Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1463 The Battleship Sleeping on the Seabed

Ye Tian turned his head to look at Chandler, and said to him with a smile:

"Chandler, next we are going to explore the galleon on the bottom of the sea, and we don't know what we can find in that shipwreck. Of course, I hope there will be surprising discoveries.

If something is found, no matter what is found in the sunken ship, whether it is of great historical significance, or how much it is worth, I hope you can cooperate and temporarily keep some important information secret.

The reason is simple. Since this ancient battleship sank in the English Channel, it is likely to be related to several countries along the coast. I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble and interfere with the next operation.

The content that requires confidentiality is nothing more than sensitive information such as the name of the ship, when it came from, and the country it originally belonged to. This information will definitely lead to disputes, except for these other things that can be broadcast live.

When this operation of exploring and salvaging the sunken treasure draws to a close, you can announce the information. At that time, even if some countries make trouble, it will not cause any interference! "

Hearing these words, Chandler fell silent immediately, and did not answer immediately.

After pondering for a while, he nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, I understand your approach, in this way, it can indeed reduce interference from the outside world and ensure the smooth progress of the next exploration operation.

We will avoid mentioning relevant sensitive information in the live broadcast, but we will save these video materials, and we will release them when the treasure hunt is nearing the end! "

"Of course there is no problem. Since I sold the broadcasting rights to the National Geographic Channel, I hope this is an open and transparent treasure hunt. Thank you for your cooperation!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, his expression was very calm.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Kenny, release the underwater wireless remote control robot, and take a good look at the Galen ship that sank on the bottom of the sea, and see if you can find anything there!"

"Okay, Steven, just wait for your words, let's see ours, as long as there are treasures in that Galen ship, then don't even think about escaping our eyes!"

Kenny's voice came again, and he was very excited to hear it.

As soon as the words fell, a palm-sized wireless remote control underwater robot suddenly flew out from the belly of the yellow underwater robot.

Go straight to the sunken ship lying on the bottom of the sea.

The shell of the wireless remote-controlled underwater robot is orange, which is very conspicuous in the sea water. The elliptical shape looks quite delicate and smart, and it is somewhat cute.

Its tail and abdomen each have a propeller propeller that can flexibly adjust the direction, which can control the direction of the robot's advancement, as well as float up or dive, and start exploration tasks!

At its front end, there is a high-strength semicircular tempered glass cover, which is equipped with high-definition underwater cameras, sensors, strong light searchlights and many other equipment, which are quite powerful.

In addition, there is a miniature underwater high-definition camera on its abdomen, back and sides to observe the surrounding situation and prevent marine life from attacking.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a bird that can fly freely in the ocean. As long as it is within the receiving range of the remote control signal, there is almost no place it cannot reach.

Especially in some relatively narrow spaces or dangerous places, such as cabins on the verge of collapse, etc., it is the battlefield for it to show its talents, and it can complete the work that divers cannot do at all!

Of course, this does not include Ye Tian who has the ability to see through.

The manipulator of this wireless remote-controlled underwater robot is the technician on the Intrepid, and the one responsible for transmitting the remote control signal is the yellow underwater robot deep in the seabed.

The relationship between the two underwater robots, one big and one small, is a bit similar to the mother-child machine. As long as they cooperate with each other properly, there will be no disadvantages!

Seeing the wireless remote-controlled underwater robot that suddenly appeared and flew to the sunken ship on the bottom of the sea, Chandler and everyone in the live broadcast group couldn't help being dumbfounded, and everyone was stunned.

After a while, these guys just woke up.

"Steven, you guys are really well prepared. You actually have such sophisticated underwater equipment. To be honest, it's the first time I've seen such a small wireless remote-controlled underwater robot!

What is even more amazing is the operating depth of this wireless remote-controlled underwater robot. It can actually operate at a depth of more than 100 meters and explore sunken ships. It is incredible! "

Chandler said with emotion, eyes full of envy.

The same goes for the other guys in the live broadcast group, each of them was so envious that their eyes were almost red.

