Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 1508 Invulnerable

After dealing with the Egyptians and the British, the Germans jumped out again.

First, the German government, they contacted Ye Tian through David, and asked him again to protect the remains of the dead in the freighter while salvaging the treasures of the sunken ship, and maintain the dignity of the dead!

Especially in the hallway of the ship building, the last words of love are carved, "Farewell, Hannah, Fred who will always love you!" ’, the body of the protagonist Fred must be preserved intact.

The German swearword written by Fred can be said to have touched countless Germans, made countless people shed tears, and even became the most romantic love story in Germany at the moment.

When making these demands, the buddy who represented the German government spoke rather reservedly. Obviously, he also knew that all the Germans who died on that freighter were Nazi soldiers!

During World War II, these Nacui soldiers were invaders, robbers, and even butchers with blood on their hands. Germany was also a defeated country in World War II, so they lacked confidence!

In view of this, they can only proceed from a humanitarian point of view, asking Ye Tian and his men to pay attention to protecting the remains of the dead when salvaging the treasures of the sunken ship!

As for the nacui gold and jewels and diamonds in the freighter, although they are very tempting and eye-catching, they are very sensible and don't even mention it!

Of course, they knew very well in their hearts that even if they mentioned it themselves, there would be no results, and they would never want to get back a hair. If this is the case, why bother asking for nothing?

Following the German government, the German Jewish Association, which had contacted David before, jumped out again.

These extremely greedy guys repeat the same old tune, and are going to claim the Nacui gold and jewelry diamonds in the cargo ship on the bottom of the sea as the descendants of Nacui victims!

Ye Tian's answer was very clear. These Nacui gold and jewels and diamonds came from North Africa. They were the wealth that Rommel searched for in North Africa. Did they have anything to do with European Jews? It's cool and stay there!

As you can imagine, the exchange ended badly!

At four o'clock in the morning, two flying bridge yachts tried to break into the restricted area, interrupting Ye Tian's sleep.

In front of the highly alert and heavily armed security personnel, and Ye Tian's tough stance, the two flybridge yachts finally gave up and turned around and drove out of the restricted area!

As for diving deep into the sea at night, sneaking into the restricted area from the bottom of the sea,

When they heard that two more British divers were missing at the bottom of the sea, everyone dismissed the idea. It was tantamount to courting death!

The first time they heard the news, many people immediately had such associations.

In all likelihood, that bastard Steven killed two British divers at the bottom of the sea, and then blamed it on a group of non-speaking Atlantic sailfish.

No matter how capable the British are, it is impossible for the Atlantic sailfish to speak up and come out to testify against that bastard Steven!

So what about doubt? That can't be condemned!

Don't talk about doubts, even if it's definitely the bastard Steven who did it, so what? No one can produce evidence, and can only watch that bastard continue to enjoy himself and make a fortune!

The news from the British was like a bucket of ice water poured over their heads, instantly extinguishing the hopes of many people, and also made their minds sober!

No matter how tempting the treasures of the sunken ship are, you must have your life to enjoy them! Otherwise everything is useless!

After the two flying bridge yachts fled in a panic, the sea area finally calmed down. No one disturbed the ongoing salvage operation for the sunken treasure, and Ye Tian and the others were able to continue to rest.

When the sky brightened and the sun rose again, the number of ships gathered in this sea area began to increase sharply, and more and more eyes focused here!

Many ships from the UK, France, Ireland, and even the Netherlands, Germany and other places set off overnight last night and rushed here one after another to watch the fun!

In this regard, there is no difference between foreigners and Chinese people, they both like to get together to watch the excitement, so that's where the excitement will go!

In addition to the guys who were full and supported and ran to watch the fun, there were also many ships from Britain, France, and the world's major media, as well as helicopters of various sizes for aerial filming.

With more and more ships and helicopters coming here, this sea area has become more lively!

Fortunately, these guys later learned that Ye Tian had designated a restricted area for salvaging treasures from sunken ships, and strictly prohibited other ships from entering. These guys were quite cooperative and did not trespass.

Seeing their performance, Ye Tian couldn't be silent.

On the premise of not affecting the National Geographic Channel's live broadcast, he still gave some media the opportunity to interview and report, so that those guys would not make a trip in vain and create momentum for himself!

In the midst of busy work, the day has passed, and the night once again enveloped this sea area, but the sea where several large ships of the exploration fleet are located is brightly lit, as if it were daytime!

