The two underwater robots stopped and stopped diving, suspended at a depth of more than 38 meters below the sea surface, only a few feet away from the undercurrent below!

The shock caused by the scene just now still hasn't dissipated. There are still many people on the live broadcast end exclaiming loudly, their eyes full of fear!

At this time, Ye Tian had already calmed down.

In fact, he didn't panic at all. The exclamation and serious expression before were completely acted out, definitely worthy of a statuette!

He quickly scanned the people around him, then picked up the walkie-talkie and said in a deep voice:

"Matisse, immediately dispatch helicopters and high-speed speedboats to search the nearby sea with all our strength, and if you find the two divers who have encountered an accident on the bottom of the sea, rescue them immediately!

At that time, according to their conditions, the Intrepid may be sent to our medical team for first aid, or they may be quickly sent to land by helicopter and handed over to a local hospital in France for first aid.

Also, you immediately warned the ships moored 500 meters behind that the hydrological situation in this sea area is very complicated and extremely dangerous, so don't try deep diving exploration.

If you don’t follow the advice and send people to go deep diving, you may encounter accidents. The two divers who were in danger just now are a lesson from the past. I hope they will remember this lesson!

While warning those ships behind, you ask the idiots on those ships again, are there still people on the bottom of the sea? Be sure to find out how many idiots there are in the depths of the sea!

Don't let the British and French coast guard patrol boats and official ships that followed idle. Let them also participate in the search and rescue. This is their responsibility. How to cooperate is up to you to coordinate! "

"Got it, Steven, leave these things to us"

Matisse's voice came from the walkie-talkie, and his answer was decisive and crisp.

At the same time as the voice fell, the people in the live broadcast group of the International Geographic Channel and everyone on the live broadcast end couldn't help looking at Ye Tian, ​​and many people even showed a bit of admiration in their eyes!

To actually order his subordinates to search and rescue with all their strength, Steven is not as cruel and ruthless as in the legend! It seems that the rumors should not be fully believed, maybe he misunderstood him!

How did people know that this was just Ye Tian's posturing, taking the opportunity to gain people's favor, and by the way, choose himself out of this matter!

What should have happened has already happened, and the damned person has died,

Even if God himself came down, he couldn't save those idiots who dived deep into the bottom of the sea.

Under such circumstances, what's the use of saying a few nice words? It's just a waste of saliva, at most a waste of jet fuel and manpower!

In the blink of an eye, two medium-sized helicopters roared up from the Intrepid and the Pretty Baby respectively, and together with several high-speed speedboats, launched a search and rescue operation.

Almost at the same time as the two helicopters whizzed up, Kenny's exclamation suddenly came from the intercom.

"There is a guy in a diving suit in the depths of the sea, and with a diving propeller, he was also caught in the undercurrent and struggling!"

With Kenny's exclamation, the live broadcast screen also changed, and the screen cut to the perspective of the high-definition camera carried by the yellow underwater robot at the bow.

In the next moment, everyone in the living room on the main deck of the Dreadnought, as well as countless TV viewers on the live broadcast, saw such a scene.

In the sea below the yellow underwater robot, two guys in full-dry diving suits, each holding a diving propeller, stepped backwards into the shooting range of the underwater high-definition camera.

Like the two unlucky guys before, these two guys also wear diving lights on their heads, and the lights at the front of the diving thrusters are also on. Several powerful beams are very eye-catching in the dark seabed!

It can be seen from the live broadcast that the two guys are trying to control their bodies, swaying left and right in the undercurrent, struggling desperately, trying to break out of the undercurrent and escape!

Even though they can save a lot of physical strength with full wet diving propellers, even if they are struggling to swing their legs and control their bodies, they still can't resist the powerful impact of the undercurrent!

Under the impact of that undercurrent, these two guys were like fallen leaves in the wind, tossing up and down in the undercurrent, they could only try their best to control their bodies, so as to ensure the posture of their heads in front of their feet, and they had no time to break through!

