and frantic cursing suddenly erupted in the cockpit, and the throat was about to burst!

"Fuck U! I hate these goddamn Yankees, I hate Steven that crazy bastard, they all deserve to die!"

The same scene is happening in many other ships in this sea area, and in some government office buildings in Britain and France!

The ships that were originally waiting in this sea area, as well as the ships following from Le Havre, had no choice but to slow down and gradually stopped.

The people on many of these ships have already made up their minds. Once the order in this sea area is restored, they will immediately turn around and leave, each going back to their respective homes and looking for their mothers!

Continue to follow the treasure hunt fleet, follow that bastard Steven? Forget it quickly, life is so good, I haven't enjoyed it enough, I never want to feed the fish in the sea!

As for the treasure of the shipwreck, you can just watch it on the live TV. You don't have to rush to the scene to witness it with your own eyes, that would be too dangerous!

Just like that, amidst the sound of cursing crazily, the three big ships that Ye Tian and the others were on drifted away, quickly opening up the distance between them and the ships behind.

At this time, the countless live broadcast terminals were already completely boiling. After the shock, everyone was talking about Ye Tian's crazy behavior.

"I'm going! Today buddy is an eye-opener. Steven is such a bastard with no taboos. There is nothing he dares to do. I am convinced!"

"As long as the ships following Steven and the others forcefully charge, will that bastard Steven let his men shoot and block them? I think he will!

Fortunately, the people on those ships were quite sensible and didn't force it, but this was just the beginning. What will happen next is really exciting! "

In the blink of an eye, more than forty minutes have passed.

After completing the interception mission, four medium-sized helicopters flew over the treasure hunting fleet again, continued to escort the fleet, and roared forward in the air.

The four large flybridge yachts and eight high-speed speedboats sent by Raytheon are about seven or eight nautical miles behind the fleet, and they are rushing here at high speed!

As for the police patrol boats from Britain and France, government boats, and some other ships that are still unwilling to give up, they are sailing farther behind, and the number is much smaller than before!

The treasure hunting fleet continues to ride the wind and waves on the sea, speeding at high speed!

Ye Tian and the others were still sitting in the leisure area on the top deck of the super yacht, laughing and chatting, while admiring the beautiful scenery on the sea, so comfortable!

While speaking, Matisse's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"Steven, there is Little Ormonville Cape ahead. After rounding Little Ormonville Cape, in what direction should the fleet sail?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately stood up and walked out of the leisure area, and came to the front end of the flybridge deck.

When he came here and stood still, he first glanced at the situation in front of him, and then said in a low voice:

"Matisse, after the treasure hunt fleet rounded the small Cape Ormonville in France, it immediately adjusted the fleet's sailing direction and sailed along the direction of fifteen degrees west by south.

Next, we will pass through Guernsey Island in France, and then we will adjust to a route 10 degrees south of the west, and sail forward for about 50 nautical miles, and we will reach the sea area where the treasure of the sunken ship is located.

After arriving at the sea area, anchor the ship first, inspect the sea conditions, and make the necessary preparations. When the time comes, I will announce the specific coordinates of the sunken treasure!

When rounding Petite Ormonville and Guernsey, the fleet must always sail outside the territorial waters of France. After what happened just now, God knows if the French will rush to make trouble! "

"Understood, Steven, I will inform everyone"

Mattis responded, jumping into action.

Within a few minutes, the fleet adjusted its direction slightly and began to circle around Cape Ormonville. The route happened to be outside the French territorial waters!

Looking at the sailing route of the treasure hunting fleet through the radar, the Frenchmen in the ships behind couldn't help feeling angry for a while, but there was nothing they could do!


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