Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1460 Full Rescue

A few minutes later, another idiot in a dry diving suit appeared on the live screen, struggling in the undercurrent, trying to escape the horrible hell.

But it is a pity that all his efforts were useless and turned into nothing. After staying on the live broadcast screen for less than 20 seconds, he was swept away by the undercurrent of the seabed and completely swallowed by the darkness!

Unsurprisingly, the living room on the main deck of the Intrepid, as well as countless live broadcast terminals, once again screamed in horror, and some people were even on the verge of collapse and were almost frightened crazy!

This live broadcast was so cruel and desperate that some high-level executives of the National Geographic Channel wanted to interrupt the live broadcast to leave a little warmth to the world!

Just when they hesitated and had urgent discussions with Chandler who was on the scene, good news finally came. People finally saw a glimmer of life in the suffocating and desperate darkness!

Less than two minutes after the unlucky diver was swept away by the undercurrent, Mattis' voice suddenly came from the intercom.

"Steven, we found a guy in a full-dry diving suit who just jumped out from the bottom of the sea to the surface, about 150 meters behind the exploration fleet.

This was not one of the few divers who had been swept away by the undercurrent. He should be a guy who escaped from the undercurrent by chance, but his condition looked very bad.

After surfacing, this guy kept vomiting blood. Obviously, he was going up too fast, and the terrible water pressure caused great damage to his body. His lungs probably exploded! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said loudly:

"Matisse, let the guys do their best to rescue, first send the person to the Intrepid for first aid, and then send it to France by helicopter, and deliver it to the local hospital in France for treatment.

When you rescue that guy, don't forget to take a photo of the guy, find out his identity as soon as possible, and then contact the ships behind to let his companions participate in the rescue.

The reason for doing this is to clarify responsibilities and must not be ignored! Another point is that you must turn on the pinhole camera you carry with you throughout the process to record the entire rescue process.

Notify Antoine and his lawyer team, and send a French lawyer to follow up and witness the whole process of the rescue operation until the injured are sent to the French hospital and the handover procedures are completed.

We can help, that is a moral responsibility, but we must not be the ones who take the blame, it is to protect ourselves! People from the live broadcast group will also go to witness the rescue operation! "

As soon as the voice fell,

Mattis' voice came again.

"Understood, Steven, leave it to us, we will do everything well, our high-speed speedboat has arrived at that guy, and we will start rescue!"

"Okay, I'm waiting for your good news!"

Ye Tian responded, then turned to look at Chandler and said:

"Chandler, you send one or two people from the live broadcast team to follow and witness the whole rescue process, and be a third-party witness. This is very important!"

"No problem, Steven, I'll send someone there!"

As he said that, Chandler picked up the walkie-talkie and started notifying his subordinates who stayed on the super yacht they rented to send someone to take a speedboat to cooperate with the rescue operation!

While doing all this, Chandler was also secretly startled, even a little terrified!

Steven, this guy is really scary, he does everything without leaking, it seems that there is nothing he can't think of, there is no opportunity to take advantage of it, and his thoughtfulness is unbelievable!

Fighting against such a guy is definitely a nightmare that will never wake up. Fortunately, I am not this guy's opponent or enemy, so I don't have to live in fear!

Not only Chandler, other people in the live broadcast group, and countless TV viewers on the live broadcast end, when they heard Ye Tian's words just now, they couldn't help but gasped, secretly terrified!

Especially Ye Tian's opponents, and those enemies who hated him for not dying, felt the bone-piercing cold and endless despair!

How to deal with this extremely cunning and ruthless enemy? There is no half chance of winning at all!

Thinking of this, some people immediately backed down and decided to put aside their grievances and stay away from Ye Tian as much as possible. That is the wise way to protect themselves and allow them to live longer!

After the brief shock, cheers erupted in Ye Tian's living room and countless live broadcast terminals.

"My God! Finally someone escaped from that damn hell, there is still hope for life!"

"I was already in despair, but I didn't expect to see hope. I hope God bless the buddy who surfaced and let him come out of the shadow of death!"

After the cheers fell, Chandler immediately turned to look at Ye Tian, ​​and said worriedly:

"Steven, as far as I know, it is not suitable to fly in an airplane for 24 hours after a deep dive. If the injured are sent to France by helicopter, will it cause secondary injury or even endanger the life of the diver?"

After the words fell, the photographer immediately pointed the camera at Ye Tian, ​​and gave him another close-up shot.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at Chandler, then looked directly at the camera, and said with a smile:

"You're right, it's true that you can't fly in an airplane for 24 hours after a deep dive, as that may cause decompression sickness, which is the same as not being able to ascend quickly during a deep dive!