The most broadcast programs on the National Geographic Channel are various types of documentaries, including many documentaries about exploring the ocean, showing the beauty of the ocean to the world, and letting the world know more about the ocean!

But how could they have such high-tech equipment? Now seeing that elf-like wireless remote-controlled underwater robot in the depths of the sea, can they not be jealous?

Ye Tian glanced at these people, then smiled and said:

"If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. We are a treasure hunting company, aiming to explore treasures all over the world. Of course, we have to be willing to spend money. We can't let us go hunting for treasures all over the world, right?

The wireless remote control underwater robot you see is actually attached to the yellow cable remote control underwater robot. The relationship between them is like a mother and child, inseparable.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the yellow underwater robot can reach the depth, the wireless remote control underwater robot can also reach, that is to say, its operating depth can reach below 5000 meters! "

"Wow, that's an exaggeration!"

Chandler and the others all exclaimed, and their eyeballs became more and more red.

While speaking, the orange-red wireless remote-controlled underwater robot had already circled the hull and arrived at the top of the main deck of the sunken ship, which was tilted nearly ninety degrees.

Under the illumination of the strong searchlight carried by the yellow underwater robot, the situation on the main deck of the sunken ship was immediately presented on the large-screen TV and presented to everyone.

Due to the reasons of time and the good fortune of nature, the sunken ship has long been covered with seaweed and coral, and has become an underwater paradise, and nearly half of the hull has been buried by sand and gravel.

However, in front of the high-definition underwater camera, you can still see what this ancient Galen sailing ship has experienced and why it sank here.

Within the scope of the light, there are seven or eight gaps on the right side of the shipwreck that is not buried by sand, and there are more than a dozen holes of different sizes on the hull facing the sea!

How did these gaps and holes come about, do you even have to ask? Of course it was the result of shelling.

As the two underwater robots moved, everyone saw an even more terrifying scar. It was a huge crack located in one-third of the hull and near the bow, with a width of about one meter!

Judging from the part exposed to the sea water, this crack is likely to traverse the entire hull, almost splitting the Galen ship into two parts, the bow and the tail.

The reason why the Galen ship didn't disintegrate, and the head and tail were still connected together, maintaining the basic shape, should be because the keel hadn't broken.

The two robots continued to move, and more of the situation followed on the big-screen TV.

All the masts on the main deck of the sunken ship have been broken, and only a short section of the front and rear four masts remains, and the upper half has long been missing!

The two ship buildings located at the bow and stern of the ship have already collapsed and become a piece of ruins, only the shape of the ship building remains.

Other auxiliary facilities that should appear on the main deck and the ship's building, such as the rudder, are also missing.

Although the main deck and the hull are covered with lush seaweed and corals, the traces of being torn can still be clearly seen, as if they have been hit by a hurricane!

Through these pictures presented on the big-screen TV, everyone can already imagine why this ancient Galen ship sank on the bottom of the sea!

Obviously, when this ancient warship passed through the English Channel, it encountered a very violent attack from the enemy, the hull was severely damaged, and it sank into the sea.

In the process of sinking to the bottom of the sea, the big ship was caught in the undercurrent again, and was almost torn into pieces by the turbulent undercurrent!

Fortunately, this big ship was relatively strong and very heavy, so it penetrated the undercurrent and sank into the bottom of the sea, and escaped the fate of falling apart!

Since then, this ancient warship that once dominated the sea has been sleeping peacefully on this seabed for hundreds of years, turning into an underwater paradise!

It wasn't until today that Ye Tian and his people appeared in this sea area that this sunken ship ushered in the dawn of seeing the sun again!

After circling around the main deck, filming the situation on the main deck and sending it back to the Intrepid, the small wireless remote-controlled underwater robot slid towards the ship building at the stern.

With the structure of the Galen ship, the huge ship building at the stern can be said to be the heart of the entire ship. If you want to find something on this Galen ship, it is definitely the first choice!

It is a pity that neither of the two underwater robots took pictures of the name of this ancient warship. The place where the name of the ship was engraved has been completely covered by coral, and nothing can be seen!

. Nine Heavens Emperor

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