Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1464 Another Treasure

The search and rescue operation on the sea is still continuing. A professional search and rescue team from France has rushed to this sea area and participated in the search and rescue operation.

Even though a lot of ships and manpower were dispatched, all the personnel involved in the search and rescue worked hard, but they found nothing, and no diver was found to surface again, regardless of the body or the survivors.

This is not over yet, it is said that the United Kingdom and Ireland have each sent a professional search and rescue team, and they are on their way to this sea area by boat.

As for whether they came here in a humanitarian spirit or with other motives, maybe they know it themselves.

Ye Tian, ​​who heard the news, just sneered disdainfully, and put this matter behind him, he didn't take it to heart at all!

With the lessons learned from those idiots who died tragically at the bottom of the sea before, he didn't believe that there were still people who would risk their lives and sneak into this extremely dangerous bottom of the sea to explore the treasure of the sunken ship!

Shipwreck treasures are fascinating and can make people crazy, but you have to eat them with your life! No matter how attractive a treasure is, life is not as valuable as it is!

In fact, as he expected, no one dared to dive into this seabed again, no matter the people involved in the search and rescue, or the guys on the ships behind.

Ye Tian and the others in the living room on the main deck of the Intrepid, and everyone in the live broadcast group were all focused on the sunken ship on the bottom of the sea, and had nothing else in their eyes.

"Steven, the red underwater robot has also discovered a gap between the undercurrents. It is more than 50 meters below the sea surface to the right of the Intrepid, and is currently exploring the situation of that gap!"

Kenny's voice came over the intercom, bringing another piece of good news.

"Good job, you continue to explore the situation of that gap, as before, record all the detection data and specific coordinates, we may use it later.

No matter what the result is, the exploration range of the underwater robot will stop here, don't expand it any more, otherwise, the weight of the steel cable will drag the underwater robot into the undercurrent.

After exploring this area, the Intrepid can lift anchor and sail, and continue to explore in another location, which is safer, and there is plenty of time, don't be in a hurry at this moment! "

Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said with a smile, looking confident.

While the two were talking, the delicate wireless remote-controlled underwater robot deep in the sea,

Continue to shuttle and explore in the wreckage of the Galen ship under the sea!

It nimbly passed through a dilapidated corridor full of seaweed and coral, accompanied by a few curious fish, and entered another cabin through a half-open hatch.

This is the captain's cabin located on the main deck, not far behind the main mast. It is the largest and most comfortable bedroom and office on the entire Galen ship. It is a well-deserved heartland.

Compared to other areas on the ship, the captain's cabin is in a slightly better condition, the damage is not particularly serious, and it's not particularly messy!

Of course, it is also full of seaweed and coral, which has long been a paradise and shelter for marine life.

As soon as the wireless remote-controlled underwater robot entered this cabin, a group of beautiful fish living here immediately scattered and fled in all directions due to the stimulation of the lights!

They either quickly escaped through the dilapidated portholes, or rushed out of the door, or quickly hid in some relatively hidden corners of the cabin to avoid the luminous monster that suddenly broke into the cabin.

In addition to this group of panic-stricken beautiful fish, there are several huge lobsters in the cabin, they can only swim awkwardly among the seaweed and coral, looking for hiding places.

After entering the cabin, the wireless remote-controlled underwater robot immediately suspended in the water, and used the high-definition underwater camera it carried to feed back the situation in the cabin to the surface of the sea.

Just looking at the picture shown on the big-screen TV, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie that had just been put back on the coffee table, and said excitedly:

"Kenny, this cabin is the captain's cabin, which is the heart of this Galen ship, you must use the underwater robot to search it carefully, maybe there will be surprising discoveries.

Judging from the current discovery, this is an ancient warship. From this, it can be inferred that if this warship carries gold and silver treasures and has a treasure room, it must be next to the captain's room.

Moreover, these treasure rooms are often connected to the captain's room, and you can enter through the captain's room, so you must search carefully to see if you can find some gold and silver treasures! "

"Don't worry, Steven, we must search this captain's cabin carefully, and we will not miss even a centimeter of space. If there is a treasure here, it will definitely not escape our eyes!"