They obviously know very well in their hearts that once they lose control of their bodies and change their posture, they will fall into the depths of hell, and they will never see the sun on the sea again!

With their movements, the diving lights on their heads and the lights emitted by the full-wet diving thrusters are like swaying will-o’-the-wisps dancing in the depths of the sea!

It can be seen that the undercurrent engulfing them is far stronger than the undercurrent that swallowed the other two unlucky ones just now, the current is more turbulent, and the tearing force is also greater!

If it weren't for the fact that they hold the diving propellers, they can save a lot of effort, they definitely wouldn't last this long, and they wouldn't appear in the camera lens. They probably would have been swept away by the undercurrent and reported to hell long ago!

"My God! It's another two lifeless guys, I hope God bless them, don't be swallowed by the undercurrent of the sea like the two unlucky ones before!"

"This sea area is like hell, God knows how many lives have been swallowed up, and how many people will die here today, it is really terrible!

The wages of avarice is death! This sentence is indeed true, there is no need for that crazy bastard Steven to do it himself, Hai Yang can kill everyone!

Exclamations sounded crazily in countless places, almost every voice was trembling, and every voice was full of fear!

Chandler looked at Ye Tian again, his eyes were full of fear, and there was also a hint of begging.

But before he opened his mouth to ask Ye Tian to help and save the two idiots who were struggling in the depths of the sea, he was interrupted by exclamations from the side.

"not good!"

Jason and Anderson, as well as other people in the National Geographic Channel's live broadcast group, as well as countless TV viewers on the live broadcast end, all exclaimed loudly in unison.

Under the powerful undercurrent of the seabed, the submersible thruster in the hand of the guy in the front suddenly flew out of his hand, was swept away in an instant, and disappeared into the darkness behind.

The guy who lost the assistance of the diving propeller didn't even hold on for a second, and was swept away by the undercurrent in a blink of an eye, spinning wildly in the sea water, and flew directly to the dark underwater world behind him!

There seemed to be terrific screams in people's ears again, full of despair, full of fear, and endless regret!

The exclamation sounded crazily again, in the living room of the main deck of the Dreadnought on countless live broadcast terminals.

"Oh my god! It's horrible, that's hell!"

While people exclaimed frantically, they all stared at the guy who was still fighting the undercurrent, hoping that he would break out of hell and come to the surface of the sea!

Even Ye Tian somewhat hoped that that guy could escape the undercurrent of the seabed and rush to a safe water depth, otherwise this live broadcast would be too cruel and hopeless!

The guy who was struggling in the undercurrent of the sea has fallen into a state of near madness at this time, his eyes are blood red, and he is about to bleed!

His physical energy has been exhausted, and the hands holding the diving thruster are shaking constantly. In a few seconds, he will be completely swallowed by this powerful undercurrent!

That guy couldn't be more clear about his own situation.

When he witnessed his companion being swept away by the undercurrent and disappeared, he immediately made up his mind and prepared to fight to the death, otherwise he would definitely die!

The next moment, he yanked back the diving propeller with both arms, and tried his best to roll up his body.

Immediately afterwards, like a fully compressed spring, he directly bounced his body away, quickly pointed the submersible thruster upwards, and pushed the power to the highest level, swinging his legs desperately, trying to forcibly rush out of the undercurrent!

Seeing his series of actions, the hearts of everyone on the live broadcast immediately rose to their throats. They all broke into a cold sweat for this guy, and secretly cheered for him!

Even Ye Tian and the others in the living room on the main deck of the Intrepid, and everyone in the National Geographic Channel's live broadcast team were staring at the live broadcast screen with extremely nervous expressions!

But it's a pity that the guy on the bottom of the sea obviously underestimated the violence of the undercurrent, and also overestimated his ability!

The moment his body bounced away, a strong current of water suddenly hit him, hitting his torso like a boulder, completely shattering his unrealistic dream, and directly dragging him into the depths of hell!


The exclamation sounded again in countless places, and all the voices were full of fear and despair!

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