But here it refers to flying at high altitude on a civil aviation airliner. If you are flying in a helicopter and fly close to the sea, then there is no such problem, because the air pressure has not changed!

Saving people is like putting out a fire! In order to ensure the best and most complete treatment for the injured, we must hurry up and transfer him to a hospital on land with better equipment and better treatment conditions as soon as possible!

Although the medical team equipped on the Intrepid is also very good, but this is not a hospital after all, and the conditions cannot be compared with the hospital, so we will use the helicopter to transfer the injured as soon as possible."

"I see what you mean, Steven, you are very thoughtful!"

Chandler nodded and said, a smile finally appeared on his face, and his eyes were full of appreciation.

The same was true of many people on the live broadcast, they all nodded frequently, and many even gave Ye Tian a thumbs up.

Another minute or two passed, and Matisse's voice came again.

"Steven, the guys rescued the diver who surfaced. As I judged before, that guy floated too fast and his lungs were blown out. The situation is very dangerous!

According to what you just said, the guys all turned on the pinhole cameras they carried with them and filmed the entire rescue process. I am very sure that no one can challenge us in this regard!

The emergency personnel of the medical team, the French lawyer sent by Antoine, and the people from the National Geographic Channel live broadcast team will rush to the scene immediately to give first aid and witness the rescue process.

The diver's identity has been confirmed, he is a German, and a public official, we got in touch with his companion, and the rest of the Germans are rushing here!

After contacting the ships behind, it is now basically confirmed that a total of seven people dived into the sea, trying to explore this seabed. They came from different ships and came from different paths!

Except for the five guys who were swept away by the undercurrent of the seabed, and the one who floated to the surface, there is another diver whose whereabouts are unknown. According to my judgment, the possibility of that person surviving is already very small! "

"Let's not care about the remaining diver, we can't control it, it's beyond our ability, for the current plan, we can only hope that God will bless him and let him escape the strangling of the undercurrent!

Inform the medical team and security personnel, and do everything possible to treat the diver who surfaced. Of course, if the Germans are willing to take over the treatment, that would be great! "

Ye Tian said with a dignified expression, expressing quite eagerness, and even a bit of compassion.

"Understood, Steven, I will tell the guys, let them try their best to treat them, wait for other Germans to arrive here, and then see their decision!"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

At this time, the live broadcast end, especially in Germany, has already completely boiled over!

Why did the Germans show up in that hellish sea? Moreover, they are still public officials. Could it be that they also came here to accept the cui gold?

Does the answer still need to be asked? Everyone understood in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, countless live broadcast terminals immediately exploded, and various discussions followed, mixed with anger and curses!

"These greedy and damned Germans actually still have the guts to take the cui gold idea. You know, Germany is the chief culprit of World War II. How shameless!"

"That penny of gold and jewelry and diamonds can fall into anyone's hands, even if it falls into the hands of that bastard Steven, but it can't fall into the hands of the damn German!"

In an instant, all social media in Germany was flooded with anger, both from outside Germany and from all over Germany!

The German government has become the target of criticism and criticism. Many people in the top government are directly confused, and then they can only be forced to issue a statement and get tired of coping!

Looking at the sea area where the exploration fleet is located, a medium-sized helicopter roared and circled in the air more than 50 meters above the sea, and a high-speed speedboat on the sea surface carried the rescued diver and was racing towards the Intrepid.

During the speeding process, the medical team members on board the high-speed speedboat have taken first aid measures to rescue the dying diver who kept vomiting blood!

Behind this high-speed speedboat, there are two other speedboats speeding close to the water surface, with several security personnel, a lawyer, and two people from the live broadcast group on board.

On the sea more than 300 meters behind, an official ship flying the German flag has obtained the permission of the security personnel, entered the restricted area designated by Ye Tian, ​​and is heading here quickly!

In other places in this sea area, many ships, speedboats, and a medium-sized helicopter are searching for rescue, and the atmosphere in the entire sea area is very tense.

The ships involved in the rescue included those sent by Ye Tian, ​​coast guard patrol ships and official ships from Britain and France, official ships from other countries, and some ships of unknown origin!

In the living room on the main deck of the Intrepid, everyone was staring at the big-screen TV in front of them, with very nervous expressions.

The picture on the big screen is divided into several parts, including the picture of the rescue operation on the sea, the picture of the living room, and the picture of the depths of the sea!

Where is the last remaining diver? Has already been swept away by the undercurrent, is still struggling somewhere, or has quietly returned to his own ship, no one knows!

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