Kenny's voice came immediately, and he sounded quite excited.

Not only him, but several technicians who manipulated the underwater robot to explore, as well as everyone in the living room on the main deck, were very excited at this time, their eyes were shining brightly, full of anticipation!

Fortunately, the live broadcast of this meeting has been suspended. If not, countless viewers on the live broadcast end would have already exclaimed.

The orange-red wireless remote-controlled underwater robot moved again and began to search the captain's cabin. The searchlight emitted from the front of the robot scanned the cabin little by little.

Due to the overturning of the ship, the half-open door of this cabin became the bottom of the cabin at this time, and the bulkhead on the side of the porthole became the ceiling.

Under such circumstances, coupled with the impact and tear of the turbulent undercurrent, it is naturally impossible for the furniture and other things in the cabin to remain in place.

The wooden bed that was originally fixed on the floor and the bulkhead has been torn apart, and only one corner is still connected to the bulkhead. It is suspended in the cabin, and it is covered with coral.

Other items such as desks, chairs, and wardrobes have also changed beyond recognition, and some have completely fallen apart, scattered on the bulkhead on the side of the door.

Soon, the bulkhead facing the sea and the side of the porthole was searched, and nothing was found.

Immediately afterwards, the wireless remote-controlled underwater robot began to search other areas, and found nothing good on the original floor of the cabin, the bulkheads on both sides, and the ceiling.

When the wireless remote control underwater robot turned its direction and used the searchlight to shine on the hatch door, which is the current floor, everyone finally saw a surprising scene.

"Steven, there is a boxy object under the hatch, and the object near the bulkhead. It looks like two boxes. I don't know if they are boxes used to hold gold and silver treasures!"

Kenny's voice came again, very excited to hear it.

"I've seen those two objects, and you're right, Kenny, they do look like two boxes in appearance, I hope they're like you said, two boxes full of gold and silver treasures !"

Ye Tian nodded and said with a smile, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

After tomorrow's exploration and salvage of sunken treasures begins, it seems necessary to explore this Galen ship sunken in the depths of the sea, maybe there will be unexpected surprises!

Before the voice fell, the wireless remote-controlled underwater robot sank slowly, came to the top of the box-shaped object at the bottom of the hatch, and stopped at a distance of less than ten centimeters.

Immediately afterwards, a small metal detector suddenly protruded from the abdomen of the wireless remote-controlled underwater robot, and stretched towards the object at the bottom of the hatch.

Seeing this scene, Chandler and the rest of the live broadcast group couldn't help being shocked again. Everyone's eyes widened, full of envy!

"Wow! Fearless Exploration Company may not be the largest, but it is definitely a treasure hunting company with the most advanced equipment and the strongest strength. Why do they have everything? It can make people crazy with envy!"

Everyone in the living room was staring at the small metal detector, unwilling to blink. Everyone's expressions were extremely excited, and their eyes were full of anticipation!

The small metal detector got closer and closer to the object at the bottom of the hatch, and everyone became more and more tense.

Almost at the same time that the small metal detector touched the object below, Kenny's voice came from the intercom again, trembling with excitement.

"Steven, the signal from the metal detector has been fed back, and the answer is very positive, that box is full of metal objects, and the signal is very strong!

But it is not known whether it is gold, silver, or other metal products. The only way to know the final answer is to open the box!

And if, as expected, the same thing happened in the other box, it's no doubt a surprise find that deserves some celebration! "

Before his words fell, there was already cheers in the living room on the main deck of the Dreadnought.

“Whoa! We found another treasure, which is pretty cool!”

"Don't ask, those two boxes must contain gold and silver treasures, and there may be more gold and silver treasures in other places on that ship, waiting for us to discover!

The reason why the ancient warship sank on the bottom of the sea might be because of these gold and silver treasures, which attracted the crazy attack of the enemy, and then sank! "

Seeing Betty, Jason, and the others celebrating, and Ye Tian with a bright smile on his face, the eyes of Chandler and the others in the live broadcast group turned red with envy!

"Steven is so lucky to have discovered another treasure. He can't make sense of it!"

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