Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1454 Target Sea Area

When the fleet passed by the sea off Guernsey Island, the four large flybridge yachts behind finally caught up and joined Ye Tian's exploration fleet.

The eight high-speed speedboats have been taken back by the four large flybridge yachts. As long as there is a need, they will be released again soon, soaring on the sea!

After joining the exploration fleet, under the command of Matisse, the four large flybridge yachts immediately dispersed, separated in four directions, southeast, northwest, and protecting the treasure hunting fleet on the periphery!

As for the ships following behind, they have been thrown so far that they can't even see their shadows!

But with the help of modern ship-borne radar, those ships did not lose track, and they still followed out of sight, with a bit of perseverance.

Since the broadcasting rights of this operation to salvage the sunken ship's treasure have already been sold and the live broadcast is in progress, Ye Tian did not order all the ships to turn off their on-board radars and hide their whereabouts!

Besides, this is the English Channel, the busiest commercial waterway in the world, even if he ordered to turn off all on-board radars, he still couldn't hide the whereabouts of the fleet.

The maritime departments of Britain and France on both sides of the strait must be keeping an eye on the whereabouts of the fleet at all times, and they must know the direction and location of the fleet's sailing!

In addition, all kinds of cargo ships, cruise ships, fishing boats, and even warships passing by the fleet from time to time also made Ye Tian's exploration fleet invisible!

That being the case, why bother to deliberately hide his whereabouts!

The fleet passed Guernsey Island and sailed forward for about ten nautical miles. Ye Tian stopped the fleet temporarily and took a rest.

It was close to three o'clock in the afternoon, past lunch time, but everyone has been busy, and we haven't had time to eat lunch yet, it's time to stop and enjoy lunch!

The length of the English Channel is limited, and the sea area where the shipwreck treasure is located is not far ahead, and it will not take long to get there, so there is no need to hurry!

In Ye Tian's plan, he only needs to rush to that sea area today, and then take a good rest and make some preparations. Tomorrow is the day to explore and salvage nacui gold!

After the treasure hunting fleet stopped, the three helicopters in the sky landed on the tarmac of the 'Pretty Baby' and the Intrepid respectively, leaving only one in the air for vigilance!

The helicopter rented by the National Geographic Channel also landed on the super yacht where the live broadcast group was located.

Take a break!

At the same time, the four large flybridge yachts and the thirty armed security personnel also entered their roles, building a line of defense around the flotilla to prevent any ships with ulterior motives from approaching!

Lunch time was not long. When the following ships appeared in sight again, the exploration fleet had set sail again, and continued to cut through the waves, sailing towards the sea area where the treasure of the sunken ship was located.

About two and a half hours later, the fleet that came to the English Channel to explore the treasures of the sunken ship finally arrived at the target sea area!

"Steven, we have sailed into the target sea area, shouldn't we drop anchor and stop the ship?"

When Matisse's voice came from the earphones, Ye Tian, ​​who was in the living room on the main deck, had a flash of joy in his eyes, and his eyes suddenly became extremely bright.

"Rommel the Desert Fox, thank you for the large amount of gold and jewels and diamonds you raided. Since you are not blessed to enjoy this huge wealth, then buddy reluctantly accepts this wealth!

Tomorrow, those nacui gold, jewels and diamonds that have been sleeping in the depths of the sea for more than seventy years will belong to my buddies, and they will shine brightly again in their hands! "

After secretly celebrating, Ye Tian looked at the coordinates displayed on the GPS locator at hand, and then whispered excitedly:

"Matisse, we have indeed arrived at the target sea area. Tell all the ships to slow down, and then sail northwest for half a nautical mile, avoiding the channel, and then we can drop anchor and stop the ship!"

"Understood, Steven, I will inform everyone immediately"

Mattis responded in a deep voice, also very excited.

As soon as his words fell, Chandler, the live host from the National Geographic Channel who was sitting diagonally opposite Ye Tian, ​​couldn't wait to ask:

"We have reached the sea area where the treasure of the shipwreck is located? Did I hear correctly? Steven, that is to say, the cargo ship full of nacui gold and jewel diamonds is sleeping on the bottom of the sea!"

When he said these words, Chandler's eyes were extremely bright, like two searchlights, staring at Ye Tian closely, looking forward to his answer!

Not only Chandler, everyone in the living room on the main deck looked at Ye Tian, ​​everyone was extremely excited, everyone's eyes were extremely hot, and their eyes were full of expectation!

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and gave an affirmative answer.

"That's right, Chandler, we have reached the target sea area, one of the most famous World War II relics, part of Rommel's treasure, is sleeping in the depths of this ocean!

However, it is inconvenient to disclose the specific coordinates of the location of the sunken treasure for the time being. The mystery will be revealed and made public when the exploration and salvage of the sunken treasure begins tomorrow! "

"Wow! It's great. The mysterious Rommel treasure is about to be unveiled in front of us. I didn't expect that I could witness all this with my own eyes. It's incredible!"

There was a roar of cheers in the living room, and everyone cheered and high-fived each other.

After a brief cheer, Chandler smiled wryly and said:

"It's still a secret at this time, Steven, you guys are so cautious and cunning to the extreme, what can we do? We can only continue to be hung up by you and wait!"

Ye Tian shrugged his shoulders, pretending to be helpless and said:

"I can't help it! Chandler, there are too many eyes staring at me, and there are countless guys who covet the treasure of this shipwreck, as many as crucian carp crossing the river!

Not to mention, just those ships that are always following closely behind like a dog's skin plaster, and the people on those ships, which one is not coming for the treasure of the sunken ship?

Under such circumstances, how dare I reveal the specific coordinates of the sunken ship treasure prematurely. Isn't that asking for trouble?

Not only can I not disclose the specific coordinates of the sunken treasure, but you National Geographic Channel will also avoid mentioning that the sunken treasure is on the bottom of the sea in the live broadcast later! "

"Okay, Steven, we will cooperate, and we will not mention the fact that the treasure of the shipwreck is on the bottom of the sea!"

Chandler nodded and agreed to keep it secret for the time being!

Can he not agree? If you don't agree, don't even think about going on with the live broadcast.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued to say:

"Even so, when the ships behind arrive and see us anchoring in this sea area, those guys on the ship will definitely become suspicious, and they will probably go to sea to explore!

Fortunately, the location of the shipwreck is very hidden, and it will not be easily discovered, and the hydrological situation here is very complicated. Without specific coordinates, they will be in vain,..."

While Ye Tian and the others were chatting, the treasure hunting fleet had adjusted its course and sailed straight to the northwest.

The distance of half a nautical mile has been reached in a blink of an eye.

Baby 'Pretty Baby' slowed down and eventually stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Matisse's voice came from the earphone again.

"Steven, the exploration fleet has arrived at the location you mentioned, is it possible to drop anchor? This place is not in the channel of the strait and will not affect the navigation of other ships. It is very safe!"

Ye Tian looked at the coordinates on the GPS locator again, then smiled and said:

"Here it is, Mattis, call anchor!"


.. m.

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