Suddenly, a beautiful piece of music came, interrupting Ye Tian who was staring at the monitoring screen. What was shown on the monitoring screen was the scene of treasure being transported in the freighter on the seabed.

The phone rang, and it was Christopher, an old friend from the Federal Reserve!

Ye Tian took out his phone to look at the display, then slid the screen lock of the phone, and put the phone to his ear.

"Good evening, Christopher, you will call now, and you must have a surprise for me. Is there any clue about what we talked about this afternoon?"

As soon as the words fell, Christopher's old guy's voice came from the mobile phone.

"Good evening, Steven, you guessed it right, I do have a surprise for you guy, after some urgent negotiations, we decided to accept your terms and cooperate with you.

We mobilized various relationships and dealt with various parties, and finally opened up the military relationship. The US European Command allows you to use the Mildenhall Air Force Base near London to transfer the treasure of the sunken ship.

In this way, you can avoid the use of civilian airports in Britain and France, and you also successfully avoid the risk of British and French intercepting shipwreck treasures, and they can only watch the shipwreck treasures go away.

The garrison at Mildenhall Air Force Base will cooperate with your actions. You can call the Chinook heavy helicopters, C5 transport aircraft and C130 transport aircraft parked at the air force base.

The two warships cruising near you will continue to protect you, maintain a certain deterrent force, deter all those with ulterior motives, and ensure that you can smoothly transport the treasures of the sunken ship!

Of course, you have to pay a certain price for this, but to you, that little money is just a drop in the bucket, and this time you made a lot of money, which makes people crazy to envy.

There is a major premise here. After the batch of nacui gold you salvaged from the bottom of the sea has been successfully transported back to New York, you must sell it to us the Federal Reserve. Only in this way can our transaction be established! "

Hearing these words, Ye Tian's eyes immediately flashed with joy, and then he said jokingly:

"This is really good news, Christopher, your Federal Reserve's words are effective, and your eyes and hands are open to the sky. It's only been a little while, and you have opened up all the links, which has to be admirable!

It would be great to be able to use Mildenhall Air Force Base to transfer the treasures of sunken ships and use military aircraft to transport them. It is a matter of course to pay a certain price for this, and I am very happy!

But aren't you a little too greedy? To actually want to swallow all the nacui gold in one gulp, the appetite is really big, here I want to make a statement, our transactions must be based on the market price of gold! "

"That's gold, not banknotes. The meaning is quite different. After taking that batch of nacui gold, they will immediately become reserve gold. This kind of treasure will never be rejected by the Federal Reserve.

You also know the nature of the Federal Reserve. For us, reserve gold is the most valuable treasure. How can we be willing to miss such an opportunity to increase reserve gold?

Of course, the transaction between us must be based on the market price of gold. Who can take advantage of you, I have never heard of it, and we have never expected such a thing! "

"Well, I will notify David later, and let my staff and David and his legal team contact you and initial an agreement, which is a guarantee for both of us!

Another point is that when transporting the treasures of the sunken ship back to New York, the transport plane can be rented from the US military, but except for the pilot, the security personnel on the transport plane must be my subordinates, which is not negotiable.

In addition to my security personnel, company employees, and lawyers, National Geographic Channel reporters will also follow up and report the process of transporting the sunken treasures. You'd better tell the relevant people about this! "

"Hahaha, I guessed it would be like this a long time ago, as expected! You guys are really too cautious, just like an extremely cunning fox, you are invulnerable at all!

What can I say? Don't worry, I will notify the relevant personnel of the US European Command and warn them, don't make any wrong ideas, it is tantamount to asking for a dead end! "

Christopher laughed and said, but there was a bit of fear in his words.

Next, the two chatted about some cooperation details, and Christopher also sent the contact information of relevant personnel of the US European Command.

After chatting for about fifteen minutes, the two ended the call and hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian handed over the confidential information just received, that is, the contact information of relevant personnel of the U.S. European Command, to Mattis, and asked him to find someone to investigate and verify as soon as possible!

Mattis, who was born in the Delta Special Forces, has been stationed in Europe for several years and has some connections with the US European Command. It is not difficult to investigate the authenticity of this information!

After confirming that the information is correct, he can contact the relevant personnel and prepare for the next operation to transport the treasure of the sunken ship!

At the same time, several employees of the brave and fearless exploration company in New York, David and his lawyer team also joined forces and launched an action!

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